
Lisa JewellRezensionen

Autor von Then She Was Gone

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The author's prose is clear, fluid, and vivid, allowing readers to easily visualize scenes. Their detailed descriptions create a mental movie, and the story progresses logically and coherently, ensuring a seamless reading experience.
The book is compelling and engaging, keeping you hooked from start to finish. You don't feel bored, and you don't want to put it down. The desire to keep reading and uncover what happens next is strong. Overall, it's a fantastic read, and I would give it a perfect score of 5 out of 5.
However, I do have some minor remarks about the final part. While the ending isn't bad—in fact, it's quite satisfactory for me and many others—I believe it could have been more concise. It felt somewhat protracted, as if the author was meticulous in providing every explanation to ensure readers weren't left frustrated or with lingering doubts. While I appreciate the thoroughness, sometimes less is more.
francogrex | 42 weitere Rezensionen | Aug 31, 2024 |
This book was amazing! I had to read it to the end to see how it turned out. I'm now a definite fan and will be reading all of Jewell's previous books.
olegalCA | 126 weitere Rezensionen | Aug 25, 2024 |
5 ⭐️’s. EXCELLENT!
cre8tivemaxx | 42 weitere Rezensionen | Aug 22, 2024 |
Enjoyed this one a lot more than “Then She Was Gone”! Great family drama sort of story. I will say, I am horrified at how often the author feels the need to have her characters use Jesus’s name as a curse word. It’s so unnecessary. 3.5.
stefanielozinski | 35 weitere Rezensionen | Aug 17, 2024 |
How to even rate this. I don’t know. It’s odd. The writing was very fast paced and just...good. I found myself not realizing I’d just read 100 pages at a stretch. On the other hand, this book is just so... gloomy. I found it left a bad taste. And I like Gillian Flynn novels and read plenty of mysteries, but this one felt worse somehow. I think a big part of that “ickiness” I felt was the lack of a real story, of characters really making decisions that drive the story as you read. I knew everything that was going to happen a few chapters in. This really didn’t have the twists I enjoy from a beach read like this, which was frustrating when there is nothing else remarkable to chew on. I will say, one character reminds me so much of Annie from Stephen King’s Misery. I’d be shocked if the author hadn’t read it. Also, I cringed with just how many times the name of Our Lord was used as an insult.
stefanielozinski | 168 weitere Rezensionen | Aug 17, 2024 |
Although, in "The Family Remains," the sequel to "The Family Upstairs," Lisa Jewell fills us in on past events, readers who are unfamiliar with the first novel may find this follow-up a bit mystifying. More than twenty-five years earlier, Henry Lamb and his sister Lucy lived with their parents in a house on Cheyne Walk in London. Two of the six people who subsequently moved into the Lambs' home—David Thomsen, a self-described healer, and Birdie Dunlop-Evers, a musician—proceeded to exert financial, physical, and psychological control over the Lamb family. This disastrous situation culminated in four deaths, the birth of a baby, and the escape of Henry and Lucy, who were in their teens and deeply scarred by all that they had endured.

Jewell is a talented storyteller who evokes sympathy for some—but not all—of her complex characters. The dialogue is lively, the action moves along at a brisk pace, and plot is suspenseful enough to make us wonder how all of the elements will ultimately come together. Jewell writes in the third person, except in the case of Henry and Detective Inspector Samuel Owusu, who speak directly to us. It is unclear why the author made the choice to switch back and forth from first to third person, since doing so disrupts the book's narrative flow.

