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A grandmother, Granddaughter team has written an amazing book about the importance of this thing called love!

As a young lady Cara Symank lost her mother to a tragic accident on the front lawn of her grandparent's house. Years later as an adult Cara begins to look back on the legacy that her mother left her. The very things that sustained her throughout the remainder of her childhood.

Together Carole and Cara have created a book that is a lasting legacy to a mother and daughter they both adored. In these pages you will discover what matters in the life of your children and how these things are passed down from generation to generation. This book explores the importance of letting your daughter know through your actions and your time how very much she is loved and how special you consider her. It is this love that will drive her to love others as she grows up.

I appreciate the sincerity and honesty of the writers in the exploration of a mother's long reaching effect. Are you leaving a legacy that will sustain your children? If you were taken today - what would your children reflect about your relationship with them? Have you instilled in them that they are loved, worthy, special and worth your time?

Thank you Gospel Light for This review coy.
abbieriddle | Mar 1, 2022 |
First Place 4 Health, Carole Lewis
In the past I have read other Christian weight loss books and reviewed weight loss/exercise programs. As I do not struggle with a weight issue I quickly lose interest in the program. First Place 4 Health is completely different. It’s focus is on Matthew 6:33, Seek Ye first the Kingdom of God. Carole Lewis states on page 97, “ First Place is all about seeking God before anything else.” In fact the majority of the first half of this book talks more about changing one’s mindset than shedding pounds. It puts great emphasis on serving Christ, seeking His kingdom, becoming His friend through prayer and bible study, and exposing the root problem of your weight issue. It is pointed out more than once that weight will be shed as a secondary thing when all areas of your life are balanced (spiritual, emotional, and physical). This being done by correcting the spiritual aspects first which will cause a heart and mind change thus resulting in a life style change that lasts. I have really enjoyed the book and can not wait to incorporate the program into my own home. I have not seen a program like this before. This book is a great encouragement for those looking to lose weight, or just to start living a more balanced and healthy life. Thank you regal publishing for providing this review copy.
abbieriddle | Mar 1, 2022 |
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