5 Werke 37 Mitglieder 2 Rezensionen

Über den Autor

Beinhaltet den Namen: Higashi Nobuyoshi

Werke von Nobuyoshi Higashi






from cover

Aikido the Japanese martial art designed to accomplish the maximum result with the minimum effort is an ingenious method based on the laws of physics and anatomy. It is based on a philosophy of noonviolence and nonaggression. This is the most comprehensive volume on this unique system to date, and will be of infinite value to everyone, from beginner to advanced practitioner.

Nobuyoshi Higashi, BA, MA President, Kokushi Budo Institute of New York, Inc. Assistant Professor, State University of New York at Stony Brook, 6th Degree (aikido, and karate), 7th Degree (judo), and 8th Degree Black Belt (jujutsu). The Author of School Judo, Kokushi-ryu Jujitsu, Basic Judo, and Karate-do. President, the United States Tomiki Aikido Association.


I. What is Aikido?
II. History of Aikido-Tomiki Aikido
III. The Values of Aikildo
IV. Basic Knowledge
A. The Bow (rei)-The Standing Bow (tachi-rei); The Kneeling Bow (za-rei)
B. Breakfall (ukemi)-Falling Backward (ushiro-no-ukemi); Falling sideways (yoko-no-ukemi); Falling Forward (mai-ukemi); Forward Roll (zenpo-kaiten-ukemi)
C. The Distance (maai)
D. Eye Contact (metsuke)
E. The Knife-hand (shuto)-Chudan (middle); Jodan (upper); Gedan (lower)
F. The Stances (kamae)-Mugamae (natural stance); Migi-gamae (right stance); Hidari-gamae (left stance)
G. Foot Mkovement (unsoku)-Tsugi-ashi (following feet); Ayumi-ashi (ordinary walking feet); Front and Back; Sideways; Front Sideways and Back Sideways
H. Off-balance Techiques (kuzushi)-You force your opponent off-balance by pushing without actually grasping him/her (Aigamae-koho-kuzushi (regular stance, rear off balance technique); Aigamae-zenpo-kuzushi (regular stance, front off-balance technique); gyakugamae-koho-kuzushi (reverse stance, rear off-balance technique); gyakugamae-zenpo-kuzushi (reverse stance, front off-balance technique)); You force your opponenet off-balance by pushing and pulling after grasping him/her (aigamae-koho-kuzushi (regular stance, rear off-balance technuque); aigamae-zenpo-kuzushi (regular stance, front off-balance technique); gyakugamae-koho-kuzushi (reverse stance, rear off-balance technique); gyakugamae-zenpo-kuzushi (reverse stance, front off-balance technique)
I. Practice methods (renshu-ho)
J. Solo movement (tandoku-renshu)
K. Shuto-awase (knife-hand to knife-hand)
V. Techniques
A. Kihon-no-okata (the 17 basic techniques)
1. Atemi-waza (the art of attacking the body)-Shomen-ate (frontal attack); Aigamae-ate (regular stance attack); Gyakugamae-ate (reverse stance attack); Gedan-ate (lower part attack); Ushiro-ate (back attack)
2. Hiji-waza (elbow techniques)-Oshi-taoshi (push down); Ude-gaeshi (arm turn); Hiki-taoshi (pull down); Ude-hineri (arm twist); Waki-gatame (arm lock)
3. Tekubi-waza (wrist techniques)-Kote-hineri (wrist twist); Kote-gaeshi (reverse wrist twist); tenkai-kote-hineri (rotating wrist twist); Tenkai-kote-gaeshi (rotating reverse wrist twist)
4. Uki-waza (floating tecnniques)-Mae-otoshi (front drop); Sumi-otoshi (corner drop); HIki-otoshi (pull drop)
B. Ura-waza-no-kata (counterattacks for kihon-no-kata)
1. Atemi-waza-no-ura (counterattacks for atemi-waza)-shomen-ate-no-ura (counterattack for shomen-ate); Aigamae-ate-no-ura (counterattack for aigamae-ate); gyakugamae-ate-no-ura (counterattack for gyakugamae-ate); gedan-ate-no-ura (counterattack for gedan-ate); ushiro-ate-no-ura (counterattack for ushiro-ate)
2. Kansetu-waza-no-ura (counterattacks for kansetsu-waza)-Oshi-taoshi-no-ura (counterattack for oshi-taoshi); Hiki-taoshi-no-ura (counterattack for hiki-taoshi); kote-gaeshi-no-ura (counterattack for kote-gaeshi); tenkai-kote-hineri-no-ura (counterattack for tenkai-kote-gaeshi)
VI. Shichihon-no-kuzushi (the seven off-balance techniques)
A. Kuzushi (off-balance techniques)-Jodan-aigamae (upper regular stance); jodan-gyakugamae (upper reverse stance); chudan-aigamae (middle regular stance); chudan-gyakugamae (middle reverse stance); gedan-aigamae (lower regular stance); gedan-gyakugamae (lower reverse stance); ushiro-ryote-mochi (rear both hands grasp)
B. Nage-waza (throwing techniques)-jodan-aigamae-nage-waza (upper regular stance throwing technique); jodan-gyakugamae-nage-waza (upper reverse stance throwing technique); chudan-aigamae-nage-waza (middle regular stance throwing technique); chudan-gyakugamae-nage-waza (midle reverse stance throwing technique); gedan-aigamae-nage-waza (lower regular stance throwing technique); gedan-gyakugamae-nage-waza (lower reverse stance throwing technique); ushiro-ryote-mochi-nage-waza (rear both hands grasp throwing technique)
C. Ura-waza) countertechniques-jodan-aigamae-ura-waza (upper regular stance countertechnique); jodan-gyakugamae-ura-waza (upper reverse stance countertechnique); chudan-aigamae-ura-waza (middle regular stance countertechnique); chidan-gyakugamae-ura-waza (middle reverse stance countertechnique); gedan-aigamae-ura-waza (lower regular stance countertechnique); gedan-gyakugamae-ura-waza (lower reverse stance countertechnique); ushiro-ryote-mochi-ura-waza (rear both hands grasp countertechnique)
VII. Tanto-ni-taisuru kihon-no-kata (the knife techniques corresponding to the basic techniques-shomen-ate; aigamae-ate; gyakugamae-ate; gedan-ate; ushiro-ate; oshi-taoshi; ude-hineri; waki-gatame; kote-hineri; kote-gaeshi; tenkai-kote-hineri; mae-otoshi; sumi-otoshi; hiki-otoshi
VIII. Suwari-waza (kneeling techniques)
shikko (kneeling walk)-Ryote-mochi-naname-nage (both hands grasp, diagonal throw); ude-mochi-tekubi-kime (one-arm grasp, wrist lock); ude-mochi-hiji-kime (one-arm grasp, elbow lock); eri-mochi-kote-hineri (one-arm grasp, elbow lock); eri-mochi-kote-hineri (collar grasp, wrist twist); katate-mochi-ude-hineri (one-hand grasp, arm twist); ryote-hidarite-mochi-ushiro-taoshi (two hands on one wrist grasp, rear throw); ryote-mochi-waki-gatame (both hands grasp, arm lock); migite-hidarite-mochi-te-kime (right hand on left wrist grasp, hand lock); ryote-mochi-yoko-nage (both hands grasp, side throw); ryote-mochi-ushiro-nage (both hands grasp, rear throw)
IX. Aiki-goshin-ho (aiki self-defense method)-shomen-uchi (head strike); yokomen-uchi (side face strike); chudan-tsuki (upper thrust); jodan-tsuki (upper thrust); mae-geri (front kick); mawashi-geri (round kick); yoko-geri (side kick); ushiro-geri (rear kick)
X. Promotional Requirements
From white belt to 8th kyu-yellow belt
From 8th kyu to 7th kyu-yellow belt and red stripe
From 7th kyu to 6th kyu-green belt
From 6th kyu to 5th kyu-green belt and red stripe
From 5th kyu to 4th kyu-purple belt
From 4th kyu to 3rd kyu-purple belt and red stripe
From 3rd kyu to 2nd kyu-brown belt
From 2nd kyu to 1st kyu-brown belt and red stripe
From 1st kyu to shodan-1st degree black belt
From shodan to nidan-2nd degree black belt
From nidan to sandan-3rd degree black belt
XI. Promotions and shiai records
… (mehr)
AikiBib | May 29, 2022 |
from cover

