
Danielle JamesRezensionen

Autor von Out of the Dark

45 Werke 155 Mitglieder 32 Rezensionen


4.3 stars

Even though this story is taboo, it didn't feel like it. It felt like love. The heart wants what it wants. I can't imagine what it would be like if I was in North and Jane's shoes and how people would react. I just now that we a reader, I felt their souls and only saw the beauty of their love.

The author did her job at creating a beautiful love story.
MagicalRi | Feb 24, 2022 |
Great for others, just really not my thing
TheAubergineQueen | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Feb 11, 2022 |
Pour some honey on me!

Crank up the a/c for this swelteringly hot love story! Hot, humid, sticky, sweet passion reigns supreme in the world of Ivy and Titan.

‘Honey Sugar’ takes a bit more time to catch fire than other books by Danielle James. That’s not to say that it is a slow burner. It just has a bit longer fuse before the rocket blasts off. Family issues and business dealings provide the perfect backdrop and subplots for the love story between Titan and Ivy.

‘Honey Sugar’ is another great read from one of the queens of taboo romance.

katie66219 | Aug 24, 2021 |
Simmering love story

Another great book from Danielle James. Defect is mildly taboo with there being a 10 year age gap between the main characters. The yoga, Reiki, and energy references throughout the book were a source of extra intrigue for me.
katie66219 | Aug 24, 2021 |
Danielle James does it again!

‘Bomb’ by Danielle James tackles the sensitive subjects of messed up childhoods and sexual abuse by enveloping them within the safe confines of a love story.

Prior to reading books by Danielle James, I was hesitant to pick up anything dealing with such touchy subjects. Danielle handles these and other subjects with grace and compassion. Her style of writing makes me feel safe enough to read about these emotional (and often disturbing) topics.

Don’t let my mushy talk above give you the wrong idea about ‘Bomb’. Compassionate and sensitive writing does not equal rainbows and unicorns when it comes to works by Danielle James. You will not find victims or weeping willows in ‘Bomb’. You will find fluid prose, fierce and passionate characters and explosive love scenes.

Light the fuse. Open the book!
katie66219 | Aug 24, 2021 |
Does what it says on the tin

I am shaking my head as I write this.

Is this book good to great? Yes.

Is this another taboo romance novel? No. Taboo? Yes. Novel? Yes. Romance? Not really. There are elements of love. There is heartache, jealousy, passion, zeal, etc. but it is not a romance per se.

Knowing what I know after reading it, would I have read it in the first place?
Yes. It has elements of forbidden love, steamy sex scenes, and true to the title, it is totally twisted.

TBH I’m not sure if I will continue with the series. There was
lots of angst. It’s not a series where everyone naturally falls into each other and they live happily ever (as far as I know). It’s not a book that has me locked in a perpetual grin. It is one that will make your blood simmer with anger and leave your thighs clenched with arousal.

Yes. It’s that good. Just typing the above makes me think that I will continue with the series. Not in a binge all at once way. More in a rationed feed kinda way. The Twisted series will make for a good mental palate cleanser. Perfect for the moments where I don’t want to be happy. The times where I want to embrace my twisted self in the vicarious manner that reading permits.
katie66219 | Aug 24, 2021 |
In praise of passion

A light love story that is heavy on passion. Whiskey and Regret highlights the importance of passion both in and out of the bedroom. I loved reading about the passionate moments between Evander and Xari. Prior to reading this, I never thought of a laptop or a harp as instruments of arousal. Whiskey and Regret illustrates the overlap between passion of the mind and physical passion.

Hats off to Danielle James. My opinion of harp music has been forever altered.
katie66219 | Aug 24, 2021 |
Angst free student/ teacher romance

Sequel to The Monarch Room. Full of passionate love scenes and tender moments. The Moreau Estates has minimal drama. It is a solid, well paced love story.
katie66219 | Aug 24, 2021 |
I need more stars for this book

5 stars is not nearly enough for this treasure. Capacity focuses on extremely sensitive subjects: alcoholism, grief, and suicidal thoughts. Danielle James attacks these topics with a fierce tenderness.

I shed many tears while reading Capacity. I also smiled and laughed. I also blushed and sighed. No Danielle James book is complete without a hefty dose of passionate love scenes. Capacity is no exception.

