5 Werke 14 Mitglieder 1 Rezension

Werke von Kristy Love

The Fragile Fall (Undone Series) (2014) 8 Exemplare, 1 Rezension
Heartfelt Lies (Undone, #2) (2015) 2 Exemplare
HeartLess (2019) 1 Exemplar



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How does someone overcome their guilt when they know it’s their own rebellion that caused the loss of their family & everything they’ve ever known? This is the story of Will and his struggle to keep his guilt from shattering his already fragile existence. He’s recently moved in with his aunt and she tries to get him to go out; to make friends and meet people, believing it will help him begin to heal. But Will believes he isn’t ready yet, it takes all his strength to wake each morning and go through the motions. His guilt keeps him completely sealed off from the outside world. I couldn’t help but feel for Will, with all the pain he’s going through I just wanted to step in and rescue him myself! It’s not often that an author writes a story like this, told through the eyes of a teenage boy; I found this so refreshing!

One day, while looking out his bedroom window Will spots a girl and some of her friends by their pool. She looks up and sees Will watching her and instantly you can feel the pull between these two characters. A few minutes later there’s a knock at Will’s front door……’s her, Ryanne and she’s come to invite him over. You expect him to say no………. heck, he expects himself to say no! But that pull…….. he feels it and he know she feels it and it’s enough to get him to take his first tentative steps back into the real world.

As Will slowly starts coming back to life he forms a deep connection with Ryanne and her brother Jax, they become the best friends he’s never had. Theirs hasn’t been an easy life either; abandoned by their mom when they were little and having a dad that is never around, Ryanne had to step in and become a mom to Jax. These two have an unbreakable bond and it was heartwarming to see how they immediately took Will in and enfolded him into their lives. Ryanne is Will’s first real love and he really shows her what it’s like to be adored, purely and honestly. I loved that they gave to each other what each needed the most! Eventually, Jax begins to see that Will’s still battling some pretty strong demons; he tries to be there for him as much as he can but it’s not enough to keep Will from finding his own ways to cope with his grief.

The Fragile Fall is a beautiful story about struggling to survive ones grief and learning to overcome such loss. This story, many times, brought tears to my eyes! Kristy Love writes in such a way that I couldn’t help but feel what Will felt, each time he cried and struggled and ached…….. it just gutted me. This is a story about one boy’s journey towards redemption, it’s one I believe all teens can and will relate too and I loved it! Highly recommend for teens and YA fans.

Thank you to Kristy Love and NetGalley for providing me a complimentary copy of this book in exchange for my honest review!

*Don’t miss book 2 in this series, Heartfelt Lies (Undone Book 2) which follows Jax’s story, just released May 6th

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… (mehr)
jenladuca | May 22, 2015 |


½ 3.5