"The Family Remains" will appeal to those who enjoy morbid and dark thrillers with unsettling themes, including suicide, theft, spousal abuse, and murder. When the dust settles, the survivors attempt to pick up the pieces of their shattered lives. Not everyone winds up dead or demented, but it is clear that, after having gone through hell, the protagonists will likely never be completely whole again.
booklover1801 | 26 weitere Rezensionen | Aug 9, 2024 |
[3.5] i was really intrigued by this, and didn't mind having povs from multiple characters / time points, but i just wanted more - the readers already knew what was coming when libby finds out, so the plot twist moment didn't really land for me.½
abiiharrisonn | 126 weitere Rezensionen | Aug 2, 2024 |
Twisty turns, didn’t see the end coming at all! Loved this one!
cgrizwold | 42 weitere Rezensionen | Aug 1, 2024 |
Jessica Jones Noir-Lite
Review of the Penguin Audio edition (July 4, 2024) narrated by Helen Laser and released simultaneously with the Hyperion Avenue hardcover & eBook.

She has left behind most of her close friends from her years as a—admittedly below par—super hero. They exist on another plane now, far above her, with their costumes and their glamour and their mystique. She is a scruffy second cousin in comparison, not thought of nor remembered from day to day. And she has felt for so long that this is where she belongs, here in this nasty apartment, doing this nasty, messy job, alone, drunk, empty inside. But surely, she wonders painfully, surely there must be more than this.

I have only read 3 other books by so-called "psychological suspense" writer Lisa Jewell, but they were more suspenseful and creepy than this one. I only know Jessica Jones from the TV adaptations of the Marvel comics character, which were much more noir-like and dark themed. So although the promo text for this "first book in the brand-new Marvel Crime series, [which] introduces fans to a grittier, street-level side of the Marvel Universe" promises a darker edge, I suspect that both groups of fans may be somewhat disappointed in the result.

See photograph at"
Actor Krysten Ritter as Jessica Jones in the Netflix TV series adaptations (2015-2019). Image sourced from Slash Film.

Former superhero (abilities: superstrength/flying) Jessica Jones now runs her solo Alias Investigations private detective business. She is hired by a client to investigate why her 2 teenage children have returned from a summer visit with the father in England and do not seem to be the same as they were. Jones takes on the case and also enlists a teenage assistant Malcolm to help infiltrate the high school world of the kids. Occasional boyfriend Luke Cage makes some cameo appearances. Superhero antics are kept to a minimum though with Jones trying to curtail her drinking and use of powers due to a possible pregnancy.

Overall this did feel in keeping with the Jessica Jones that I knew from the TV adaptations. Chronologically it takes place after her retirement from superheroing and after her escape from the mind control of Kilgrave (which was the story arc of Season 1 on TV). The plot she faces in Breaking the Dark is diabolical enough, but it all seems much lighter than her own or Lisa Jewell's other outings.

The narration by Helen Laser was fine in all voices. It would have certainly added a further edge if they had gotten Krysten Ritter to narrate.

Trivia and Links
There is a promotional article at where you can also read the opening chapters of the book here. The article also mentions that future planned Marvel Crime novels include a Luke Cage novel by S.A. Cosby and a Daredevil novel by Alex Segura.
alanteder | 5 weitere Rezensionen | Jul 26, 2024 |
Ok, I did not realize this story is a bit on the Sci-fi side of the book world. Not really my genre at all. But, I did read it. So, take my review with a grain of salt!

Amber Randall is seeking help from private investigator, Jessica Jones. Jessica does not really believe Amber when she says her twins are not right. The twins have just returned back to the states after a long stay with their father in the UK. The twins don’t act like themselves, and they now have flawless skin, have lost their distinctive tics and habits, and keep talking about a girl named Belle. Amber insists her children have been replaced by something horrible, something “perfect”.

This is not your usual Lisa Jewell. She is one of my favorite go to suspense authors. As usual, she has wonderful characters. This is what kept me reading. I love Jessica. She is a hot mess but she is also intelligent and a bit snarky!

I also enjoyed the hunt to find out what happened to the twins! What kind of brain washing or experience did they actually have? This is where the story deviated from the normal. It involves human blood and not the vampire kind.

If this is what you like, you will enjoy this one. It is just a bit far fetched and “out there”. But, it is not going to stop me from reading this author, I will just skip this series.