Totally awestruck by this book!

katie66219 | Aug 24, 2021 |
Wow! Just wow!

I hesitated to read this. I love taboo romances. However I was totally apprehensive about the self-harm aspect. I shouldn’t have worried.

Tortured Whispers is a multifaceted love story. Familial, romantic, and self. It is dark but not depressing. It is one of those books which will linger on my mind for ages to come.

Danielle James is like a literary heart surgeon. She uses her words to open your heart then tenderly stitches it back together.
katie66219 | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Aug 24, 2021 |
Wow! For a quick read ‘Have Mercy’ packs quite the punch. Think: unrepentant, hot blooded alpha vs a take no prisoners, mouthy vixen. It is a stepdad/ stepdaughter romance. Been there, read that. Danielle James knocks this trope on the head. She avoids the cliché of the angsty stepdad. At times, the departure from the norm felt almost porn like. In fairness, this wasn’t a bad thing. Dame and Mercy could burn down a house with their passion!

Read this if you like forbidden and/or taboo romances.

Read this if you need a book to help you get into your power pose.

katie66219 | Aug 24, 2021 |

Devanté is remarkably tamer than Danielle James’ forbidden/taboo romances. Although it may seem like it is geared to a more mainstream audience, don’t let this put you off.

It is obvious that Devanté is a Danielle James’ novel. It is chock full of those hallmarks which make her writing so great. The main characters have hearts of gold. The women are powerful. Love and passion are intense to the point of provoking chills.

Speaking of which: There is nothing tame about the love scenes in Devanté. They are smoking hot! There is no such thing as ‘just a kiss’ or ‘a quickie’ when it comes to Danielle James. Every moment where lovers collide is imbued with heart bursting emotion or panty soaking need.

The only negatives were ones that I knew about from the book description. The beginning is not a happy one and the main characters spent a decent amount of time apart from one another. It was a slower burner than I like. I still prefer slow burners to insta-love.

Notably awesome feature of Devanté: normal sized heroine. Blake is gorgeously curvy and unapologetic about her appetite for food and love alike.
katie66219 | Aug 24, 2021 |
Break out the oven mitts and grab a spare pair of panties. This book is too hot to handle! ‘Perfectly Warped’ is one of the best taboo romances I have ever read.

This is not sugarcoated taboo. There is none of the typical stepfamily or other ‘related only on paper’ pussyfooting. The plot of ‘Perfectly Warped’ is based on a potential relationship between two adults who may or may not be father and daughter. If this is too taboo for you, don’t read this.

I look at taboo relationship books as many people may look at action or horror movies. I have no desire to fall in love with my relatives. Equally speaking my friends who love action and horror films don’t go around shooting people and stealing vehicles.

That said, the raw passion between Rivia and Terrence was off the charts! The alternating points of view were written brilliantly. They flowed in such a way that it was like watching two rivers draw near to their point of confluence.

katie66219 | Aug 24, 2021 |
Drawn with love

Another stellar book by Danielle James. The Monarch Room has all the hallmarks of Danielle James’ stories. The main characters are flawed yet lovable. The love scenes are thermometer busting hot. The secondary characters are intriguing to the point of demanding their own books.

The Monarch Room excels by highlighting the value of art creation. Zuri’s prose was so passionate that I found myself Googling ‘poetry for people who hate poetry’. Roman’s drawing was just as enrapturing.

The Monarch Room was mild as to the forbidden romance element. There was less than a 10 year age gap between a teacher and his 17 and a bit year old student. This mildness was offset by the numerous risky stolen moments between Roman and Zuri.

Read this book, then go find your muse.

katie66219 | Aug 24, 2021 |
I’m in a lot of reading communities online, and Danielle James’ Trust Issues came up so much that I had to check it out. I’m happy to say that it lived up to the hype, and threw me for a few loops in the process.

Trust Issues follows the love-hate friendship of Kyla Bradshaw and Maxwell Parker. He’s a financial whiz, and she’s a powerhouse attorney. They’re neighbors who love to fight just as much as they love to enjoy a night of movies and 90s TV show marathons.

