11+ Werke 1,243 Mitglieder 67 Rezensionen Lieblingsautor von 1 Lesern


This is a meandering book, a bit like the Lightning Alley where the narrator lives for most of the book. It goes one way for a while, then turns and goes in another direction, and though the path connecting them is there, you can't see the start of the journey once you've been traveling the path for a little while. I enjoyed the poetry of the text the most in the first half of the book, but in the second half the narration style changes a little and there is more obvious 4th wall breaking, which I didn't enjoy as much.

There is a death of a cat in this book, though nothing graphic is shown. The focus is less on the cat and more on the humans who cared for it for this part of the book.½
ca.bookwyrm | 65 weitere Rezensionen | Jan 23, 2024 |
The book is pleasant to read but ultimately makes no point and therefore no sense. It's widely acclaimed, but I didn't find it very worth reading.
awesame | 65 weitere Rezensionen | Dec 26, 2023 |
For the most part I enjoyed this although Chibi the cat was written out a little too early for me. Still a nice book for a cat lover.
secondhandrose | 65 weitere Rezensionen | Oct 31, 2023 |
Mentre leggevo Il gatto venuto dal cielo non riuscivo a decidermi se avevo davanti un libro sul lutto o un libro sul cambiamento: alla fine sono arrivata alla conclusione che non era affatto necessario scegliere uno dei due temi, visto che lutto, soprattutto se improvviso e inaspettato, è forse il cambiamento più difficile con il quale avere a che fare. Se ci si aggiunge anche l’impossibilità di elaborare in lutto secondo i canoni della società perché il nostro legame perduto non era di quelli riconosciuti ufficialmente, tutto diventa ancora più difficile.

Lз protagonistз di questa storia sono il narratore e sua moglie: sono una coppia sull’orlo del cambiamento e nessunǝ dellз due ha particolarmente voglia di andargli incontro. È molto facile identificarsi in loro, perché sono due persone comunissime con delle vite normalissime: si barcamenano tra vita privata e lavoro, con niente di particolarmente eccitante all’orizzonte e il tempo che comunque scorre tra un’incombenza e l’altra.

D’altronde basta pensare che la loro vita viene arricchita all’improvviso dal comparire di Chibi, una gatta: le loro giornate saranno tutte un attendere l’arrivo della bestiola e un seguire le sue avventure per la casa e per il giardino. Niente che una gattara come me non possa comprendere alla perfezione, ma è facile capire che non stiamo parlando della biografia di Marie e Pierre Curie.

Alla fine però questa routine viene spezzata e il cambiamento che aleggiava ai margini delle loro vite reclama la loro attenzione, in maniera traumatica e destabilizzante. Ci piace molto crogiolarci nell’idea che il cambiamento sia un’opportunità da cogliere al volo, ma la verità è che abbiamo bisogno di tempo per processarlo e non è neanche detto che le cose vadano come ci si aspetta. Hiraide ci racconta di questa difficoltà di raggiungere un nuovo equilibrio e lo fa con molta poesia, essendo di professione soprattutto poeta.

A me è piaciuto molto, però mi rendo conto che è il tipo di romanzo che sembra non parlare di nulla per oltre cento pagine e il rischio di arrivare in fondo e dirsi embè? è piuttosto alto: ve lo consiglio se siete in un momento contemplativo. E se amate i gatti (anche quando provano a transitare sulla tastiera del pc per dire la loro).
lasiepedimore | 65 weitere Rezensionen | Oct 29, 2023 |
I could not get engaged with this book. I don't know if something was lost in the translation or if this was simply the ramblings of a wannabe writer. What do geometric surveying, Machiavelli, and a cat have in common, anyway?
Kimberlyhi | 65 weitere Rezensionen | Apr 15, 2023 |
My third cat-centric book in a row. This was a slower read. The writing is thoughtful. The characters and locations are written with delicate and deliberate strokes.

