
Alysha KayeRezensionen

Autor von The Waiting Room

1 Werk 9 Mitglieder 6 Rezensionen


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I am not usually a fan of romance but this is definitely the exception. I am absolutely in love with this book. I have already read it 3 times. There was so many parts where I cried and I'm not ashamed to admit that.

There are so many things to love with this book.

One is the love between Jude and Nina. I love them because as they point out many times, they didn't have a perfect relationship but somehow they were allowed to go into each life with each other. Their love always seemed to be cut short and I was always rooting for them in each life.
The characters in the Waiting Room were some of my favorites. Each character had such a personality, even if they were only briefly seen and that's something that good authors can do and not make it seem forced. I applaud her so much for this.

I also love how different each life is from their original one. There was so much thought put into each detail of their lives, there was never a repeat or close to a repeat.

The whole idea of reincarnation is a very interesting one. I like that people did not just go along with it at first, they questioned everything. It never felt like religion was being shoved down your throat and that there was no real explanation into why this was happening. It was open to every religion for interpretation and it was open-ended. It was also up to the reader to interpret what they thought was behind this.
PeytonHammond | 5 weitere Rezensionen | Nov 30, 2021 |
What happens when we die? Is love everlasting? Check out this great read from Alysha Kaye.
skgregory | 5 weitere Rezensionen | May 25, 2018 |
The author sent this book to me when, in response to her commenting that she hoped I would check it out, I asked her to send me a copy. This is my honest review in return.

It wasn't a bad book. It was well written, and an intriguing idea, but I found it a little flat. I found myself wanting the characters to have more depth, and it all felt a bit of a breathless race to the finish. I would describe it as more like a really good response to a creative writing exercise than a novel, but it shows potential. With stronger plotting and a little more thought given to the characters' back stories, it could be a longer, more engaging novel.½
missizicks | 5 weitere Rezensionen | Apr 1, 2016 |
Alysha Kaye's first novel, The Waiting Room is the first, so also the best romantic story I've read in 2015! This book had to have been written with the greatest of care, ceding an interest into the belief of reincarnation and ever-lasting love.

Jude and Nina are husband and wife. They're in love and planning to have their first child when Jude is killed in an auto accident. Instead of reaching the Pearly Gates for fiery depths of Hell, he finds himself in a crowded, Waiting Room. Periodically names are called and people are lead through a door, but Jude refuses. He won't step through the door unless his beloved Nina is with him, and so begins the story.

This book is amazing! I decided to add it as an extra book review for this week, since I couldn't find the email when the author had originally sent it to me- big mistake! Out of obligation and my slip in organization, I bumped the book for an early review. I read it in about 12 hours, including bedtime and all. I couldn't stop reading it!

I enjoyed every life, every achievement and failure they endured- I wanted to share in it all! Even with some of their severely brief lives (Deb & Blair), Kaye managed to make me care for them with delicate development. I got to now them all and found myself eager to know when Jude and Nina got back together... or not. I won't give any spoilers, because that's not what I'm about, but you have to read this beautiful story. It'll incite hope, appreciation for life and a new way of looking at reincarnation!
AReneeHunt | 5 weitere Rezensionen | Aug 18, 2015 |
Summary of The Waiting Room:
Jude and Nina are the epitome of that whole raw, unflinching love thing that most people are jealous of. That is, until Jude dies and wakes up in The Waiting Room, surrounded by other souls who are all waiting to pass over into their next life. But unlike those souls, Jude’s name is never called by the mysterious “receptionist”. He waits, watching Nina out of giant windows. He’s waiting for her. What is this place? How long will he wait? And what will happen when and if Nina does join him? The Waiting Room is a story of not just love, but of faith, predestination, and philosophy, friendship and self-actualization, of waiting.

This novel is quite unlike anything I've previously read. It's a tale of love, longing and waiting. Jude is an endearing and believable character who I warmed to over the first few chapters. Nina I found more difficult to like, possibly as my attention was focused on Jude and his conflicting emotions concerning Nina.

Thanks to author Alysha Kaye for sharing this novel with me in return for an honest review.
claireh18 | 5 weitere Rezensionen | Sep 1, 2014 |
“I watched Nina slowly begin to smile again. I’ve never wanted something so much and hated myself for wanting it even more. But I wanted her to join me. I was lonely and trapped.”

Jude and Nina aren’t the perfect couple, but when they fell they fell fast and hard; until an accident cut their time together short. Now Jude can only watch Nina from a window in The Waiting Room as she lives out the rest of her life without him, and he waits for his name to be called for his second chance at life or for the day Nina joins him.

This book can be read in different ways. If you want a quasi-deep, philosophical and religious thought provoking book The Waiting Room can be what you want. On the other hand, it can also be taken as just an anthology of the lives Jude and Nina share together; a series of short romances. Even though the book is about death it doesn’t carry a deeply depressing tone, instead the characters are lighthearted about their situation though most of the book.

I wouldn’t have minded if Kaye would have prodded a little bit deeper into her idea of The Waiting Room in general instead of keeping her main focus on Nina and Jude, but overall a good little romance novel that would be great for a poolside reading.
ReadingBifrost | 5 weitere Rezensionen | Jul 28, 2014 |
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