I have to be honest that as it became apparent that this book is inspired by a ’90s black sitcom, I started to get turned off. I’m not generally into fanfics, and I was worried that’s what Trust Issues would turn into. I kept on, and I’m glad I did. Although the book is inspired by a show, it stands on its own merit. The characters, while inspired by the show’s characters, have enough nuance to show that the inspiration is simply that. James took the basics and put her own spin on them to develop them all as unique and endearing.

That being said, Trust Issues is filled with comedy. I was not expecting that at all, and loved it. It made the book fun, particularly in the more emotionally charged scenes. The humor came not only from Kyla and Maxwell, but also from their close friends and family. I appreciated that while the topic of dating was the overarching theme of the book, there was enough comedy to make it feel light and not forced.

I appreciated that the characters, while based on fictional characters, were still familiar. I’m sure most people can find someone they know who treats dating like a series of checklists, or know someone who thinks their attempt at playing the field obscures their broken heart. That familiarity is what brings this book out of the shadows of a nostalgic television show and into today’s dating reality.

Overall, I enjoyed Trust Issues. Although I was unfamiliar with James before reading this one, she’s got a new fan in me. I’m excited to see if she follows this up with books that focus on other characters in the book, especially Kyla’s best friends’ new adventure in California or Maxwell’s brothers.
words_reviews | Jan 10, 2021 |
K Webster and Danielle James have gotten together and written a book that is so wrong, lovely, loving, sexy, and just so right. It's hard to walk the line that they did, and yet, they did, and the story is perfect, and all the emotions are just so awesome.

Mars is trying so hard to get out of his dead-end town and wants to brush the dust of Duncan off his feet. He's working 3 jobs and going to school, and he's going to make something of himself. Then he meets Sage.

Sage is a shy and quiet artist. She's dealing with her mother who wants to turn her into a little clone, but that totally isn't Sage. She works so hard at trying to break free, and then she meets Mars.

I love their chemistry and how each of them fit something that strengthens the other one and makes them a better person. The love that Sage and Mars have is just something so spiritual and special and completely overwhelming, but in the very best way. I thought that they were so perfect together, no matter what forces were trying to pull them apart.

I don't know how these ladies managed to jam so much emotion into this book, but they did. It left me crying and elated all at the same time.
tetisheri | Aug 15, 2020 |
I love the cover art

I believe stories should be written whether or not they could be condoned in "real life".

This book details an unconventional and confronting relationship. I don't have a problem with it, but I didn't buy these characters. Caesar certainly should have known better, and even with the pseudo-psychological explanation, their "insta-love" didn't ring true to me.

Caesar is irresponsible and Brooklyn is immature, melodramatic and damaged. But that's who they are. Having accepted that, their story is well told. Their trauma is suitably traumatic and I was happy to see the villain of the piece get her comeuppance. And the sex was off-the-charts hot.

So if you can take a heaping serving of taboo in your melodrama, this might be the read for you.½
anxovert | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Mar 18, 2020 |
As soon as I finished it, I couldn't wait to start the next one in the series.
tiffsaddictiontobook | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Jul 18, 2017 |
This has been my least favorite of the series but I still can not wait until the next book comes out. I think I just wanted more. Solid 3.5 read for me.
tiffsaddictiontobook | 1 weitere Rezension | Jul 18, 2017 |
what started off as a typical werewolf romance Novella morphed into something really cool in chapter 2! totally unexpected plot twists kept me on my toes! And the end?!
LizaRobbins | Jul 4, 2016 |
My original Salvation audiobook review and many others can be found at Audiobook Reviewer.

Salvation is the second novella in the series called Keepers of Hell by Danielle James. Ash’ fortunes have turned. After spending years being under the control of a demon, Ash now has all the power. But these new powers, both the physical powers and the new political power, have a large learning curve. His naiveté provides his political opposition some unique opportunities to cause havoc. At the same time, Ash is overwhelmed with some rootless unhappiness and anger. As he tries to figure out his new life, Ash must also try to figure out what is causing his irrational mood.