It was beautiful to read but, in the end, didn't capture me as much as I had hoped it would. The glimpses into of the life of this couple (from the husband's perspective) are written with gentleness but not enough intimacy. I didn't ever feel that I knew them.

That said, I *was* able to identify with the couple and with Chibi (the cat) as my own freak Sigrid has come to be a part of our household very much on her own terms.
Jess.Stetson | 65 weitere Rezensionen | Apr 4, 2023 |
I received this book as a gift, and when I read the summary on the back of the book I was like "... the cat dies, doesn't it." I was not wrong. The writing is lovely (all due credit to the translator for rendering it so elegantly in English, as well), and it's a quick read, but I was done with "human's life is enriched by cute animal which then dies" stories by the fifth grade or thereabouts, so it wasn't to my tastes.
1 abstimmen
xenoglossy | 65 weitere Rezensionen | Aug 17, 2022 |
Szemlélődős könyv. És mivel jobbára egy macskát szemlélnek benne, macskarajongóknak különösen ajánlott. Én macskarajongónak nem mondanám magam – egy kölcsönmacskánk van, bizonyos Bence, aki időnként bejön a lakásba kunyerálni, meg pompázatos biodíszletként szunyálni szunyálásra amúgy tökéletesen alkalmatlan helyeken –, de még engem is lenyűgözött az a háztáji Attenborough-ra hajazó higgadt aprólékosság, amivel a szerző figyeli ezt a Csibi nevezetű jószágot. Meg úgy nagyjából mindent: európai szemmel – mert nekem igenis európai szemem van, vállalom! – teljesen szokatlan az a már-már vallásos áhítat, ahogy a létezés legapróbb momentumai is (egy szitakötő, vagy akár egy fadarab) mintegy valós méretük többszörösére nőnek ebben a szövegben… Az embernek az a benyomása, hogy mintha valami fontosabb dolog helyett beszélnének macskákról meg szitakötőkről… holott erről szó sincs. Mert nincs olyan, hogy csak macska, vagy csak szitakötő. Macska van, meg szitakötő, és bennük tükröződik a szemlélő a maga teljességében, a maga egész világával. Ő maga a szöveg, bármiről is szóljon. Kellemesen meditatív olvasmány – de jó pillanatban kell elkapni.
Kuszma | 65 weitere Rezensionen | Jul 2, 2022 |
Wow. I feel like this is the story of me and my little "white cat with lampblack blotches"! Just like Chibi "little one" in the story, my cat started out as a "guest cat" or "visitin' kitteh". Luckily, *our* story has a much happier ending.

Like others have mentioned, there is no action. There is no character development. If you need either, do not bother with this book. If you want a heartfelt story about the effect an animal can have on a human life, or if you yourself have a strong connection with an animal, this book is for you.

I'm glad I stopped to read Deb (Readerbuzz) Nance's review. Otherwise, I might not have discovered this book.

Now please excuse me while I go give my little girl some extra scritches and kisses.

Jinjer | 65 weitere Rezensionen | Jul 19, 2021 |
I was angry when I first reviewed this and gave it 1 star.

Thinking about it later, I didn't actively dislike it so it can have two stars.
Didn't really do anything for me, I found it quite boring and couldn't connect with any of it. Lots of description, often quite nice but, meh.
mjhunt | 65 weitere Rezensionen | Jan 22, 2021 |
Poetic little book about the emotional connection between humans and cats. On a secondary level it also describes the complex feelings between people i.e. the reciprocated younger renting couple's respect and fondness for their elderly landlords. As well as the jealousy of the neighbors (who believed they were the true "owners" of Chibi) to the young renting couple who visited often by Chibi loved him too.

Couple worked professionally in creative fields, often with other creative people. The narrator describes so many things he sees and feels in beautiful, scientific detail. Had me wondering if book was actually non-fiction. How is it possible to write both poetically and scientifically? I would not think the two fields could work together.