I received this novel from the publisher for a honest review.
fredreeca | 5 weitere Rezensionen | Jul 21, 2024 |
Amber Randall comes to Jessica Jones with a problem involving her twins and their unusual behavior since coming home from a visit with their father in the UK. Jessica takes the case even though she is facing a crisis of her own; she may be pregnant with Luke Cage's baby. Jessica employs Malcolm to become friends with the twins, while she takes a trip to the UK to meet their father and trace their movements while they were there. What she finds leads her to the kind of supernatural connection she thought she had once upon a time, already escaped.

Breaking the Dark is a unique story that does deliver a strong message about what constitutes perfection and the lengths some people will go to attain it. Some supernatural elements are woven into the story, which includes appearances by a few other Marvel characters. Those who are not familiar with the backstories of Jessica Jones and Luke Cage will be at somewhat of a loss when their "super powers" become part of the narrative. Also, the protagonists do not have the gritty feel of the authentic characters developed in the Marvel Comics world. The basic plot of the story is interesting but the alternating chapters in the past and present are a distraction in the storytelling. However, the two timelines do come together by the end offering a satisfying conclusion. Overall Breaking the Dark represents a missed opportunity to more deeply explore the essence of what makes these Marvel characters so entertaining.
ftbooklover | 5 weitere Rezensionen | Jul 19, 2024 |
I read this as a monthly book club read.

I did not enjoy it as much as I thought I would with all the hype about this book.

It was definitely a slow burn. That ended pretty much how I thought it would. I’m so sorry, I wanted to love this book as much as my friends.

It was unbelievable how much they put up with this woman and I couldn’t get over how it didn’t really feel real to me. That anyone would put up with it is ridiculous. It made me really dislike them all.

I also didn’t like the flash to the Netflix rendition of the podcast. It didn’t add that much to the book and was too wordy and distracting in the description of the scenes for the tv taped version.

This is the first book by Lisa Jewell I have tried and I have two more. I hope they move along faster and have a better ring of believability.
AngelaOMalley72 | 42 weitere Rezensionen | Jul 13, 2024 |
I was disappointed in the ending. The rest of the book held my attention.
csobolak | 26 weitere Rezensionen | Jun 29, 2024 |
4.5 stars. Riveting! I read in
Rachaeljg | 42 weitere Rezensionen | Jun 24, 2024 |
I enjoy books by Lisa Jewell and will read any new ones. I didn't realise that this one was a Marvel Crime featuring Jessica Jones. I knew nothing at all about Jessica Jones, Luke Cage or any other Marvel character.

In this book Jessica Jones, private investigator is hired by Amber as she is worried about her children. After coming back from visiting their father they don't seem to be as they should be. The story then goes on from there.

I was enjoying the book initially and it wasn't a big deal not knowing anything about Jessica Jones. I did have to go with the flow especially with the super hero parts although to be fair there wasn't that many.

I did struggle with the plot especially towards the end of the book. I felt the story went on a bit too much and I found myself getting bored. I really enjoy books by Lisa Jewell but for me I would rather have her thrillers than the Marvel offering.

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for the book to review.
tina1969 | 5 weitere Rezensionen | Jun 21, 2024 |
Breaking the Dark: A Jessica Jones Marvel Crime Novel by Lisa Jewell is a very highly recommended private detective crime thriller. Yes, it does feature Jessica Jones, a retired super hero from the Marvel Universe, but knowledge of that universe is not required to enjoy this excellent investigative mystery.

Jessica Jones, ex-super-hero, is now a private investigator in New York City. Amber Randall asks for her help in figuring out what happened to her teenage twins, Fox and Lark, when they were with their father in the village of Barton Wallop, UK, for the summer. They came home changed and don't seem like the same teens who left. The two have freakishly perfect skin and have lost their distinctive tics and habits. Everything is "perfect" when asked and there is secret talks about a girl named Belle. Amber is seriously wondering if they have been replaced.

