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Diese Rezension wurde für LibraryThing Early Reviewers geschrieben.
The best book I have seen for getting you to think about how you use your kitchen and how design matters. I loved watching Julia Child growing up and really appreciate this look at her kitchens while exploring kitchen design. Way too many kitchens today are built to look like someone cooks but are not well designed. A great book for anyone who wants to revamp their kitchen or who helps others with kitchen design and organization.
DromJohn | 6 weitere Rezensionen | Oct 26, 2018 |
Diese Rezension wurde für LibraryThing Early Reviewers geschrieben.
I received a free early-reviewer copy of this book.

I throughly enjoyed most of In Julia's Kitchen. It was very interesting reading about Julia's take on kitchen design and how her kitchens (home and studio) may have influenced our kitchens over the years. The photographs were fantastic and useful to understand how Julia organized and used her kitchen. It makes me want to re-organize mine!

The second half of the book was still interesting, but not necessarily Julia related. The author went off on a few tangents about how modern kitchens may be influencing the weight and eating habits of Americans. She also included kitchens from a few other celebrity chefs who had known Julia and were inspired by her. Those made sense, but again, at the end of that section she turned to touting kitchens she had designed and name-dropping well-to-do home-owners she'd worked for that seemingly had nothing to do with Julia. Again, interesting to an extent, but it at times it felt as if Heyne was simply trying to add filler.

In spite of the faults above, I highly recommend this book for any Julia fan or those interested in kitchen design.½
pixiestyx77 | 6 weitere Rezensionen | Jan 22, 2017 |
Diese Rezension wurde für LibraryThing Early Reviewers geschrieben.
Thank you to LibraryThing and University Press of New England for providing a copy of In Julia's Kitchen. The paperback book itself is well-made and nicely designed-- with a thick glossy cover, heavy paper stock, and a clean layout. Unfortunately, the content does not live up to its presentation.

Fans of Julia Child will enjoy the voyeuristic look into her Cambridge home kitchen and the personal stories and photos that are shared in part one of the book. Disappointingly, there are no photos of her kitchen in France, nor any of the other places she lived. There is an outdoor picture from her one-time home of La Pitchoune, but the kitchen shot is from the current owners, who have turned the residence into a cooking school (which felt like an odd bit of advertising thrown into the midst).

The second half of the book is supposed to be the "practical and convivial kitchen design inspired by Julia Child" as the book's subtitle states but really fails to deliver here. While I commend the author's opinion that our modern kitchens may be contributing to weight gain and the "snack culture", she doesn't make a convincing enough argument and most importantly, fails to successfully show viable alternative kitchen designs or features to combat this problem. There is a woeful lack of floor plans and photos. In fact, part two felt very slapdash and haphazard in the choices of the kitchens that were featured. One such example is the studio kitchen of co-author and photographer Jim Scherer, which, while interesting, begs questions of relevance. How is his studio kitchen inspired by Julia Child? What in it is practical and convivial for home cooks? How does it address the author's concern for family mealtimes? There are, unfortunately, several more examples of this where readers will wonder why some kitchens (and owners) are even in here.

There are other books that feature Julia Child, some even written by her, that expound on her cooking philosophy and life. There are many more books on kitchen design that offer concrete suggestions, layouts, and copious photographs. Regrettably, In Julia's Kitchen does not stand up to what is already out there.
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lillibrary | 6 weitere Rezensionen | Nov 19, 2016 |
Diese Rezension wurde für LibraryThing Early Reviewers geschrieben.
This book was all over the place.

Despite my criticisms, I’m such a big Julia Child fan that I’m glad to have this book. Most of the photographs are interesting, even if the overall subject treatment is uneven. I wouldn’t call it a kitchen design book.

The subtitle, Practical and Convivial Kitchen Design Inspired by Julia Child, is misleading. That sounds great, but if the reader is expecting a wealth of information that illustrates and explains what JC brought to the world of kitchen design that you could maybe use for your own home, don’t get your hopes up. It's more like a collection of photographs with personal agendas and random trivia thrown in.

I enjoyed the first section, an overview of JC’s Cambridge house kitchen (now in the Smithsonian). GOOD: Lots of photos, discussion of what the Childs did to personalize the kitchen. NOT GOOD: a partial (why? why not include the pantries?) plan of the kitchen, odd snippets of JC info (how she wasn’t worried about working with raw chicken in a carpeted area. Who cares?). Her Provence kitchen gets a separate chapter but contains only three images, and two of those are exterior shots. And I don’t understand why the TV show kitchens were included. How do the television kitchens communicate the point of the book?

Part two covers JC’s “Kitchen Legacy,” which apparently includes how people eat too much. Snacking culture and open kitchens are blamed. This felt out of place to me — although JC’s message of moderation is mentioned, she didn’t focus on obesity. She was pro-food! Pro-butter! Pro-trying-new-things! Pro-cooking! Instead of clearly backing up ways that JC contributed to kitchen design (part of the reason I think this book fails is that there isn’t much there), this part feels more like a rant about modern eating habits.

I was looking forward to the Simpatico Kitchens chapter — spaces that “are in sympathy with Julia’s ideas” — but found it disappointing. How were these kitchens chosen? Why do some have nine photographs and others none? Here’s the TV kitchen Jacques Pepin uses for his most recent shows, here’s his daughter’s home kitchen, and how about a bunch of places that only get a couple paragraphs of description? Oh look, here are some kitchens Heyne designed for clients, here's a bit about a former classmate's kitchen, here’s a description but you only get to see the view into the backyard, here’s a blurb about light and another about mirrors, and here is Frank Lloyd Wright and Le Corbusier! I skimmed a lot of this section because it was random and boring.

