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Lifestyle illnesses will kill more Americans than all other causes combined. Yet, for many it will come as a surprise when their doctor gives them the bad news. Do you know what you can do if you and your lived ones are among the millions who have developed one of the life threatening lifestyle illnesses such as hypertension, cardiovasucular disease, obesity, adult diabetes or cancer? Are your ready to learn what you can dio to stop the pain and suffering from arthritis, fibromyalgia, headaches chornic muscle tension, back pain, joint pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, TMJ disorder and many other chronic pain conditions? Want to change but keep finding old habits, tastes and desires are as strong as addictions and just as difficult to change. Learning to change habitual desires from unhealthy to healthy, quickly and permanently, one of the core skills for creating healthy lifestyles, is a cornerstone of this work. You need to read this book! Sacred sounds & healing wisdom brings you the essential truths of mind/body medicine necessary to go through life, even old age, with a minimum of physical discomfort, sickness and pain. As a licensed psychotherapist Richard Hite has been a pioneer in bringng alternative healthcare practices into mainstram medicine. He has helped to design chronic pain, psychiatric, and geriatric treatment programs for hospitals and clinics that successfully integrate the transformative mind & body health and wellness skills that are described in this book in an easy to read style. 'Another excellent component of this book is that it provides health and fitness to senior citizens and gives very simple techniques that will make a remarkable difference in the life of the elderly. This book is a MUST. It is filled with wisdom and simply written in a beautiful practical style.'-Blanca Diez, M.D., Houston, Texas. Contents Foreward Introduction Chapter 1-12 Epilog Biblliography Notes
AikiBib | May 29, 2022 |
Interesting, but all based on his own genealogy research. Some things could apply or thought processes.
npaget1 | Mar 7, 2017 |
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