
Akihisa IkedaRezensionen

Autor von Rosario Vampire 01

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Yet another round of Rosario Vampire for me!

Are you ready for snow fairies? Yep, those are a thing! Except, this time we're away from the Academy and thrown into the world of snow fairies. This book veers off from the normal high school shenanigans, which is why I think this book wasn't as big of a hit with readers. I do like the cover and I am super intrigued with the plot line, but it is a step away from the norm. If you're okay with not following the same old formula, this book will work for you. If you're not... Well, read it to just know what's going on. Suffer through.

I really enjoyed this addition and think it will bring some more lore into the store. I'm super intrigued what the prophecy is around the snow fairies and hope we get some more action for the ladies. I'm enjoying their little heists, instead of just focusing on Tsukune.

Overall, great read! I had fun!

Four out of five stars.
Briars_Reviews | 4 weitere Rezensionen | Aug 4, 2023 |
Time for season 2! I'm so pumped to jump back into Rosario Vampire. It is definitely one of my fave manga series.

This time around we are back for another year at the Academy. Things are looking up until Moka's sister arrives. Trouble begins brewing, fights occur and of course there's lots of drama.

My only downside to this start was that it started off goofy again. I liked the mature yet fun tone the last season had gotten into. The slightly immature start made me worry that the rest of the season will be like this. I hope it picks back off where the last season left tone wise.

I will say - this series is easy to jump into. If you haven't read the first season, don't worry! This book does a good job at giving you enough information to get going. It is beneficial to read the first season (and it's good, so honestly you should pick it up). If you haven't read the first season for a while, this also is super easy to go back into and you don't have to worry about your memory of past events.

Four out of five stars.
Briars_Reviews | 4 weitere Rezensionen | Aug 4, 2023 |
I'm really loving this series overall. It's fun, light, and packed full of action! Sure, it gets a bit goofy and immature at times and it sexualizes women a fair amount, but it's at least entertaining.

There's a LOT more fighting in this book! I really liked how it kept my attention all the way. For a second book in the second series, it did a good job pulling the audience back in. Brava!

This book gets extra bonus points too because Tsukune isn't really in the lead anymore. He's still around and important, but the girls get to kick way more butt!

I hope the rest of the series keeps up this engaging story-telling. It's a shame they didn't make a third series... Maybe we'll get lucky!

Four out of five stars.
Briars_Reviews | 4 weitere Rezensionen | Aug 4, 2023 |
Rosario Vampire is one of those mangas that constantly keeps me engaged and throws all sorts of fun and inviting characters at the reader.

I seriously adore this series! It is mountains full of fun and it just keeps giving us more. I didn't think I'd be this engaged continuously in a manga, but this book did it! I cannot wait to try to grab the second season once I finish through the last book of this season.

In this volume we are introduced to a whole bunch of parents. They all seems to think Tsukune is gonna be marrying their girls in no time. It's awkward, hilarious and cheesy but it worked well! Throw in another bad guy vampire (one you might not expect) and a few plot twists, and you've got yourself one fun plot! I also like how Tsukune and Moka's relationship appears to be growing even stronger! Hopefully we see a little bit of happily ever after for them soon.

Overall, this manga series is a must read in my books. It's delightfully fun! Sure, it has some immature humour but that is what gives this series its charms.

Four out of five stars.
Briars_Reviews | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Aug 4, 2023 |
Rosario Vampire Volume 10 is a lovely wrap up to season one!

I'm glad this ended the way it did. If you want want to continue on to season two you can feel like you at least read a complete series. There are no massive cliffhangers and it appears all happily ever after and nice. I like that. It's not leaving me feeling like I'm missing something.

It is kind of sad and I felt like not as much happened in this one as Volume 9, but I still really enjoyed it! I think it's a great final addition to the first season. It was also very intriguing to see all the girls coming by to meet Tsukune's family. Moka's final arc is really hard warming and made me smile. It's that sort of stuff that makes me really like manga. It feels so friendly and warm among all the crazy stuff that can go down.

Four out of five stars.
Briars_Reviews | 5 weitere Rezensionen | Aug 4, 2023 |
I adore Rosario Vampire. This series is goofy, fun and quite lovable. The mass amount of monsters and little pieces of lore I pick up makes it even more enjoyable. I truly enjoy how this series keeps growing and not just making it only about Moka. Everyone is starting to get involved with the action.

I can tell this is where the story is really starting to take off. Something is changing with Tsukune and I'm nosy where it's gonna go. Things will never be the same... Especially since we just met the Headmaster. I'm so excited to see where this goes! It only gets better and better.

If you want a manga that's a mix of romance, horror, fantasy, high school drama and action then grab this book! It's a fun, little, easy read.