Takashi Hiraide has created a lovely, touching, intelligent gem of a book.
Bookish59 | 65 weitere Rezensionen | Jan 15, 2021 |
AnnaWaffles | 65 weitere Rezensionen | Aug 28, 2020 |
La novela japonesa que deslumbró al premio Nobel de Literatura Kenzaburo Oé y que arrasa en ventas en Francia y Estados Unidos «Una hermosa lectura, llena de observaciones filosóficas, humor e inteligencia.» Publishers Weekly Una casa y un jardín tocados con la gracia de una belleza de otro tiempo. Una pareja que se refugia en su nueva vida lejos de la agitación de Tokio. Un gato enigmático que entra de improviso en su cocina y decide adoptarles como dueños, convirtiéndose en el centro de una intriga sutil. Reseñas: «Desde lo más profundo de la poesía, Hiraide crea una prosa nueva.» Kenzaburo Oé «Las mejores novelas son a menudo aquellas que nos transforman. Al pasar el tiempo, permanecen junto a nosotros, como pequeños milagros. El gato que venía del cielo es un raro tesoro. En tan solo 160 páginas despliega un extenso espectro de emociones y detalles. Takashi Hiraide, el poeta japonés, ha sido una revelación.» Juan Vidal, NPR «La escritura de Hiraide es lírica y cautivadora. Con gusto revisitaré este Gato que venía del cielo como retorno a mis poemas, pinturas o recuerdos favoritos.» Nina Sankovitch, The Huffington Post «La novela explora el amor y la fragilidad de la vida... Introspectiva y poética, profundamente emocionante. Los amantes de los gatos se sentirán especialmente conmovidos.» Kirkus «El lenguaje y las descripciones son cuidados y elegantes. La novela de Hiraide habla, desde luego, de un gato, pero también, y sobre todo, acerca del espacio y la propiedad. Un retrato inusualmente hermoso, íntimo, detallado y vívido de un lugar que es al tiempo privado y abierto.» The New York Times «Una obra bella. Un texto que fluye y llega a empapar en silencio, como el agua». Shiro Kuramoto, Kyoto Shimbun «Como sugiere el título, hay cualidades verdaderamente celestiales en el felino blanco y negro que habita el corazón de esta novela magistral y compacta.» John David Harding, The Philadelphia Review of Books «Se puede decir sin temor a equivocarse que se trata de una magnífica novela contemporánea.» Makoto Sekiguchi, GQ Book Review «La novela está henchida de hermosura, como si en ella temblase una gota de tristeza.» Marie Miyata, Mainichi Shimbun
MaEugenia | 65 weitere Rezensionen | Aug 4, 2020 |
As an animal person...(anything except spiders)...and having been owned by several cats...I was interested in this little gem. I really expected there to be more story to the story...but what there was was touching. It's an account of how a little cat entered the hearts of a Japanese couple and brightened up their sterile lives. The cat chose to spend half its life with them and when it died they realized how much it had impacted them. If you've been owned by a cat ever in your life you can relate to how typical this is of these independent little creatures. We make them part of our families but never doubt for a moment that they are the ones who chose you and allowed you to be a part of their lives. All in's a light and "fluffy" little book that's quick and easy to read.
Carol420 | 65 weitere Rezensionen | Jun 15, 2020 |

Definitivamente, la literatura japonesa sobre gatos NO es sobre gatos. Los felinos no son más que una excusa, como mucho un disparador para algo más. «Vine por las mascotas, me quedé por los temas subyacentes»: una trampa perfecta.

En este caso, el gato representa un cambio, pero también una nostalgia infinita. «[b:El gato que venía del cielo|22702917|El gato que venía del cielo|Takashi Hiraide||24515019]» trata en realidad sobre la vida cotidiana de una pareja, con sus pequeños tedios y alegrías, en el Japón de los '80s.

