
K. S. HaigwoodRezensionen

Autor von Save My Soul

15 Werke 178 Mitglieder 18 Rezensionen


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I enjoyed the escape of reading ‘Forbidden Touch ’. I thought the characters were well developed and the plot was original. This paranormal romance kept me guessing and the direction of the story was not given away in the first 2 chapters. Congrats to the author on her original story line and the expansion of powers by vampires, it was a nice addition to the character development and plot.

I wasn’t impressed with part of the story line involving the love triangle, I didn’t find it believable or that it enhanced the story. I thought that the author was trying to attract some of the erotic market with this turn of events but it didn’t play out well, in my not so humble opinion. That said, the sex scenes were the perfect mix of detail – not too explicit not too tame.

I have another book of Ms. Haigwood’s that I will be reading – it’s already purchased and loaded on my Fire and phone – I have high hopes that it will exceed the expectations that Forbidden Touch generated.

I have a more detailed review on my website
Deena-Rae | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Mar 28, 2023 |
**This audio book was given to me by the author for an honest review.**

I don't know where to start. I don't know if my dislike for this book was because of the book itself or because of the audio. I think it is an equal combination of both.

You know they say, not everyone is going to like what you write. Unfortunately, this was something I didn't like. I didn't like the delivery of the story, nor did I like the narrator.

First, the story. I had a tough time getting into the story itself. The characters where juvenile. Their thoughts and interactions where not only not believable, but they were like twelve year olds trying to find themselves. And what is with Kendra basically falling for every man she sees... Seriously. This woman has the maturity level of a preteen! I had a tough time following her love interests and the story as a whole.

Then, the narrator. Her voice got on my nerves. Her "emotion" in the book was not fitting at all. I found myself banging my head on my desk (literally) at many points. I think I even yelled at her to shut up a few times!

With all of that being said, I feel horrible for this review. But this is my honest opinion! I have a lot more I could say, but I don't want to seem like I am ripping the book apart. Many have seemed to like this book... Many have not. Unfortunately, I am of the latter on this one.
AmberGoleb | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Mar 13, 2018 |
Andromeda's Reign by K. S. Haigwood
This one starts up where the last ended off. Very steamy at times and you really need to read the previous books to understand what's going on.
They have a bond, Ace and Andromeda although she as Nema loves Phoenix. They must be together for each to survive and it's hard to fit Phoenix and Andromeda into it all. She must learn more about her powers and the bond with Ace and what's why she's in Vegas, with him and his clan.
She also learns of Ace's powers over her...
Lots of action, adventure and mystery as they try to find another witch to break the bond spell. More shifters and much more to learn about them and how they play with existing shifters.
Not really my genre but I like the style of writing as it's very descriptive.
I received this review book from the author and this is my honest opinion.
jbarr5 | Jan 12, 2018 |
Midnight Moonrising by K. S. Haigwood , Anne Conley
I usually stay away from audible books because they are such a hassle to get over to my tablet.
This one transferred and was waiting for me! Other have me and the author stumped for weeks til they send me a different format.
This book starts with Mena, her ex's funeral. He was the pack leader and how she's the leader. None of her friends knew he was a werewolf.
Others in important positions have her back and she won't be going to jail at all...
Her inner wolf wants her to do other things and she is strong...
She needs a right hand man and Darrin fills the spot but 27 others want the spot also. He orients her to the duties and other questions she has about the pack.
Her inner wolf wants to kill Phoenix so she can have Alex, the detective to herself.
They hope the witches have the answers to the killings...There are a lot of other creatures introduced that help also.
What I do like, even though to me it's all a fairytale is that there are problems and I like the way they find creative solutions to them.
Think I would like to read the next book if it's the end of the series but it's not really my genre but I enjoyed the series so far.
I received this review book from the author and this is my honest opinion.
jbarr5 | Dec 19, 2017 |
Accepting the Moon: Prequel (Moonrising Book 0) by K. S. Haigwood
Starts with a table of contents and listing of other works by the author.
Book has chapters of characters names as you hear about their side of things that are happening.
Mena is leaving her spouse because he's cheated on her, and Marc is now abusive as well.
Story also follows Jaxon and Phoenix who we learn what they are all about.
Big confrontation at the motel and Jaxon gets away with Mena on his back and fights through the demons to a safe area.
We learn what they have in common along with what will occur in the future as she is bitten by her ex and she will now take on transformations.
Book starts out so normal til you realize they are talking about vampires and werewolves. I was always fascinated as a teen and watch Dark Shadows as it was filmed near our house in RI.
Have also watched Twilight series and am currently watching The Originals.
What I like best about this prequel is that it not only has definitions for the words used but the author tells you her interpretation of things as they appear in the book. I've read many other shifter books and so far just this prequel is so good that I read it on the weekend and I don't read books on the weekend.
Can't wait to start the first book in the series as I know the background of the characters.
Free on Amazon
jbarr5 | 1 weitere Rezension | Dec 19, 2017 |
It was OK. I didn't love this installment as much as the first but it wasn't bad. I found the story began to drag a little for me somewhere around the middle and at times the plot wasnt as cohesive as it needed to be. Perhaps it was just the space I was in while reading it but I found that about midway, the book tried to focus on too many storylines for me and I began to lose interest in the MC's as a result.

