Historical Society of F... (Unterscheidung)

"Historical Society of F..." bezeichnet mindestens 2 verschiedene Autoren, unterteilt nach ihren Werken.

Über den Autor



Hinweis zur Identitätsklärung
Due to the way LT creates author IDs based on the first 20 characters in the author's name, this page potentially represents any author that fits the form "Historical Society of F....". Please do not combine this author page with that of any specific historical society (though you can always alias to those if a more specific ID exists). This disambiguation page has been explicitly given a canonical name of "Historical Society of F..." to prevent the name of the most popular society from getting erroneously propagated up to all the work pages (please don't remove it). If you have questions, please ask in the Combiners group. Thanks.

1) Historical Society of Fairfax County, Virginia
2) Historical Society of Frederick County
3) Historical Society of Frankford (Philadelphia, PA)