La prosa del autor es exquisita. Es una novela tremendamente costumbrista, en la que a cada paso que dan los protagonistas se va pintando un cuadro. Esa es la sensación que me genera cada descripción, cada suceso. A veces, incluso, se le va un poco la mano a Hiraide con el nivel de detalle; llegando a ser apabullante cuando habla sobre la disposición de las casas en la vecindad donde ocurre el encuentro con el animalito que da título al libro.

Y como dije, la nostalgia. Es vivir en un mundo perfecto, pero a sabiendas de que ya empieza a desmoronarse, a caer; como una espiral creciente que todo lo envuelve, y que tarde o temprano termina con todo lo que es bello en nuestro mundo. Pero en una forma muy sutil, lo que tal vez sea aún más cruel.
little_raven | 65 weitere Rezensionen | Jun 1, 2020 |
I struggled with this short novel initially, finding it clunky and difficult to follow. I wondered if it was the translation but by the end I considered the style was probably deliberate. An interesting read with many beautiful passages. The guest cat gives the novel some focus but it is about much more and gives an insight into life in suburban Japan.½
CarolKub | 65 weitere Rezensionen | Feb 15, 2020 |
I got about 5 or 6 chapters in and just couldn't handle it anymore. The over-description just got to me and was so uninteresting I couldn't cope any longer. I hate not finishing a book but continuing this just can't be good for my mental health.
waltandmartha | 65 weitere Rezensionen | Dec 3, 2019 |
I got about 5 or 6 chapters in and just couldn't handle it anymore. The over-description just got to me and was so uninteresting I couldn't cope any longer. I hate not finishing a book but continuing this just can't be good for my mental health.
waltandmartha | 65 weitere Rezensionen | Dec 3, 2019 |
Somewhat disappointing. I heard a very positive review on a podcast, but to me it failed in many ways. The story needed the attention of a good editor, I reckon. It read too much like a series of short articles without the continuity necessary to make it into a novel. Maybe it's actually meant to be just that - a sries of not-well-connected shortstories. Or maybe I just don't understand the way Japanese poets think (yes, that's highly likely), but I didn't really find a lot of empathy with any of the characters - including the cat.½
oldblack | 65 weitere Rezensionen | Oct 4, 2019 |
Pleasant quick read. The translators notes at the back help a lot with the context; I recommend checking them after each chapter, before moving onto the next.
squizzie | 65 weitere Rezensionen | Jan 19, 2019 |
On sent, dans ce texte de rien du tout, toute la présence et l'absence de ce sacré Chibi.
Nikoz | 65 weitere Rezensionen | Nov 5, 2018 |
For some reason, when I first started this book, I thought "The Guest Cat" was a novel, but I soon realised my mistake. While I enjoyed the lush descriptions of the gardens and the humorous antics of Chibi, the guest cat who became a regular visitor at the author and his wife's home, the rest of the book left me cold. By just over the halfway mark, Chibi was dead and "The Guest Cat" was basically informing the reader of the author's search for a new house. There was too much detail about unnecessary things such as the zigzagging alleyway near their house and the guesthouse itself. I now know where every window was located in their home whether I wanted to, or not!

Thankfully, "The Guest Cat" was a very short book because it lacked depth and emotion, and the ending was just weird. If you're a cat lover looking for a heartwarming story about a feline companion, then don't bother with this book. It was a waste of time.
HeatherLINC | 65 weitere Rezensionen | Jul 24, 2018 |
Spesiell, men nydelig bok. Katter er fantastiske dyr ❤
henriette89 | 65 weitere Rezensionen | Apr 21, 2018 |
Spesiell, men nydelig bok. Katter er fantastiske dyr ❤
henriette89 | 65 weitere Rezensionen | Apr 21, 2018 |
Touching story about a young Japanese couple's love for a neighborhood cat . Good, but I feel that I missed a lot of shades and meanings.½
bgknighton | 65 weitere Rezensionen | Feb 7, 2018 |