

I read Great Expectations by Charles Dickens at school many years ago and then I read it again for myself a few years later. I much preferred it the second time around as there were no interruptions to decipher it! Anyway, Estella’s Revenge is told from the point of view of one of the other characters, that of the eponymous Estella, rather than Pip’s.

I loved this book! It’s a wonderful tale and complements the original superbly. It’s beautifully and imaginatively told but quite dark in places. At the beginning I really didn’t like Estella but by the end of the story, I felt some sympathy for her and ultimately quite liked her! We are all a product of our upbringing and environment, I feel. It follows the plot line of the original relatively well but with some filling in of gaps and fleshing out of characters. I read this book via the Pigeonhole app and was gripped from beginning to end. I understand that it is the first in a series so I am looking forward to the next instalment with great anticipation. Highly recommended.
VanessaCW | May 12, 2024 |