
Manoj V Jain

Autor von Meeting Yama

6 Werke 15 Mitglieder 4 Rezensionen

Über den Autor

Beinhaltet auch: Manoj Jain (2)

Werke von Manoj V Jain

Meeting Yama (2020) 6 Exemplare
A MAN FROM MANDU (2019) 3 Exemplare
The THC: Under a Gibbous Moon (2016) 2 Exemplare, 1 Rezension
Balraj (2017) 2 Exemplare, 2 Rezensionen
Ramona (2017) 1 Exemplar, 1 Rezension



Mumbai, India
IIM Ahmedabad
entrepreneur (garment export business)
Manoj V. Jain is a student of psychology, and meets many people during his travels for his garment export business. These experiences inspire his books.



This book is about Inder who changes his name to balraj to attain happiness. In the process of attaining happiness he gains it leaving everything he had once but at the end returning back. Journey of balraj is very heart warming he shows his business characters wherever he goes. overall this book is a great warming Goodread.... 😊
ShriVenne | 1 weitere Rezension | May 14, 2020 |
An excellent novel that involves an amazing social drama .very much Contemporary.The seamless plot and the beutiful language make it a great entertainer.Manoj V Jain the author has woven a wonderful story with minimum charectors and maximum reality.As the protogonist takes the story to many places I have felt as though I am accompaning him. A flawless narration.I recommend this book for all fiction lovers .
mariaantonysamy | 1 weitere Rezension | Nov 13, 2018 |
Manoj V Jain is one of my favorite authors as I have already read his earlier books The THC :under a Gibbbous moon and Balraj and his writing style with fresh language and strong plot has astounded me .

As suggested by the author I begin to read this novella after having read Balraj. This fantabulous book relates to the story of a typical Indian woman Ramona at her middle age, married to Inder. They have got a grown up son Shourya. Set in the year 2015 on the backdrop of Mumbai .The wonderful story goes from the POV of the protagonist till the end in flashback.

Manoj V jain, in this page- turning tale has written a gripping, addictive and tautly suspenseful story of ordeals , trails and insecurity faced by the woman in her life. His narrative is so touching , realistic and entertaining.

He has depicted her emotional turmoil with all the struggles and challenges she comes across for no fault on her part in a lucid language .How she reconciles herself to the reality and seek redemption makes the beautiful part of the story.

The plot with all the twists and turns , threads along with the subplots into a savvy , intelligent and sensitive tale. The real life characters are so nicely portrayed we can easily relate to them. The impact created in me will linger for a longer time.

Ramona is a well- crafted fiction with a strong message. If you love fiction you would definitely choose this one .It would entertain you with all the vibes of fiction .It is worth reading as the engrossing storyline takes you to finish the book in one go. Grab it for an easy and quick read.
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mariaantonysamy | Nov 13, 2018 |
The book covers three key protagonists namely Samer Bhatnagar, Sanjanelka Khurana and Varun Agarkar who make a visit to the THC the Total Holistic Center for their illness, happen to meet one another and both Sanjanelka and Varun tell their stories in flashback.

Samer Bhatnagar is suffering from addiction to nicotine and impotence. After taking the treatment has he recoverd ?

Sajnaneka Khurana hailing from a middle class family meets Aakash and falls in love with him. The romance blooms to love and they are about to be made for each other couple after the marriage .Why their castles built by them in the air collapse?.

Sajnanelkha marries Jaiveer, a gay after the divorce from Aakash. What about their married life?

Varun Agarkar , a married person develops a relationship with Jaiveer . But despite the genuine interest by him there is a lukeworm response from Jaiveer. What is the reason for the same?

The readers can find out the answers for all the above questions when they read the book .

The Pro

Manoj V Jain’s writing is entertaining and engaging , his style, fast paced and simple language are superb . His experience gained from the first book has helped him to hone his skills to present a fantastic story.
Homosexuality is still a taboo subject in India and in Indian context the attitude is skeptical and not so clear enough to be discussed openly.Also marriage is said to be an institution of responsibility , compromise and convenience . It has a become an affair of complexity. The book deals with both of them in a bold and honest manner .

The characters are realistic and there are plethora of other characters like Doctors, Gardener, Psychologists ,fathers and mothers who are supportive to carry on the story.I admire the protagonists for their innocence , understanding and tolerance.. Especially I like Jaiveer as he is a man of wisdom and golden heart. I pity Sanjaneka as she creates her own trap and falls victim to it.Her life is a good lesson to all girls in her age group as well as parents and husbands.

The anecdotes told by the MCs are funny. The sub plots are clubbed in such a way to blend with the main plot in a harmonious way. It culminates with an unexpected and shocking painful climax.

My favorite

I am overwhelmed by the functioning of the Total Holistic center which caters to the needs of the people affected by chronic diseases. The tight time schedule, good diet,timely advices by the doctors psychological support given to the inmates and professional touch of the employees with result orientation all are fantastic and informative.Such clinics should be opened in a large scale in our country instead of poly clinics and speciality hospitals.

I find it amusing and amazing to read about the way Varun takes care of the plants in the garden. As a part of occupational therapy , he is guided to participate in gardening with the assistance of the gardener. One day he does not sleep at all the whole night and sat in the garden to see the plants are safe. It shows his childlike innocence and ignorance and the doctor is so wise enough to bring him to reality.

My verdict

Prevention is better than cure . This message is highlighted in this is a roller coaster read and it is recommended for all adult fiction lovers. Due to the Adult content with a small dosage of erotic scenes the book is meant for youth and old .

For full review
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mariaantonysamy | Nov 13, 2018 |


½ 4.3