
Xandrie Kovak

Autor von The Fervor

3 Werke 24 Mitglieder 7 Rezensionen


Werke von Xandrie Kovak

The Fervor (2016) 13 Exemplare, 5 Rezensionen
Beauty & Beast: A Sinful Supes Story (2017) 10 Exemplare, 1 Rezension
Animus (2017) 1 Exemplar, 1 Rezension



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[b:The Fervor|33359075|The Fervor|Xandrie Kovak||50306608] (Sinful Supes, #1) by [a:Xandrie Kovak|15184536|Xandrie Kovak|]
New Adult Paranormal Suspense Romance
4.5 stars
I was pleasantly surprised. It was interesting and well written. The age of the two main characters, Claire & Luke, is a bit young for me. She is 20 and he is almost 17. The story is definitely for the more mature audience, but I would hesitate to call it adult. The entire setup is very intriguing and I will be exploring this series and the author in the near future.
From what information I can gather about this sequel, there are 4 books. 'The Hunter' is the direct sequel to 'The Fervor', but it's the 4th book in the series. 'Animus' is the true 1st book and deals with Luke. 'Beauty & Beast' is the 3rd book and deals with Claire's best friend Camilla Alvarez. A little confusing, but it actually makes sense.
April 29, 2017 – Finished Reading
April 28, 2017 – Started Reading
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bodebeabay | 4 weitere Rezensionen | Sep 25, 2022 |
This is more of a flashback/intro short than a whole novel on it's own. I laughed a lot, but it didn't really give me any desire to follow up and find more in the series.
moxamoll | 4 weitere Rezensionen | Dec 3, 2019 |
This is more of a flashback/intro short than a whole novel on it's own. I laughed a lot, but it didn't really give me any desire to follow up and find more in the series.
moxamoll | 4 weitere Rezensionen | Dec 3, 2019 |
This short story introduces both Claire (who has recently discovered she is part-succubus, which explains a lot but is basically Bad News for her), and Lucas, who is an alpha werewolf (Bad News for other people).

Pay attention, because these people are going to reappear in later books, I think.

What I Liked
Claire. I liked Claire immediately; her life has just been turned upside down by the news that she's now classified as Supernatural, and Kovak gets a nice balance between too much complaining about the unfairness of it all (whiny and annoying) and too brave and calm (not believable). She comes off as real, and someone that I wouldn't mind spending time with in real life.

Lucas. Now, this came as a real shock. Generally I hate alpha male characters because they tend to be a) interchangeable and b) a$$holes who need to die. Lucas actually has a personality, and his role in the story is more than just object-of-heroine's-lust. Kovak has put in some other things that made him different from the usual run of interchangeable alphas, which you will discover when you read the story.

The situation. Honestly, I don't think that the blurb does this justice, because the blurb implies that we're going to get a sort of standard unpopular-girl-does-something-embarrassing-in-class situation, and the alpha will feel sorry for her, mop up her tears, and they'll get together.... Not happening. Kovak's better than that, and this story reads like she's thought through the implications. It's not played for laughs, and we end up with a far more satisfying read for it.

The background world. This is a short story; we don't find out much about the background because there just isn't the space, but Kovak has set up something interesting. Reminds of me of some parallels in American history.

What I Didn't Like
Honestly, there wasn't anything.

The characters are young-adult, but the "feel" is more mature, so don't be put off by that.
The sex is part of the plot, thanks for that, Kovak. Also, not overdone.
Thoroughly recommended; I'll be keeping an eye out for the rest. Kovak's got a fan here, I think. :-)
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T_K_Elliott | 4 weitere Rezensionen | Mar 12, 2017 |