Long before the founding of such arts as karate and aikido, jujutsu was being honed and tested on the battlefield. Its techniques and philosophies make it one of the most effective martial arts ever devised. To this day, it has proven to be nearly unbeatable when tested against other arts. For the first time ever, world authority Nobuyoshi Higashi reveals the secrets of this classical system.

Nobuyoshi Higashi, BA, MA President, Head Instructor, Kokushi Budo Institute of New York, Inc. Associate Professor, State University of New York at Stony Brook. Founder (Soke) Kokushi-ryu Jujutsu. 7th degree black belt Kodokan Judo, and 7th Degree (aikido, and karate). Author of School Judo, Basic Judo, Advanced Judo, Kokushi-ryu Jujitsu, Karate-do, Aikido: Tradition and New Timiki Free Fighting Method, Advanced Aikido, and Koryu Aikido. President, the United States Tomiki Aikido Association. President, International Kokushi-ryu Jujutsu Association.


I. What is Jujutsu?
II. History of Jujutsu
III. Kokushi-ryu Jujutsu
IV. The Values of Jujutsu
V. Knowledge of Jujutsu
a. The bow (rei)
b. Methods of practice (renshu-ho)
c. Exercise hall (dojo)
d. Hygiene (ei-sei)
e. Jujutsu uniform (jujutsu-gi)
f. Vital spots of the human body (kyusho)
VI. Basic Movements (kihon-dosa)
a. Stance
b. Distance (maai)
c. Eye contact (metsuke)
d. Breath control (kokyu-ho)
e. The body as a weapon (karada-no-buki)
f. Foot mkovements (unsoku)
g. Breakfall (ukemi)
h. Resuscitation method (kappo)
VII. Basic Techniques (kihon-waza)
a. Thrusting and striking techniques (tsuki-to-uchi-waza)
b. Kicking techniques (keri-waza)
c. Blocking techniques (uke-waza)
d. Joint techniques (kansetsu-waza)
e. Throwing and choking techniques (nage-to-shime-waza)
VIII. Jujutsu Techniques (Jujutsu-no-waza)
a. Chikama-no-waza (close-front techniques)
b. Yoko-n-waza (side techniques)
c. Ushiro-no-waza (rear techniques)
d. Tohma-no-waza (far-front techniques)
… (mehr)
AikiBib | May 29, 2022 |

