
G. T. KarberRezensionen

Autor von Murdle

5 Werke 507 Mitglieder 2 Rezensionen


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Another collection of logic puzzles featuring Deductive Logico and his partner, the esoteric Inspector Irratino. This was cute, but I thought not as successful as the first volume—the narrative arc being conveyed mostly via the answer key was more convoluted and difficult to follow, and as weird as it is to say about a puzzle book, the side-lining of Logico and Irratino's relationship was a bit disappointing. Having more emotional stakes would help with the pacing issues. Again, weird to say about a puzzle book, I also feel like there should be less space given to the elementary ones, and more to the most difficult ones (and the complexity level could be stepped up there).
siriaeve | Sep 5, 2024 |
A very charming, light-hearted collection of logic problems, loosely connected by brief bits of gently humourous narrative in the set-up/solutions. (We even get to see Detective Logico find a boyfriend and fall in love, all while he's solving murders!) The book's divided into four sections with the puzzles getting progressively more difficult from section to section, although even towards the end I wouldn't say that they're the most difficult logic problems I've ever worked through—none stumped me. They're calibrated to be the kind of thing you can do while lounging by the pool or while travelling. Recommended if you like this genre of puzzle, or if you've never done them but are curious.
siriaeve | Jun 7, 2024 |
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