
Roy HuffRezensionen

Autor von The First Pillar

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The book's really awesome.I loved reading this book.Each and every character holds some charm on us which leads us towards the story.I felt really really enchanted reading it.The author's imagination and creativity must be praised.Really wonderful i must say.
Mounika21 | 12 weitere Rezensionen | Jul 1, 2021 |
With references back to characters and events of the previous books, Everville the Rise of Mallory is a fitting conclusion to the storyline begun in The First Pillar. The stories are best read in sequence though, and the story continues with the Fall of Brackenbone and, hopefully, more to come.

Complex world (and multiverse) building, with fascinating alien species, epic battles, great good and great evil characterize these novels, together with wise understanding of human nature. Arrogance is a weakness and patience a truly surprising strength, especially when applied to time-travel. Meanwhile rules set up behind the scenes keep everything in order, even when the evil Mallory begins his own re-creation so very coolly described.

The lessons learned in this tale are wise. The story’s exciting. And the resolution, though a little hurried, is genuinely satisfying. There’s lots of potential for more stories and “myths” in this series, and I would certainly read them.

Disclosure: I bought it on a deal and I enjoyed it.
SheilaDeeth | 1 weitere Rezension | Sep 21, 2018 |
This isn’t a book you can read through like a novel. I will even say that some parts may be difficult for you to read. I grew up when I was younger thinking that most everyone around me was much more talented than I was. That is unless you talked about teaching. I wanted to be a teacher from fourth grade on. I was positive I would be a teacher, even when my family and friends told me all the reasons I didn’t want to be a teacher. The way we see and react to life shapes us. The principles in this book were not new to me. I grew up from my teens on reading self-help and positive thinking books. However, I never applied all the things I learned. In Roy’s book, the first principle he mentions is forgiving those who don’t deserve it. After reading that section I realized that I and my husband were both letting a situation hold us back. Instead of forgiving those involved we felt didn’t deserve it, we actually used it as an excuse. That was the hardest principle to work on.

For years I let the fear of failure hold me back. Then I learned about Thomas Edison and how many times he failed in his attempts to make a working lightbulb. His attitude was he wasn’t a failure, he just learned that many ways that it wouldn’t work. As a teacher I am familiar with creating action plans. Since I am a National Board Certified Teacher and I teach at an IB school reflection has been a part of my life. We teach our students to reflect on their work daily, weekly, etc. I and my fellow co-workers do the same. This is probably the most important part of my job. However, I’ve also moved it into my personal life as well. Principle # 13 was important to me for a multitude of reasons. Compartmentalizing teaches you to be fully present when attending a task. I have learned how to do that. But something Roy said rang so true in so many ways. He talked about how watching a TV program when someone keeps talking to you makes it harder for you to focus. I have an elderly mother who lives with me and this happens quite often when I am sitting in the same room with her trying to work or watch the news. But it took reading this book for me to realize that I do this to my students. I give them a task, check for clarification, set them to work and the every once in a while I say something to them that pulls them right out of their work. This is something I am definitely working on correcting.

I laughed when I read that Principle #12 was “Make a Calendar”. My family and co-workers tease me about my calendars. Yes, I have one for my job, and one for my life. I even keep both together on an online calendar. But, at the beginning of my summer break I discovered something on my online calendar that changed my life. It was a simple button called “Tasks”. I had always ignored it. It combined several things into one. It allowed me to get rid of my plethora of lists that I kept with each calendar. Now I can schedule it on my online calendar and prioritize things by creating a “Tasks” list. Those who tease me about having two physical calendars don’t understand that if I have no access to my online calendar, I at least have the safety net of my physical ones. We each must find what works for us. Roy’s book is a list of great principals. What makes his book stand out from so many others are the personal stories and lessons that go along with them. Those will resonate with you in so many ways.

Other principles that I found of value was # 15 “Learn to Say No” and # 49 “Identify your weaknesses. These two have always been my problem, and then I would get overwhelmed. We got a new assistant principal last year. It was a particularly rough year for me. As department chair I took on all the tasks of my entirely new department. It actually backfired because I was not able to do everyone else’s job and mine and do them adequately. My AP is the one who helped me learn to say No. He literally would step in and tell people no on my behalf until I became strong enough to do it on my own. It was him who pointed out that this was the only weakness he saw in me. I take everything he says and truly think about it. Then I work on those areas that I know to be weaknesses.
Another principle was to choose to be happy. I have always tried to be happy. One of the reasons I allowed myself to feel like I was less talented than others in my family was because of something that happened in my family when I was a young teen. Some in my family belittled me because of the way I chose to handle the situation. It was a very depressing and devastating situation and I chose to move beyond it and be happy. For others in my family it became all consuming and created anger and bitterness. I learned a long time ago to choose happy. That doesn’t mean I am never sad.