When it comes down to it, Julia Child was not a design person. Yes, she was for eating real food and eating together, but, even if that warranted a whole book, this book doesn't do that. Yes, she and her husband created a kitchen that worked for her, meaning higher countertops, pegboard pegboard pegboard, a commercial oven, and tons of storage. However, I think she would care far more about people ACTUALLY COOKING than the functionality of their workspace — she was not even interested in the working triangle that’s standard in many kitchens. I think she’s way more in Tim Gunn Land: Make it work!

I wish Heyne had instead written the book she describes in the introduction, “about practical kitchens of noted food writers and chefs.” I wish it had lots and lots of photographs, plans of every kitchen, and discussed design. (Fine Cooking magazine used to do a segment called Behind the Kitchen Door that did exactly that — look online if that’s the kind of thing you like, too.)
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Sarahsponda | 6 weitere Rezensionen | Nov 13, 2016 |
Diese Rezension wurde für LibraryThing Early Reviewers geschrieben.
Pamela Heyne is an architect who cooks. She was challenged by Julia Child saying to her that the reason so many kitchens were poorly designed is that architects don't spend any time in them cooking. That is not an exact quote. So Pamela decided to find out what Julia meant by a well designed kitchen.

This has several photos of various kitchens Julia cooked in (lovely photos by Jim Scherer who worked frequently with Julia); it covers some of the design processes which went into those kitchens. The majority of the book is about that, but it isn't a deep look to the nitty-gritty design details of a working kitchen. More a personal interest magazine coverage. There seems to be very little input from chefs as to how to practically put together a working kitchen.There are a few photos of bits and pieces of "celebrity chef" kitchens. Although I had only heard of Jacques Pepin. The details are brief and the pictures are not complete, several having no photos at all. I felt this chapter was lacking in substance altogether. There is one chapter at the end which gives a nice overview of some of the major aspects of kitchen design and ratings for sustainability, again, very brief.

If you are expecting an in-depth discussion of kitchen design with illustrations, this will probably not satisfy. But if you are a fan of Julia Child and have interest in the way she organized her kitchen, thereby influencing America and the world in their kitchens, you may enjoy it.
MrsLee | 6 weitere Rezensionen | Nov 11, 2016 |
Diese Rezension wurde für LibraryThing Early Reviewers geschrieben.
This is the perfect gift for any fan of Julia Child or the kitchen-obsessed. The author actually interviewed Child years before her death but never used the material. I really enjoyed reading about the methods to her madness and lessons in kitchen remodeling. I especially enjoyed reading the preface about how the author made contact with Child in order to interview her. The engaging writing style, combined with the high-quality paper and vibrant photographs make this a lovely book for a home library.
StefanieGeeks | 6 weitere Rezensionen | Nov 5, 2016 |
Diese Rezension wurde für LibraryThing Early Reviewers geschrieben.
I was delighted to receive a copy of Pamela Heyne and Jim Scherer's In Julia's Kitchen: Practical and Convivial Kitchen Design Inspired by Julia Child, my first received LibraryThing Review–scheme book published by ForeEdge, an imprint of the University Press of New England. The nicely produced book includes two parts: The first is a retelling of Heyne's 1989 interview with Child, intended to inform a (never-produced) book on celebrity kitchens but instead appearing in article form in Washingtonian magazine. It includes portraits, in word and picture, of the Childs' kitchens in Cambridge (Massachusetts: now in the Smithsonian) and in Provence (now being restored by Smith alumnae as a cooking school). The second part includes an unexpected foray into some of Heyne's eating-related philosophies—perhaps included to flesh out the volume a bit—and descriptions of a number of "simpatico" kitchens: kitchens that, in Heyne's view, respect Child's sense of the kitchen as a workplace. Like Child, Heyne poo-poos barstools and is not a fan of the "open" kitchen (suggesting—without convincing evidence—that such a design encourages foraging and overeating). She hypothesizes about Child's sense of being environmentally friendly or potentially liking an induction cooktop (both curiously anachronistic interjections). Quite a number of threads are brought together in the second section, and a stronger connection to Child would have made those elements more convincing. (But I'm not sure a stronger connection could have been made.)

Heyne points out that the book "includes more than a few floor plans" (3), and the promotional material on the back of the book also extols their presence in the volume, but I would have enjoyed seeing many more. Several of the "simpatico" kitchens in part two are granted just a couple paragraphs and no photographs, making me wonder why they were included.

Overall, though, reading the first part of this book reminded me, a longtime fan of Julia Child, of Child's profound influence on cooking in the USA. Several of Heyne's points about sustainability, environmental footprints, energy use, and practicality are certainly on point; so I also thought a lot about my own kitchen—and dreamed a bit about a future or remodeled kitchen—as I read the second part.
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sgump | 6 weitere Rezensionen | Oct 19, 2016 |
Diese Rezension wurde für LibraryThing Early Reviewers geschrieben.
Elements of this book are either successful and useful or quite flawed. The first few chapters, about Julia Child’s kitchens and how she used them, is the most interesting and effective. Reminiscences from the author, an architect who interviewed Child in her kitchen in 1989, and from Child’s friends contribute to the content. The final chapters are also practical, though they could be more valuable. A review of “simpatico” kitchens, those that embrace many of the principles Child promoted in kitchen design, give useful ideas for embracing these principles. Unfortunately, photos and floorplans are too few, and the kitchens seem limited to those of well-known chefs or others who can afford to customize a kitchen from scratch, including the author’s own clients.

The middle of the book is completely unconvincing. The author suggests that modern “island” kitchens, in which the kitchen is open to other living spaces in the home (rather than being a separate room with a table to eat at) promote snacking, reduce the prevalence of family dinners (and conversation), and contribute to obesity. This reviewer is not convinced.
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jennielaine | 6 weitere Rezensionen | Oct 19, 2016 |
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