Jessica takes the case because Amber is wealthy and she needs the money. She has teenage intern, Malcolm, assist her by getting close to the twins and looking for more information about what happened to them. Then Jessica travels to the UK, meets the twin's father, and finds the mysterious Belle, a teenager living with her guardian in an old farmhouse. Then things get weird. While working the case, Jessica is going through some personal issues too.

I found Breaking the Dark wildly entertaining, extremely well-written, suspenseful, and un-put-downable. I'm probably not the target audience since I only have a passing knowledge of the Marvel Universe and am hardly knowledgeable about the lore and background of all the characters. What I am is a huge fan of Lisa Jewell's writing and if she writes it, I will read it. I was actually a bit surprised at how much I loved this novel.

The narrative follows the current investigation with occasional chapters covering events from years ago leading up to the present that provide needed background information. The two timelines coalesce at the end. The plot does have a dark mysterious, evil, and dangerous undercurrent. The plot enters into fantasy, obviously with the ties to Marvel, but also has some real lessons about modern life embedded in the plot. Including the current control social media and influencers have over people's lives in the plot is a timely addition.

Jessica is a fully realized imperfect character, full of flaws and shortcomings who is also worried that she may be pregnant, so this concern is always there. She doesn't rely upon super powers here, which should make the novel appealing to those who enjoy thrillers. Thanks to Hyperion Avenue for providing me with an advance reader's copy via NetGalley. My review is voluntary and expresses my honest opinion.
SheTreadsSoftly | 5 weitere Rezensionen | Jun 19, 2024 |
Great characters, the story moves at a good pace. Lots of twists and turns.
caanderson | 42 weitere Rezensionen | Jun 17, 2024 |
Episodic mystery - really nasty people doing horrific things, revealed over 460 putdownable pages. Some may find this entertaining, others not at all. Read this for a forthcoming book club session and really wish I could have swerved it.
DramMan | 126 weitere Rezensionen | Jun 4, 2024 |
3.5 stars

A solid (though not stunning) entry in the "not-gratuitously-violent" suspense category.

Several neighbors, each with different backgrounds and income levels, live in houses and apartments which surround a semi-private park in London. The gang of tweens and early teens who live nearby roam around (as kids that age do) until one evening -- the evening of a neighborhood block party -- when a very bad thing happens. Who is the perpetrator? Many have motives (and even more have secrets).

Jewell opens the story at the scene of the crime, then takes us back in time -- slowly peeling back the layers while the reader tries to suss out exactly what happened. It's a well-written story (for the genre) that kept my interest. Most of the characters fit a bit too neatly into standard tropes, but all in all I enjoyed the ride and would certainly be inclined to read more of Jewell's work.

Although I received a galley of this book, I listened to the audio version for my review. The audio is well-done and recommended.

Thank you to NetGalley and Atria Books for a galley in exchange for an honest review.
jj24 | 54 weitere Rezensionen | May 27, 2024 |
An unusual contemporary mystery with friendship drama.

All the families live close to each other in a community that surrounds a huge park with hidden gardens and paths. The children run free in the green space and in and out of each others' homes with ease. It happens on a warm summer night during the annual Virginia Park Tombola. One of the children, 13-year-old Grace, is found by the rose garden gate in a coma with her clothes in disarray.

This was a slow burner that built up in perfectly paced storytelling that creates tension and suspense as everyone tries to figure out what happened to Grace and who was responsible. The novel is told in alternating points of view between the various characters -- women and children -- who live in apartments and homes around the park. Hints, secrets, lies, lots of domestic situations and concerns kept me guessing. I was hoping to believe the best of all of the friends - both the adults and the teenagers -- and many red herrings dangled to keep me on edge. The characters were multi-faceted and intriguing. I found the climax and conclusion quite satisfying and a bit surprising.

