50+ Werke 931 Mitglieder 10 Rezensionen Lieblingsautor von 2 Lesern


Hinweis zur Begriffsklärung:

(eng) Janifer wrote books under the following names:
Tom Beach as of 2/13 none of Janifer's books written under this name are currently in LibraryThing. Any that are added will need to be split and aliased here.
Alfred Blake as of 2/13 the only books entered in LibraryThing under this author name belong to Janifer so the author is combined here.
Andrew Blake as of 2/13 none of Janifer's books written under this name are currently in LibraryThing. Any that are added will need to be split and aliased here.
Larry M. Harris as of 2/13 the only books entered in LibraryThing under this author name belong to Janifer so the author is combined here.
William Logan as of 2/13 none of Janifer's books written under this name are currently in LibraryThing. Any that are added will need to be split and aliased here.
Mark Phillips - Laurence M. Janifer and Randall Garrett wrote novels under this joint pen-name.
Barbara Wilson as of 2/13 none of Janifer's books written under this name are currently in LibraryThing. Any that are added will need to be split and aliased here.

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Werke zusammenfügen/aufspalten


Laurence M. Janifer wird momentan als ein einzelner Autor angesehen. Wenn ein oder mehrere Werke von einem anderen Autor mit gleichem Namen stammen, kannst Du gerne die Autorenseite in mehrere Seiten/Autoren aufspalten.


Laurence M. Janifer umfasst 6 Namen. Überprüfen und trennen.

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