Having said all that, I was sucked into pulling an all nighter with the first book of the series and I enjoyed it enough to appreciate this book as its follow up.
Charli30902 | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Jan 5, 2017 |
**This audio book was given to me by the author for an honest review.**

I don't know where to start. I don't know if my dislike for this book was because of the book itself or because of the audio. I think it is an equal combination of both.

You know they say, not everyone is going to like what you write. Unfortunately, this was something I didn't like. I didn't like the delivery of the story, nor did I like the narrator.

First, the story. I had a tough time getting into the story itself. The characters where juvenile. Their thoughts and interactions where not only not believable, but they were like twelve year olds trying to find themselves. And what is with Kendra basically falling for every man she sees... Seriously. This woman has the maturity level of a preteen! I had a tough time following her love interests and the story as a whole.

Then, the narrator. Her voice got on my nerves. Her "emotion" in the book was not fitting at all. I found myself banging my head on my desk (literally) at many points. I think I even yelled at her to shut up a few times!

With all of that being said, I feel horrible for this review. But this is my honest opinion! I have a lot more I could say, but I don't want to seem like I am ripping the book apart. Many have seemed to like this book... Many have not. Unfortunately, I am of the latter on this one.
UANBookAddict | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Dec 3, 2015 |
Once Upon a Shifter: 10 Book PNR Bundle - All Shifters

I love bundles and boxed sets. They are a great way to read the books you love. No matter the genre.

This genre happens to be my favorite. Shifters! Shifters are fantastic. The males are usually tough guys, very protective and more often then not.....dominate. But, they have no problem being just big ol' softies for the their mates. Family, pack, clan, or whatever group they are from come first, well....after their mate and young ones.

This bundle has some of my favorite paranormal authors, but I was also able to find some new ones that I will be adding to my lists.

This group of authors did a fantastic job of putting this bundle together. Thank you ladies!

*ARC given for an honest review*
mammy4423 | 1 weitere Rezension | Sep 4, 2015 |
Mena recently found out her husband, Mark, has been lying to her and she’s ready to divorce him after 12 years of marriage. They argue and it gets ugly. Unfortunately, that isn’t going to be the end of her troubles for the day. Nope. Mena is in for a nasty surprise concerning werewolves and vampires.

There were things I really liked about this book and then there were things that just didn’t work for me. Mena is angry at Mark, and has every right to be so. She isn’t sticking around for more of his BS. I really like this attitude of hers. She’s not one to bow to another’s will easily and this stubbornness (or bullheadedness) works to her advantage through out the story.

Then we switch point of views and go to Jaxon who is at a questionable bar looking for something. He’s a vampire and it never becomes clear if he was hunting for sex or a meal or both. He bumps into Mena at the even more questionable hotel where he was staying and he is instantly drawn to her. Then the werewolves show up.

Now, here is one of those things that didn’t work for me. The fight scene was ridiculous. Jaxon had been carrying Mena and then he swung her up onto his back once the face off with the werewolves began. Yep. She fights and he fights and all the time she is on his back piggy back style. I know he’s a vampire, but she’s just a human. Have you ever tried to hold on to anyone piggy back style while they were moving fast, bending over, running, kicking, fighting? Plus Mena was doing some fighting herself. Yeah, it just doesn’t work. And it also looked pretty silly in my little mental theater I have going on as I listen to this book.

OK, but then we have more good stuff. There are several intense scenes as Mena deals with the vampires, especially the local leader Phoenix. She’s a strong-willed person and this is like catnip to the vampires. These scenes individually were very well written and I really enjoyed them.

Yet there is this one thing that bugged me. Mena has left her husband and had a few monumental shocks for the evening (Werewolves! Vampires!). Yet there is nearly no reflection on these events or the ending of her relationship with her husband of 12 years before she is falling in lust with another character. So that moved way too swiftly for me without even the casual nod to the events of the day.

But then we have more awesomeness with the ending. Mena has to deal with the werewolves and this is going to be tricky. Without giving out any spoilers, I found the ending satisfying and an excellent setup for the next book in the series.

I received this book at no cost from the author (via the Audiobook Blast Facebooks group) in exchange for an honest review.