Four out of five stars.
Briars_Reviews | Aug 4, 2023 |
It honestly blows my mind that this series hasn't gotten more hype! This series is super fun and full of action that it seems wild to me that people aren't engaged and loving it. So many more people need to pick up this goofy romp! I adore it.

This isn't my favourite of all of the volumes so far but it's still action packed and fast paced. More characters are getting involved and making this series way more interesting. I'm glad Ruby is back and I'm glad everyone gets to get into the action now.

Sure, some of the comments are immature but that's what makes it fun. This is a great pre-teen/YA manga romp!

Three out of five stars.
Briars_Reviews | 4 weitere Rezensionen | Aug 4, 2023 |
Oh man! This book is getting wild!

Tsukune and his wacky crew are getting into my hijinks, and something dark and juicy is going on. I really love that this series has amazing illustrations, constant action and keeps me entertained. Yet it's so simple and easy to read, with all of the craziness hiding among the pages.

I'm super enjoying this series, even if it's not some mature, adult manga. The goofiness is where this book shines, and reminds me of my youth. I love the silliness and fun this manga brings. Having a group of friends battle every monster imaginable is a fun ride!

Five out of five stars.
Briars_Reviews | 5 weitere Rezensionen | Aug 4, 2023 |
Oh, this series is such fun! I am totally loving Rosario Vampire and all of the goofy, silly antics this group gets into.

This feels like the fun of a middle schooler, wrapped up for Young and New Adults. Tsukune and his bunch of misfit girls are quite the delight, adding a new friend into the mix and dealing with some new issues. Another teacher is up to some tricks, an abominable snowgirl is hanging around and something is going on with Tsukune himself!

I love this series and I think it's quite the hidden gem for VIZ manga. I can't get enough of it! The characters grow, and it's not just the Moka show anymore. Everyone gets in the action, and there's lots of immature hilarity that takes place. Plus, monsters galore! The little myth and lore hidden in this book is awesome.

I highly recommend grabbing this book! It's quite the throw back but a super fun manga to sink and let yourself escape from the world in. It's also quite amusing! Who doesn't need a little action and hilarity in their life right now?

Four out of five stars.
Briars_Reviews | 5 weitere Rezensionen | Aug 4, 2023 |
The friendship is growing even more in the fourth volume of this incredible manga series! I love how this series combines amusing drama, hilarious comedy, and a collection of random monsters! It appears that the plot is going to be changing a bit, since the witches are being involved more this time around. I am super intrigued to see where this deviation takes us.

Four out of five stars.
Briars_Reviews | 4 weitere Rezensionen | Aug 4, 2023 |
Rosario Vampire Volume 3 continues the fun in this awesomely, action-packed monster manga!

I am totally digging this manga! Undeniably so! I just can't get enough of this super fun high school drama. It's childish at times, but super fun and addicting. It's easy to just sink into and forget about the world. To top it all off, this series just keeps getting better. It's not always just Moka getting all the action in, plus there's new drama around every corner.

I'm glad they still introduce random monsters throughout but have changed the general formula of this book. It's not just introducing a new monster to fight every single chapter. Now there's plot lines to follow and continued drama. I like that this series is growing! It makes me only way to read it more.

Four out of five stars.
Briars_Reviews | 5 weitere Rezensionen | Aug 4, 2023 |
This book is utterly adorable and stupidly silly, I LOVE IT. It's a fun, fantastical read with crazy creatures and insane YA tropes. I just can't get enough. It's definitely one of my guilty pleasure reads at the moment. I cannot wait to binge this series and keep working my way through it. I'm impressed! I remember seeing these books on the book store bookshelves WAY back in the day when they came out, but I was a little student with no money and thus never picked them up.

This is definitely a young-fish YA book. There's lots of boob grabbing and oggling at women, but it doesn't really bother me too much. It's a goofy YA book and I'm not expecting it to be something out of this world mature.

I like that this book expanded on the fact that the monsters aren't only going after Tsuname now. I'm kinda glad the crew is all getting in on the action too! It's great to see this series slowly expanding and getting more fun.

Four out of five stars.
Briars_Reviews | 7 weitere Rezensionen | Aug 4, 2023 |
Rosario Vampire Volume 1 is an absolute delight and I am so pumped to work my way through this series!

This VIZ manga follows human Tsunami as he gets sent to a school full of monsters. He didn't realize this, especially since he wasn't the best student and this was the only school that accepted him. Moka, a pretty vampire girl, takes a liking to him instantly and sucks his blood. Suddenly, the two are the best of friends (or more?). Along the way they meet a succubus who also has eyes for Tsunami, some crafty mermaids and a riveting werewolf. Nothing's easy at this academy, let me tell ya!

