4 Werke 10 Mitglieder 1 Rezension


I skipped stories from authors that rate all their books. It's not the case with those that only rate antologies; I still don't like it but I can understand it like a recognition to their co-authors.

Ninety-nine Problems by Becky Black - 3 stars

Bread and Butter Pudding by Jules Jones - 3 stars

Chanctonbury Ring by Sarah Madison - 3,5 stars

Wrong Number by Megan Redd away - 2,5 stars

In the Doghouse by Chris Quinton - 2,5 stars

The Benefits of Hindsight by MA Ford - 2 stars

Misadventures of Mislaid Men by Penny Hudson - 3 stars

Best Vacation Ever by Rob Rosen - Skipped

Rough Tackle by Annabelle Jacobs - 2,5 stars

Illumination by Sam Evans - 2,5 stars

The Jacobite by Bette Browne - 2 stars

Wag, Not a Dog by Theo Fenraven - 2 stars

Tops Down, Bottoms Up by Jay Northcote - 3,5 stars

First Contact by Rhidian Brenig Jones - 1 star

Apollo, Heathcliff, and Hercules by S.A. García - 2, 5 stars
Marlobo | Dec 24, 2022 |