Finally #’50 and 51 meant a lot to me. Number 50 says to do something small, but do it daily. For me that is writing. I don’t care if it is a poem. I couple of lines in my work in progress. I continually add to it each and every day. The other important one was # 51 which was Don’t give up when you get off track. Life will pull you off track. The trick is to work to get back on. This has probably been the most beneficial of all of his principles. People fail in life because they get off track and give up. I choose not to give up. I have a student who was involved in a terrible accident last year. He missed most of the school year. Then had to be homeschooled for the rest of the year. He was comparing himself to other students in the classroom. I reminded him that after his accident we didn’t know if he would survive. He had to learn to walk and talk all over again. He can’t process things the way he used to. However, he has learned to break things down into little pieces and continue to move forward. I reminded him of the tortoise and the hare. He smiled and said, “the tortoise won because he kept moving forward.” We have a right to not only read and learn from these principles but we have an obligation through our words and actions to share these principles with those around us.

I highly recommend this book. It is a book I will refer back to often because there is so much to be learned and reminded of with this book.

I received a copy to facilitate my review. The opinions expressed here are my own.
skstiles612 | Nov 25, 2017 |
Roy Huff’s first Everville novel, Everville the First Pillar, combines the language of epic fantasy with prosaic modernity, and blends a complex well-crafted myth with modern-day college life. Protagonist narrator, Owen Sage, is a freshman struggling to choose clubs and classes at the start of term. But lucid dreams lead him to a very different world. Soon he, Dante, and their “other best friend Anika” are drinking coffee, studying art, and learning to sense profound mysteries in curious objects. But can they save the worlds of dream and reality? And how real are these dreams?

The writing is rich will details of life, lands, relationships, and backstory. Interlocking storylines tell the tale of a Keeper saving his world as well as Owen’s own tale—stories that combine fairly naturally by the final pages. Choices have deep, slow-growing consequences that can “transform kindness into hatred and good into evil,” and the pleasing truth, after all, is that not “everybody cheats.”

The First Pillar is rich with ideas, themes, and important lessons in the courage of right choices. It’s a long slow read, but an enjoyable tale with plenty more (and more Pillars) to come.

Disclosure: I got it on a deal and I offer my honest review.
SheilaDeeth | 12 weitere Rezensionen | Mar 29, 2017 |
The Fall of Brackenbone is not the first Roy Huff’s Everville novels, but it’s easy enough to pick up and start reading. Yes, the reader will wonder about details of what went before. But Brackenbone has its own story, with the threat of war still looming “just below the horizon. The enemy strikes the instant arrogance blinds you…”

Readers are quickly transported to a different world, only to find it connected to portals in our own, and to curious possibilities of times and element. Can the vanquished be forgiven? Can wrongdoers repent? And can unforgiveness foment the disastrous undoing of everything? Student Owen Sage might find himself paired with an unlikely partner as his next quest begins, taking him from Easton Falls University to a place where giants and dragons might fall. And worlds hang in the balance.

Author Roy Huff has created a wealth of different worlds and characters in this series, with scenes reminiscent of Lilliput standing side by side with Tolkeinesque monsters and dangers of the middle ages. Add time travel’s curious complications and the possibility of redemption, seek the Seven Pillars of Truth, and read to an exciting conclusion that complete the tale and promises more to come.

Disclosure: I was given an ecopy a long time ago. I’m just sorry it took me so long to get around to reading it. I shall enjoy this series.
SheilaDeeth | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Oct 6, 2016 |
Diese Rezension wurde für LibraryThing Member Giveaways geschrieben.
A wonderful story leave's you wanting more and as luck has it there is two more books in this saga. Brillant story my thanks to the author Roy Huff for the wonderful pleasure of reading his amazing books. So to all happy reading from wee me. ♥☺
weelinda | 12 weitere Rezensionen | Aug 28, 2015 |
First a big Thanks to my friend Roy Huff & the writer of this book for gifting me this book! I finally managed to finish reading this book amidst a lot of disturbances ( Read : Travel & Being stuck in a small town with bad connectivity )

The title itself is a little Intriguing. Thought I am little grown up to read books in Fantasy Genre, I decided to read the book anyway thanks to Intriguing title & the description.