The Narration: Pyper Down was a good fit for Mena. She had the hard feminine voice that worked so well for Mena (who was having the toughest day of her life). Her male voices for Mark and Phoenix were very good, and each distinct. She also had a distinct voice for Jaxon but it was not sexy at all, even though according to the text it was suppose to be. Instead, Jaxon sounded like a 50 year smoker that might have asthma.
DabOfDarkness | 1 weitere Rezension | Aug 10, 2015 |
I admit I didn't make it all the way to the end of this book but after reading fifteen percent, I wondered when the story started. It's still on my Kindle and I might give it another chance someday. The blurb sounded promising.
LolaKarns | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Jul 6, 2015 |
I admit I didn't make it all the way to the end of this book but after reading fifteen percent, I wondered when the story started. It's still on my Kindle and I might give it another chance someday. The blurb sounded promising.
LolaKarns | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Jul 6, 2015 |
My Thoughts

Well I really enjoyed this book. I was honored that I was one of the very first to read it. Kristie has definitely put a new spin on Angels. She has set a good story line with awesome characters who are in no way perfect, but if they where perfect then this story would not have been a gripping read.

Kendra our heroine is unlike any other heroine. She has to make Dr. Chamberlain believe in something that he has not believed in in many years. She needs him to believe in god in order to save both of their souls. Getting Dr. Chamberlain to believe again is easier said then done.

There are many twist and turns in this story that will leave you wanting to read more and more. This is a definite page turner so make sure you go grab yourself a copy today.
amdase | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Nov 4, 2014 |
First, I would like to say I haven't read the first book in the series yet. That being said the author is great at making her book a stand alone. I also want to thank the author K.S. Haigwood for the opportunity to read this book for an honest review. I really enjoy the story line, the characters are all great, I am sure their will be books in the future for many secondary characters which I am looking forward to. Rhyan is an angel sent into hell to retrieve his soul-mate, unbeknown to him. He goes through alot while there, as do many of his friends and future friends. Great job K.S. Haigwood.
Dalene.K.Rodman | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Sep 12, 2013 |
The story line of this book is great, the characters are great. Some will make you laugh , cry or even get angry .Wouldn't you want to live on an invisible island that inhabits witches,vamps,etc? Heck i would... Check this book out ! I can't wait for book 2 to find out what happens next ... i give this book 5/5 stars
chymekeeper | Aug 21, 2013 |
Life on an invisible island that no humans can detect. The inhabitants of the island are Vampires,Witches, and other supernaturals. Who wants a normal life , when you can have a life of adventure ! The characters are fantastic,the storyline is fantastic, you just don't want to put the book down. It is hard to resist. You will want to laugh and cry and even get angry . I truly enjoyed this book... I give this book 5/5 stars. I can't wait for book 3 to read the continuation to see what will happen next!
chymekeeper | Aug 21, 2013 |
Another fantastic book by K.S.Haigwood! Good vs Evil! Angels against demons. This book is a page turner. The characters keep you wanting more. I give this book 5/5 stars. I can not wait for the next book to find out what happens next in this series!
chymekeeper | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Aug 21, 2013 |
Rating: 4 ½ stars

Mitch Foley is becoming obsessed with the case he’s working on. His partner Kyle “Lazarus” Lanton has been through a lot (or so it seems). And Mitch is just plain tired. He’s also having some strange nightmares.

Mitch seems to fit into my image of how a bachelor cop lives. I imagine them as eating out a lot, no girlfriend or a recent break up, and not too many friends outside of work. Mitch doesn’t know if he’s going crazy and he feels as if someone is with him even though he doesn’t see them. Now is this because he spends so much time alone or are there other forces at work?

One way to describe Ciera is as a paranormal cop. In her world, she is what is called a Finder and it’s her job to track down Rogues. The difference between Ciera and Mitch is that she’s a vampire and he’s mortal. One of her responsibilities is to make sure that mortals don’t find out about them.

Ciera has a secret that she is keeping from her family. But as a reader of paranormal romance, we know that vampires have talents that make them different from others. It’s also what sets them apart from us humans. Ciera shows us how far she would go for the man she loves. Mitch shows us how far he would go for the woman he loves. The only way you will find out is if you read this book.

I would love to have Ciera around the next time I need to buy a car – I’m just saying. When you read this story you’ll see what I mean and you may wish the same thing. If we actually have any paranormals around, I would want this group of vampires in my corner.

K.S. had me “hooked” right from the very beginning. It’s not your typical vampire romance. And it’s not all about the sex. K.S. has added in a murder mystery as well as suspense. This is what has you turning the pages. I look forward to seeing what her other books have in store for me.
elylibrarysec | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Jul 31, 2012 |
What a pleasant reading! All stories are really nice.
Recommended to pnr fans.
LysaJP | 1 weitere Rezension | May 17, 2016 |
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