This manga has spunky personality and it's wild fun! I really enjoyed this book and I was hooked and addicted almost instantly. The illustrations are fun and flirty, the story is PG-13 and had me snickering. It's like a YA or New Adult manga that flirts with action, thrills, romance and school life. Add in the wickedly funny writing talent Akihisa Ikeda has and you've got yourself a winner.

I highly recommend this book! It's definitely one of my favourite manga I've ever read and I'm going to be working my way through this entire series very soon.

Five out of five stars.
Briars_Reviews | 10 weitere Rezensionen | Aug 4, 2023 |
....Ok totally wasn't expecting Hokuto to be a human turn vampire just like Taukune. You got me there Akihisa Ikeda! I also didn't expect Kiriya to be the Vampire that's corrupted Hokuto either... The Festival was hilarious! The Mizore and Kurumu's mothers meeting Tsukune haha. And him really only wanting to be with Moka... And Mizore understanding that and make Ice Doll's of Tsukune to be with Kurumu's mom and Mizore's mom. Mizore, even with your faults you're still my fav! Though I want Tsukune to be with Moka...
Nikki_Sojkowski | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Aug 26, 2021 |
Awwwww YEAH! Tsukune came to save that day, and damn did he look SEXY while doing it! Cheers for Vampire Tsukune! Normal him is a whimp though... And isn't very cute until in badass mode. And ten that Exorcist dude came in to lock up his powers :/ I mean it DID save his life... But still.
Nikki_Sojkowski | 5 weitere Rezensionen | Aug 26, 2021 |
So now there's yet ANOTHER girl in love with Tsukune... What a bore. At least she's cooler than the others HAHAHAHA see what I did there? You would if you've read it! In all seriousness though I DO like her best, after Moka. But Moka's all wishy-washy. Mizore does what best for Tsukune, even if it's not in her best interest of win in him over. And she has a sense of style.
Nikki_Sojkowski | 5 weitere Rezensionen | Aug 26, 2021 |
I feel like this was much better than volumes one and 2 for some reason, which is odd since they're basically the same exact thing except with different bad guys that 'need to learn their place' I think it's because this volume was funnier and showed how strong their friendships are even though he's human :D
Nikki_Sojkowski | 5 weitere Rezensionen | Aug 26, 2021 |
I hope it's get better than this. It's good but the same thing happens over ad over again! Enemy appears, Rosario is ripped off, enemy 'learns their place'
Nikki_Sojkowski | 7 weitere Rezensionen | Aug 26, 2021 |
My face while reading the last volume of this series: (ノ ̄д ̄)ノ n o p e

Sorry, Ikeda, I won't be checking out the second season of RTV.
sarahlh | 5 weitere Rezensionen | Mar 6, 2021 |
It was a nice read. Not great, but it was entertaining, and as I said, nice. Our protagonist is the only human boy in a school for monsters (vampires, werewolves, etc.). The monsters go to this school in order to learn to coexist with humans. However, like any other school with young people you have teen issues (jocks, a little bullying, popularity, etc.). Rosario is a vampire who really likes our protagonist (or at least really likes his blood). The story is cute. It will definitely appeal to teen girls as it has the various appeal factors for this kind of manga, which is a sort of fantasy and rom-com. I only gave it 3 stars because I tend to like my monsters on the darker side. But overall, it was amusing, and it was a pretty quick read. If I come across the next volume in the series, I would certainly read it.
bloodravenlib | 10 weitere Rezensionen | Aug 17, 2020 |
Vampires and more in a school setting with a lone human. Eh-ish, but cute.
morbusiff | 10 weitere Rezensionen | Sep 20, 2018 |
Too monster-of-the-week for me and not enough fan service.
morbusiff | 7 weitere Rezensionen | Sep 20, 2018 |
The second series ends with a bang, packing in giant monsters and explosions, death and sacrifice, and just a smidge of the humor and fan service that made it fun to read.
villemezbrown | Jul 28, 2018 |
Cute story with nice illustrations and interesting characters. A human troubled boy is sent to a school for monsters, vampires, werewolves, mermaids... where he meets and is attracted to a vampire girl. This vampire girl is attracted to him too, well his blood for sure. There is a bit of boy/girl trying to snatch them action that is humorous. It seems everyone wants him or they want her and they really only want each other.
This first book wasn't great but it has a lot of promise. I think the characters slowly building up will to a fun crazy high school story.
TheYodamom | 10 weitere Rezensionen | Jan 29, 2016 |
We finally get to see Mizore's home, the Land of the Snow Fairies. It was an exciting volume which ends on a cliffhanger, by introducing us to two new players: a human who is trying to forge an alliance with the Snow Fairies.......but it involves forcing Mizore to be his wife and Kahlua.....Moka and Koko's older sister. I can't wait to find out what happens next, so I am starting the 4th volume right now.
ThothJ | 4 weitere Rezensionen | Dec 4, 2015 |