The plot revolves around three friends Owen, Anika & Dante and their battle against the evil Them to save Everville. Owen is transported to a place called Everville from Easton Falls where he meets The Keeper of lands ( A Fron) who kind of explains ( Read the book! You will know what "Kind of explains means! I don't want to provide spoilers ) who the evil Them are and what they are up to and what is to expected of Owen. How he manages to temporarily stop Them using some training from the Art Club Roundabout ( annual contest held by the Art Club headed by a professor who then turns out to be a different person then I initially believed he was) and with the help of The Echo club (Owen's college club ) is the story.

Initially I felt a little lost. But as pages go by the story line becomes a little more clear. The description of the college campus, The Keeper's room, Everville is realistic and well portrayed. The writer does have a good imagination.

So what I liked about the book?!

Basic plot, the character sketch!

What could have been a little better?!

Cohesiveness. The narration slipped at times and really was beautiful at times. Other than that I have no complaints.

I'd give the book a 4 on 5!

And for those who read my review or saw the book cover and feel the trio or the plot is similar to Harry Potter series. Nope. It is nothing like that at all. Don't be fooled by the cover! Read the book!

bookandink | 12 weitere Rezensionen | Aug 19, 2015 |
Exclusive Review : The City of Worms (Everville #2)
I happen to be among the lucky few who got to proof read the book! I thank the writer Roy Huff for it.
And before I get to the Review : SPOILER ALERT!

The story picks off from the last book (The First Pillar (Everville #1)) - With Owen and Fron winning the first battle and Dante going to a vegetative state as an unexpected consequence. Owen's mission now seems to be fighting the evil Them who are determined more than ever before and repairing the breach.

The writer,as promised has answered as to why Owen and his friends were in first place were chosen to restore the balance between good and evil and repair the breach. Owen now clearly knows who his "Friends" and who his "Enemies" are.
I can safely say the writer has matured since his last book.

The story line essentially emphasizes on a very basic fact that our choices dictate the person who we really are - Good or Evil. The protagonists of this book seem to be delivering that message bang on.

The book ends with a magnificent battle as anticipated with Them and armies of Giants, Forn and Owen , where in Owen is forced to take a major decision with a result of a new stronger and meaner enemy being born (I really don't want to give away any more details! Read the book!)

The climax of the book really surprised me. Its a perfectly unexpected twist for a plot that was near predictable till that twist came along.

Roy again has done a fantastic job in describing the City of Worms and the Battle. I was able to visualize the battle perfectly for the description was written passion. Worth being made into a movie (Though with a little more effects and twists to the plot!)

I'd give the Book 4.2 on 5.
bookandink | 1 weitere Rezension | Aug 19, 2015 |
A copy of this book was provided to me by the author in exchange for an honest review.

This book wasn't really for me. I tried to get into it, I really did. I just felt like, throughout the book, something was missing that I couldn't quite put my finger on. It took me a long time to finish it, and I almost gave up numerous times.

With Fantasy books, the world-building can often be confusing or lacking. Although the details were very good regarding the explanation of the other worlds (Everville and Earth), I felt very confused throughout. I think my confision stemmed from the names. The different names were very strange and easily confusing. For example, the Them live in the Other. A typical sentence that would cause me a great deal of stress is this:

" ..the influence of both Everville and The Other In Between would be felt in the earthly realm. [..] It would enhance or inhibit Them, which would serve to further weaken or strengthen the influence of The Other In Between in the Earthly realm." (loc 1310)

I did like the main character and his friends, but I felt there was something missing there too. I can't put my finger on it. I just didn't fully connect with them, with any of the characters actually. I found myself not caring whether he was successful in saving Everville or not.