Unfortunately, this novella missed the mark for me. However, there were many things that I thought were much improved from the first novel. This second novella had a more developed plot than the first novella. This might be because some initial groundwork was laid out in the first novella. This allowed James to give a stronger focus to the development of the paranormal aspects of the series. The plotline is a new take on some classic ideas, which is interesting. However, like the first novella, I think this one suffered a little from the short length as well. Most of the characters needed further development. However, I did like the inclusion of the former vampire assistant that Ash is sent by God. While goofy, he provided much needed comic relief. The cliffhanger in the first novella helped build the driving points for this stories plot. The reader should be warned, there are some violent scenes. And I personally did not feel that this aspect of the novella was handled well throughout the story. This novella too ends with a big revelation that sets the story for the next installment. This story was also infused with romance, but like before I felt like it was missing a critical mental compatibility between the two characters that was never developed.

The narration by Miles Taylor was alright. Once again, I thought that the voicing of the different characters could have been more dynamic, but overall it was fine. The production quality was good. I would recommend this novella to anyone who likes urban fantasy with a heavy influence of physical romance.

Audiobook was provided for review by the narrator.
audiobibliophile | 1 weitere Rezension | Mar 24, 2016 |
My original Savior audiobook review and many others can be found at Audiobook Reviewer.

Savior is the first novella in a series called Keepers of Hell by Danielle James. Ash is a slave to a demon and he has been from when he was an elementary school. When his parents were murdered by this demon and the demon turned on Ash’ sister, Ash stepped forward to protect her. The demon then offered Ash a job. He gave Ash the opportunity to work for him and in return the demon would not murdered Ash’ sister. Not knowing what he was signing up for, Ash accepts. Now, Ash is beholden to this demon and must do what he is told. Enter Elisabeth, a trauma surgeon. Never expecting to have any personal life, Ash is taken aback by his attraction for his doctor. Now, he must figure out how to balance his bargain with the demon with his unquenchable attraction to Elisabeth.

Unfortunately, I didn’t enjoy this novella for many reasons. There was definitely a lot of potential, but I think the story needed further development. The broad strokes of the plot are interesting and even have the potential to be unique. The relationship between Ash, demons, and God is a twist on a common topic. But, I would've liked more details, which could've perhaps been introduced with more characters. However, I was really looking for a stronger plot in both the romance and urban fantasy aspect of the novel. I especially didn’t like the romance because to me it felt forced. It seemed abrupt and before the reader gets to know the characters they are lusting after one another. There was a lot of physical attraction with little mental connection between the two characters. The urban fantasy aspect was interesting, but there wasn’t really much detail given to the reader and so when Ash enters the demon world, it didn’t feel vivid. Ultimately, I felt that the world building was not as strong as it could’ve been. Further, the end of the novella is a twist and a cliffhanger, which can be frustrating. Overall, I think the short length was a detriment to the story. With a longer novel, the world building and character development could have been stronger.

The narration by Miles Taylor was okay. However, I didn’t think his voicing of the different characters was dynamic enough, which could’ve helped characterize them a little more. The production quality was good. I would recommend this novella to someone who likes quick fixes for heavy anticipation and romance in an urban fantasy world.

Audiobook was provided for review by the narrator.
audiobibliophile | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Mar 23, 2016 |
So, Lacy gets her chance at Elite Guard. Ash finally decides what to do with Liam, the guy who was freed from Greed. A wonderfully seusical rhyme is sung. Some trusted friends are discovered to be plotting a new reign of chaos in Hell. And, last but not least, some of the vacant sanctions are finally given new leaders. A really good book, which begs the question: when can I get my hands on book five?
LizaRobbins | 1 weitere Rezension | Jun 25, 2015 |
Jake, a newly sworn member of Ash's Elite Guard, is having trouble wrapping his head around his new home, especially the red-haired bombshell who runs Greed! Their insult slinging is pretty hilarious! When Shelly disappears, the gang move heaven and earth to find her. We also get introduced to Lacy, potentially a new warrior.
LizaRobbins | Jun 25, 2015 |
i am really enjoying this series so far! plenty of action, smoking hot paranormals, and *wait, what!?!??* a giant smurf? There are plenty of hilarious moments, along with some pulse-pounding action, and even some steamy love. I am looking forward to finding out where everyone goes from here!
LizaRobbins | 1 weitere Rezension | Jun 25, 2015 |