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Magnolia Bannister is about as unhappy as a 12-year-old magician can be. She loves her life on the magical steamboat, Theodora, traveling up and down the Mississippi in the kingdom of Faraway. Her friends are her parrot, River Joe; the giant catfish that inhabit the river; and a host of other magical animals and creatures that inhabit the forest of Ardararia. And so she is devastated to learn her parents have enrolled her at Gryndells, a boarding school for magician children, without her knowledge.
Reluctantly she agrees to go. Her interest increases after a 300 year old magician foresees a life full of adventure for her and gives her a special ring. Brimming with curiosity she begins a new chapter in her life. A chapter which will bring her new friends, challenge her abilities, and ultimately force her and her friends on an incredible and frightening journey to save Ilium.
Magnolia in Ilium is an enjoyable read. It grabbed my attention with an exciting storyline and intriguing characters. Independent, tough, and smart, with a taste for outrageous fashion statements, Magnolia is a character who lives in my memory. Hopefully there will be more of her adventures to come.
khuben | Mar 13, 2018 |