Some may like this book or have a different experience than I did, but it wasn't for me. If you're not a huge fan of fantasy, I'd skip this. Even fans of fantasy may be split with this one. I just had a really hard time liking or understanding it.
Diamond.Dee. | 12 weitere Rezensionen | Jul 3, 2015 |
Diese Rezension wurde für LibraryThing Member Giveaways geschrieben.
Everville: The fall of Brackenbone Is magic! This book was defiantly my favorite of the four, (it also helps that it has just enough detail from the other books to catch you up with the series.)
Everville brings you in to a wonderland, fantasy, realm you never want rabbit hole out of.
Everville: The Fall of Brackenbone is about:
Owen Sage who takes on the task to save two worlds from a great evil and goes to search for the fourth pillar of truth and face the powerful and evil Governor Jahal. During Owen’s journey he will have to face giants, two lands raging war, and a dragon. Will Owen be able to become the paladin and save Everville or will evil win...
I read this book cover to cover and was never let down I hope you all enjoy this as much as I have and defiantly get your hands on a copy.
Girl-Bibliobibuli | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Jun 28, 2015 |
This is the fourth book in the series. In this book we find Owen looking for the fourth Pillar of Truth. This time he will have to battle Jabel the evil governor. This time a human is working with the evil governor. I’ve read the other three books in the series. However, if you were to pick up this book and read it first you would be able to follow along. Mr. Huff has done a great job of providing enough background information for the reader to catch up.

This is a great fantasy where the world building continues to draw you in and make you a participant in the story, I highly recommend the entire series.

I received a copy to facilitate my review. The opinions expressed here are my own.
skstiles612 | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Jun 7, 2015 |
Imagine two worlds and several different lands all connected by magic. We have the Eastern Falls University and the magical world of Everville. Something bad is brewing in both worlds and a hero is needed to find out what is happening. Owen Sage takes on the task and goes to search for the fourth pillar of truth and face the powerful but evil Governor Jahal. On Owen’s journey he will have to deal with dragons, giants and countries at war, but he must carry on because he is the only one who can save both worlds.

Everville The Fall Of Brackenbone by Roy Huff is a work of epic fantasy. Roy has created his own mythology in the story of Everville and its a journey that fans of fantasy novels will love. What I liked most about this book was how all these different races of people and creatures are connected, everyone is important in their own way.

I like how imaginative this book is and the messages he is trying to get across. I also think the author has some really creative ideas, but I have to admit I did have some problems with it. While I did enjoy it, starting with the fourth book in a series was not a good idea, I got the feeling the author meant for this book to continue a larger story and not be a stand alone novel. I found myself being a little lost, I didn’t know much about the characters, the different countries or how everyone got to where they were. That being said, reading this did make me want to pick up the other three books.

The other problem I had with it was that while the story was decent, it seemed more like a very detailed outline of a story then a full book. There were some scenes that I felt could have been expanded on, for instance there was a part where two characters fight monsters in a cave, but instead of a description of a great fight scene we got just a couple of sentences saying that it happened. Also at one point there is a scene where we find that two characters have to work together despite their mistrust of each other. At this point I found myself thinking that this is where the story will get really good. Instead the two resolve their differences quickly and we’re off to another part of the story.

There is a great concept and a lot of potential in Everville The Fall Of Brackenbone. I found the characters interesting, I loved how everything was connected, I liked how the magic in the story worked and how different all the races of creatures were. There is a lot to like in this book but it felt more like a small part of a much bigger story. If you read the first three in the series you will probably enjoy this book. Roy Huff has built a great fantasy world here that I would love to start reading from the beginning in Everville: The First Pillar.
dwatson2 | 3 weitere Rezensionen | May 6, 2015 |
A commendable first novel.
MathewBridle | 12 weitere Rezensionen | May 4, 2015 |
As always Roy Huff has done an excellent job with this third story in his series. In this third book we find Owen Sage, the hero trying to protect both his world and teh world of Everville from Mallory. If he fails it could mean the destruction of people, animals and other creatures in both worlds. He is not alone in this effort. He has the help of Zee and Anika. Like his other books this book is fast paced filled with twists and turns. His world building as always is great. He seems to be able to create our world and the world of Everville so they flow together. If you haven't read this series yet I would suggest you begin it. His next book will be out very soon.
skstiles612 | 1 weitere Rezension | Apr 20, 2015 |
The ideas where great. Not my style, but will recommend it to my grand daughter. I really can't say what it the problem is, except the story didn't grab me. I gave it 4 stars because I felt it had a good idea and was well written just not me.
MaryAlice411 | 12 weitere Rezensionen | Feb 13, 2014 |
(Note: review edited to reflect updated edition of the text. 4/2/13 KM)

Everville: The First Pillar is an engaging, fast-paced fantasy story of parallel worlds, which is enriched by the the beautiful scenic descriptions of its settings. The protaganist Owen, a college freshman who finds himself transported to the alternate reality of Everville, is a likeable and realistic character who faces major challenges head-on in both realities.

