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This is the third story in the Haven House series. and to my recollection, I have not read the first two books in this series, but that did not prevent me from being pulled into this book.

Two broken people try to find their way – one to revenge and one to find love. Truly Lady Piper Connor and Captain Nick Rutherford have hearts that seek to do what is right in their eyes, but in the process can they find their way to each other?

The story involves women enslaved by men, the death of a beloved sister that is made to look like suicide and more. This story captured my heart and my imagination. It shows how having faith and a belief in love can bring about change in someone’s heart.

So check out this book for yourself.

I received a copy of this book for my fair and honest review.
PattiPeanut1992 | 4 weitere Rezensionen | Apr 6, 2020 |
When I opened this book on my Kindle, I have to admit that I had some reluctance. It is certainly the first book of its kind that I’ve read, with the sobering subject matter and what appeared at first glance to be a dismal storyline. If this also sounds like your reaction, do what I did; take a step of faith and give this book a chance. I found myself warming to the story as I read, and while I don’t think that “enjoy” is the proper word, I do feel that I have benefited spiritually from my time within its pages. Sexual slavery is, sadly, still a major issue around the world, even in the U.S., and I applaud the author for shedding light on this problem and also for addressing PTSD through her characters. It is easy to think of these problems as belonging to the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, but they have been around just as long as the troubles that cause them.

Opening in London in 1863, “Vengeance is Mine Saith Mi’Lord” by Tammy Kirby is the third book in the Haven House series and the first that I have read, but I did not have any difficulty following along. As I read, I thought about this being Dickens’ London, with its poverty and hardships. This made it easier for me to connect with the setting, even though the main characters are from the upper echelons of society. Later on in the story, as some of the poorer characters emerged, my heart went out to them even more for the lack of choices they had and for the treatment they endured. Haven House is a beautiful mission amidst the backdrop of the evils prevalent in society, much the same as is the case today. This book is not one that sugar coats, but rather that highlights concerns relating to the characters’ wellbeing with respect and an eye toward the Savior.

“Vengeance is Mine” deals, as the title suggests, with Captain Nick Rutherford’s, the Marquess of Blackwell, burning desire for revenge against the man whom he believes murdered his sister. Believing that to be Piper Connor’s brother, he kidnaps her during the night in order to draw her brother’s attention and to recoup some of his own emotional losses. While it’s easy to quickly condemn, there is great value in forgiveness, and we shouldn’t expect characters to be flawless any more than we expect people to be. Ecclesiastes 1:9 reads: “What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun.” And as Piper tells one of the girls at Haven House, “You are more than your past mistakes. You are more than what those people who had power over you made you. Do not remember the lies. Your future started when you entered the halls of Haven House. Make it what you want, not what others have told you is your destiny.”

I received a complimentary copy of this book through Celebrate Lit and was not required to post a favorable review. All opinions are my own.
Stardust_Fiddle | 4 weitere Rezensionen | Mar 31, 2020 |
19th Century England: Sexual slavery is abundant. One woman vies to change this, amidst her own private war of forgiveness and learning obedience to God. Lives are changed, hope renewed and Haven House is born.

Captain Nicolas Rutherford, the new Marquess of Blackwell, has spent most of his life at sea. Now with the responsibility of Blackwell Manor, he must return and step into his new role. This includes finding the murderer of his beloved sister, Susie, whom he believes to be the brother of Miss Piper Connor. What follows is a wonderfully written story that will have you laughing, crying and at times indignant as you get totally involved in the book. The sadness of sexual slavery is well documented as is the need for those who care enough to bring about change to the lives of these unfortunate young women and children.

This book is my introduction to this author, and while I had no trouble following, it would have been fabulous to have read the first two books as I would like to know how Haven House began. The author gently shows how the love of God can make a difference in the lives of those suffering from PTSD and abuse. Even when a situation is outside of your control, God will still be there to help guide you through it. I highly recommend this wonderful regency tale.

I received a digital copy of this book through CelebrateLit. The impressions and comments are my own and were in no way solicited.
Eamace | 4 weitere Rezensionen | Mar 30, 2020 |
As I write this review I pray that God will give me the right words to honor the writings of a book that was hard to read. The subject of sex trafficking is one I don’t like to read about. The author has done an excellent job of showing what horrors people go through as they are abused then tossed aside like garbage. Piper is a victim of revenge that at first seemed harmless. It is hard for others to understand what a traumatic experience will do to someone. Many of the young women in the story including Piper start to believe they are worthless. Oh that I could only tell those who are hurting how much God loves them.

Nick was not my favorite character at first but as I got to know him my heart went out to him. He really didn’t mean to cause Piper any harm. In his mind he believed he should take revenge for his sister’s death. He carries so much pain and guilt that only God could heal his heart. Piper and Nick must both find healing from their past. I enjoyed reading how the author took two people and brought them together in an unlikely relationship. The theme of forgiveness is strong in the story and the realization that vengeance is not for us to act on.

Out of all the author’s stories, this was the most honest and real look at what unconditional love is. It doesn’t matter about our past , only that we allow God to heal our anger, pride and guilt. We are not to carry shame as the women in the story did. I hope you will take the time to read what the author has written at the end of the book. It is powerful and reminds us not to live in fear. This book goes on my list of favorite books for 2020.

“Never let your scars define who you are. It is what is inside that counts. That is what Jesus looks at.”

I received a copy of this book from Celebrate Lit. The review is my own opinion.
Harley0326 | 4 weitere Rezensionen | Mar 30, 2020 |
3.5 Stars

While Vengeance is Mine Saith Mi’Lord words as a stand alone (and it’s the first book in this series I’ve picked up), readers will most likely enjoy it more if they start with the other two books to get a better understanding of Haven House. That said, Tammy Kirby still manages to deliver an enjoyable Regency story whether you’ve read the series in order or not.

When Sea Captain turned Marquess Nicholas Rutherford goes against the man he truly is to seek revenge, it’s Piper Connor who is caught in the middle. The man seems to be two different people at times, and Piper can’t quite figure him out.

Yes, the story is predictable (nothing came at me as an outright surprise) but it’s plenty entertaining. And there are a lot of pieces to it that keep things moving well. Regency fans will enjoy the perspective of Nicholas’ life on the ship and Piper is an intelligent and strong heroine who doesn’t shy away from doing the right thing.

Disclosure statement: I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book and was not required to write a positive review. All opinions are my own.
Suzie27 | 4 weitere Rezensionen | Mar 25, 2020 |
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