I listened to the audiobook while following along in the e-book ARC provided by the publisher. I really liked the narrator - she did an excellent job voicing all the characters and her tone and dramatic flair enhanced the experience. I'd recommend this one.
CelticLibrarian | 54 weitere Rezensionen | May 21, 2024 |
THE THIRD WIFE is the best kind of mystery; it involves three mysteries: who is writing horrible letters to Maya, did Maya kill herself or was her death an accident, and who is the woman who seems to be stalking Adrian?

Maya is Adrian's third wife. The book begins with her death when she is hit by a bus (which would be an odd choice for suicide, in my opinion).

Before Maya, though, Adrian had two children with his first wife and three more with his second. They have all been getting along and getting together for holidays and vacations. They still do after Maya becomes the third wife. They all appear to love her. Then Maya begins receiving horrible letters with details that only someone from the family could know. Did this lead to her death?

Then a woman pretends to want Maya's cat after she has died. For a while she keeps reappearing and seems to be a stalker. But she suddenly stops. Adrian searches for her, hoping to get answers.

Lisa Jewell wrote THE THIRD WIFE a decade ago. I was lucky to have found it. You'll enjoy this one as much as you do her later books.
techeditor | 35 weitere Rezensionen | May 21, 2024 |
This books was such a fun and unique read, i really liked the different formats within the book! it kept my interest and i read it in 2 days!
only complaint is the twist that she tried to pull off at the end fell flat for me. she worked really hard throughout the whole book to create an unreliable narrator, so i was not able to get on board with the ending.
haleychannell | 42 weitere Rezensionen | May 18, 2024 |
Wow.. just wow! I've been hearing talk about this book on Facebook and around the blogosphere, but honestly, as a mother of 2 teen girls, I was wary of picking it up. I am always hesitant to read any psychological thrillers, normally I end up not liking them, or figuring out the "culprit" early on and then it's all meh to me. But this book caught me off guard, I had an inkling of an idea of what happened.
There were so many twists for me in this book. I stayed interested and couldn't put it down until I knew exactly what happened.

The story and writing kept me needing to know what was in the next chapter and what exactly had happened to poor Ellie.
chaoticmel | 168 weitere Rezensionen | May 18, 2024 |
I enjoyed meeting Arlette and Betty in Lisa Jewell’s fantastic novel, Before I Met You. The story opens with Betty meeting her step grandmother, Arlette, for the first time when her mom and step dad move in to look after Arlette following an injury. The two become very close and Betty gives up the typical opportunities for young adults when Arlette experiences health complications related to a stroke. The two women live together in Arlette’s aging home until Arlette’s death.

During the reading of Arlette’s will, the family learns she has left a large portion of her inheritance to a woman named Clara Pickle, who presumably lives in London. Betty, ever so compassionate and selfless, jumps at the chance to move to London’s Soho in search of this mysterious woman. Facing the excitement of independence and an opportunity to live the life of a typical 22-year-old, Betty begins her new life by finding an apartment and a job in Soho.

The novel kept me on the edge of my seat as the story alternated between Betty’s life in 1995 and Arlette’s time in London in the early 1920’s. Arlette’s arrival in London and the time she spent with her swanky friends was fascinating. She met and became close friends with an artist who introduced her to more friends. The two years she lived in London were certainly life changing. Ironically, Betty’s life somewhat parallels her grandmother’s time in London. She meets unique people and is faced with important life changing decisions too, all while being a detective in search of Clara Pickle.

As I hoped, Lisa took me on an interesting journey of two different time periods with two very similar women. This novel is full of secrets, romantic relationships, curiosity, and life development. There are many moments of excitement and hope while also moments of sadness and devastation. The ending was very satisfying and left me feeling sad the story was over.

I purchased the audiobook of Before I Met You through my Audible subscription. A good narrator is an important component to the listening experience. Helen Duff did an excellent job making this a wonderful reading experience.

I have photos, videos, and additional information that I'm unable to include here. It can all be found on my blog, in the link below.
A Book And A Dog
NatalieRiley | 12 weitere Rezensionen | May 12, 2024 |