
Jeanie LondonRezensionen

Autor von Retrieval

30+ Werke 508 Mitglieder 9 Rezensionen Lieblingsautor von 1 Lesern


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Okay so I liked the book well enough actually I could have loved it but, it just felt SO UNFINISHED. Like the author realized that she had enough chapters and abruptly ended the books. Made a lot of the stories seem incomplete... REALLY IRKED
diidi92 | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Nov 22, 2016 |
Okay so I liked the book well enough actually I could have loved it but, it just felt SO UNFINISHED. Like the author realized that she had enough chapters and abruptly ended the books. Made a lot of the stories seem incomplete... REALLY IRKED
diidi92 | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Nov 22, 2016 |
was a really good harlequin Super Romance. had a good ending to
KimSalyers | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Oct 1, 2016 |
This really shows how really nice people will go out of their way to make sure a kid is safe. It also shows that some people are more interested in their own lives over a 8 year old. Also shows the problems with all the records were lost during Katrina. There are a few love scenes that I did skip over.
The story tells two different stories lines till they meet up together. It does make you care about the characters. I wanted Courtney to find the missing child.
Courtney is a social worker. A case she has not had for long has come up that they don't think the child Courtney knows is the same one who came into the system over 8 years ago. The child was separated from her foster family at the time of Katrina and was sent to a different state for a few years till the family could get back into their house and out of a FENMA Trailer. They don't know where the switch was made. So two different girls were called Araceli.
Marc DiLeo is staying at his mother's house after a accident that makes it hard for him to climb stairs. He is still taking pain killers and going to physical therapy. He is finding himself not caring about anything.
Courtney goes early to family dinner to ask Marc for help about how she can try and find the child. Marc tells her to figure out when the switch was made but if it was right after she got in the system with Katrina happening she might have been lost for over 8 years and it did not look good.
Marc finds people who skip out on their bail. His family gets involved and tells him he should help her find the girl if possible. Even his brother the doctor. Marc decides to get out of the house and tells Courtney to come on. He needs a office and his regular pay plus he needs to be driven where ever he needs to go.
Courtney is off work while the FBI investigate the case to make sure she was not covering up anything and because the girl Araceli traveled across state lines. So Courtney agrees and shows Marc the guest house behind her house. It is small but all on the same floor unlike his mom's place. So he tells her that he will stay their to go get his computer and clothes for him while he reads the case files.
They go into a few different states trying to track down when and where Araceli disappeared. It does not help that the other Araceli took off when they started to ask questions. It is interesting to see them piece the trail off Araceli to discover what had happened.
I would read another book by Jeanie London in the future.

I was given this ebook to read and asked to give honest review of it by Netgalley.
publication: September 3rd 2013 by Harlequin Super Romance 384 pages ISBN: 0373607970(less)
rhonda1111 | Sep 3, 2013 |
Two stories here, starting with Over the Edge by Jeanie London.
Mallory first met Jake Trinity ten years ago, a meeting that ended with her kissing him and her father ending up in jail for a while. Now they're older and both figure they need to find out more about each other.

It starts off badly. She showers when he's in the room to test him, I'm sorry, if you're looking for serious business this is not the way to start the business relationship. There are some great moments but they often seem to misstep slightly, particularly the sex. Still I was quite entertained. (3/5)

Slow Hands by Leslie Kelly however was much better. Jake is volunteered by his sister to take part in a charity auction for a bachelor date. Maddy is determined to ensure he doesn't end up in her stepmothers hands. Maddy is also convinced that he's a playboy and fights her feelings about him. He's falling for her too. The chemistry really worked for me here, the two characters came across as extrememly beliveable and likeable. (4/5)

These two are from Mills & Boon's Blaze series and really don't pull the punches when it comes to sex.½
wyvernfriend | Apr 11, 2011 |
She's a hotelier, he's the architect who helped her to design her perfect hotel. A hotel for couples to have an interesting time in, they've been attracted but the work lay between them, now they have a chance to test one of the suites.

It's pretty predictable from the outset but harmless fun.
wyvernfriend | Feb 7, 2011 |
I have never read Jeanie London but several people raved about this book on the AAR boards (and KarenS too I think) so I had to try it. London has written for Harlequin Blaze and ITC is JL's first effort at RS and a very good one.

ITC is a compelling spy thriller/suspense that delves into the terrible torture and ethnic cleansing that went on during the Bosnian-Serbian war. London described the horrible atrocities and traumas that Claire suffered without going into graphic detail. Claire and Simon are realistically drawn characters, both very strong and intelligent but by no means perfect. Both of them were damaged in their own way; Claire from her months of torture and Simon from his survivors guilt and I felt pain for both of them. The plot grabbed my attention immediately and didn't let go, although at times the spy adventure aspect overshadowed the romance. The love scenes are steamy but as usual I found myself wanting more of them :)

We know right from the beginning who the bad guys are but the element of suspense along with Claire's struggles to regain her memory kept me on the edge of my seat. The action really kicked into high gear when Claire and Simon return to the former Yugoslavia to retrieve some critical information. The aliases for the operatives in the spy network were a bit corny and the plot was a tad convoluted near the middle, but I still enjoyed the book very much. ITC was hard to put down and if she keeps up this level of work I predict London will join my list of fav RS authors along with Stuart, Howard, and Castillo. (Grade: B+)½
reneebooks | Sep 7, 2009 |
Not what it says on the cover really. The story starts with Roman's death. He's given a choice of heaven or working to save the world against demons. He chooses to save the world and gathers a team to help. One of that team is Nina, currently overshadowing another person, she will end up in hell if she continues as she is and he has to try to convince her to leave the person she has inhabited and help him with his mission.

It's pretty predictable, but not what I expected from the blurb. It's more about Roman and his coming to terms with death and his mission. I liked the story but found it lacking in some ways, it was readable but I had no impulse to go looking for more in this world.
wyvernfriend | Jun 27, 2009 |
An awesome premise. Who hasn't wanted their loved one to be able to read their mind? Oh wait, or to be able to read theirs, I suppose... ^_^ I loved the fact that this book wasn't so much about falling in love with a new person, but about an existing relationship. Their love for each other was strong throughout the story, and I thought the individual idiosyncracies made this book a very fun and different read.½
kikianika | Dec 10, 2006 |
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