However, the constant use of "Them," and not "They," where grammatically appropriate, to refer to the enemies in the tale is rather grating, and it is difficult to say whether Huff does this purposefully or not.

Recommended for teens ready to move beyond Harry Potter and Percy Jackson, this novel will also appeal to fans of Terry Brooks' "Magic Kingdom of Landover" series.
KayMackey | 12 weitere Rezensionen | Jan 7, 2014 |
I loved visiting with these characters again. The author held true to the first story creating new characters that within the world of fantasy are very believable. One of my students told me the other day that she liked reading books that was more like turning a movie on in her brain. I know exactly what she was talking about. This author is wonderful at creating that movie in your brain. His descriptions of characters and the battles are a real treat for a visual person like me.

Another thing I really enjoyed was the way a lesson was woven into the story without coming across as preachy. In school we are always teaching our middle schoolers that the decisions they make today will affect their lives and the person they become for a long time. This book carries that same message. Owen has to make some tough decisions that carry some very have effects for the future.

I used to say I didn't like reading fantasy. However, if you were to check my shelves at school, the fantasy section makes up at least a quarter of all of my books. That would be somewhere around 300 to 350 fantasy books. What I discovered was that I don't care for adult fantasy books. I love middle grade and young adult fantasy. This one is a great addition to my school shelves, and one that I recommend to all fantasy lovers.
skstiles612 | 1 weitere Rezension | Oct 31, 2013 |
One thing I loved about this book was that the action was instant and constant. The author has created characters that you want to care about. You are led to feel as if they are your best friends. The world is one that I would like to visit because of its characters. This author is a master at description. It is a talented person that can create two worlds, a normal real world for a character and an alternate world where the character(s) travel back and forth. You would think that this would be confusing but it is not. The author has taken an ordinary, or so we think, college student and turned him into someone who will battle evil for the good of all no matter what the cost. This is the first book in the series and a must read, followed by the second book in the series.
skstiles612 | 12 weitere Rezensionen | Oct 31, 2013 |
I've really enjoyed reading this entertaining Quick & Easy fantasy novel.

I liked the main character, Sage Owen and his strong personality. I also liked his close friends and the adventures they had together.

I recommend it for young-adult open minded people.

I’m happy that there is a second book for the story to be continued.
florryalyna | 12 weitere Rezensionen | Oct 8, 2013 |
Riveting story line with multi-dimensional characters you feel as though you are truly getting to know. Well written fantasy worthy of a place on the shelf next to other great authors. Not just entertainment you read once and put own, this book actually gets you to thinking after the first read. Just enough of the world and character details are left to your imagination as the author doesn't waste half the novel describing every last detail. I can see this work ending up on a best seller list. Hopefully a publisher picks this author up so there can be well edited releases of future novels.

Jenn.S | 12 weitere Rezensionen | Sep 25, 2013 |
Owen sage the protagonist is a freshman who is drawn into an all together different world. A world which is in the middle of a big crisis as the evil Them takes over. Owen along with his friends Dante and Anika are entrusted with the task of stopping Them from taking over. How they go about doing that is the story.
Initially the book made me feel a little lost just like the protagonist. But as pages passed by I was totally hooked.
The writer obviously expects some level of intelligence from his readers. The descriptions of Everville was great. over a good book to read though at times you tend to feel a little lost!
Good job Roy! And thank you for gifting me the book! Waiting for next in the series!
ShreeJan | 12 weitere Rezensionen | Jul 29, 2013 |
The First Pillar (Everville, #1) will make you eagerly wait for his every novel and deeply care about the finely crafted adventurous and passionately real stories he crafts.

Movie producers, pay attention here for some vivid imagery, intricately woven plot development and a captivating, unique story that would thrill viewers, as well as readers, on the screen.

This is a wonderful book; the reader can really connect to the characters. In my opinion, Roy Huff novels should be included with other popular young adult science fiction/fantasy classics like The Giver, Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, Wizard of Oz, etc.

This story has some great life lessons. It teaches us to appreciate all that we have in life and urges us to consider life without some of the things we see as necessities, but in a realistic way. This book also encourages a younger generation to think about war and peace in a very appropriate way. It challenges us to think of all the harm done by fighting but also the challenges that come with doing something good, especially when all you want is revenge. Definitely a worthwhile read!
MaryAnn12 | 12 weitere Rezensionen | Apr 6, 2013 |
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