
S.L. Madden

Autor von Ascension

7 Werke 18 Mitglieder 4 Rezensionen


Werke von S.L. Madden



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Book Info: Genre: Paranormal Reading Level: Young Adult

Disclosure: I received a free copy of this ebook from the author in exchange for an honest review.

Synopsis: Thomas Hurd has always felt more comfortable watching people from a distance than interacting with them up close. But his tendencies to watch others reveals to him a creature he was never meant to see, and unleashes a horror onto his small town that threatens to consume the world. Contains mild language and violence.

My Thoughts: This is Book One of the Unseen Things trilogy. I originally received this over a year ago, but I should point out that I was notified by the author that a new version was posted and downloaded the most recent version just over a week ago.

Thomas Hurd is an interesting character; I suspect he is meant to be either mildly autistic or has Asperger’s, based upon his discomfort dealing with people and his inability to figure out how to talk to Madison (or when he does, he comes up with some ridiculously bad things to say, poor guy). I really like him, though, and I liked how deeply we got into his head; yet he remains an enigma. It’s fascinating.

This book is really quite dark, and it is a self-contained story, with just hints of where else Madden might take the rest of the trilogy. The editing is much better than Bravado/Dramatique, although there are still a few errors left. The story flows smoothly, and the characters are well-created and written. I really enjoyed this book and I think most fans of darker urban fantasy will as well.

The other two books in the trilogy, The Shadow Within and World of Shadows, are planned for a near simultaneous release later this year, or early in 2013. I, for one, will be anxiously waiting on them, as I can’t wait to see where things will go from here. Highly recommended.
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Katyas | Jun 16, 2013 |
“The Four-Year-Old Guardian” is book 1 of The Only Human on the Block series. In it, we’re introduced to Averton, OR – Monster Capital of the World – when Nick and his mother Michelle move there from Yakima. Nick is accustomed to being the new kid on the block, because they moved around a lot; however, Michelle has purchased a house in Averton and plans on them staying there for Nick to finish school. Nick quickly learns that the cool kids aren’t going to give him the time of day, but he also quickly becomes friends with his neighbor, Myles, a nerdy home-schooled kid, and Melody and Wendy. He discovers that the people who used to live in the house where he now lives had a daughter named Heather who died around five years prior. And then, one night, he meets Heather – well, Heather’s ghost – and finds out that he is the new Seeker, the one who has to find the new Guardian of the Orb, who is the one to protect the power of the Orb to keep the human world – Earthspace – and the demon world – Valos – separated. Heather tells him that the new Guardian will be activated on his fourth birthday. While fighting demons as best they can, Nick and his friends seek the new Guardian. Will they be able to find the Guardian in time?

This was another excellent book by S L Madden, a young-adult novel that is fast-paced, well-written and filled with unique and well-defined characters. I enjoyed getting to know each of them and look forward to learning more about them in the next book in the series, “Bravado/Dramatique.” Also watch for Madden’s new series, Unseen Things, book 1 “The Shadow Walker.” Judging by the quality of Madden’s books so far, it should be wonderful!
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Katyas | Jun 16, 2013 |
Book Info: Genre: Urban Fantasy Reading Level: Young Adult

Disclosure: I received a free ebook from the author in exchange for an honest review of this book.

Synopsis: The play’s the thing....

Between training, fighting demons and studying for school, Nick has more than enough to worry about. So how did he end up starring in the school play opposite Reva and Wendy, the two girls he can’t decide between?

Reva’s beautiful and popular and has a crush on him, but she wants to keep it a secret. Wendy’s a good friend, but she’s too wrapped up in thinking her father’s new care provider is a witch to notice Nick slipping away from her.

It’s enough to distract him from what’s important, like the demons who crave the Orb’s power. Then there’s Cal Phibbs, the school outcast, who’s been heard having conversations with himself. It’s almost as if he’s talking to someone — or something — no one else can see...

My Thoughts: This is book two in Only Human on the Block. I read and reviewed the first book in the series, The Four-Year-Old Guardian, in September, 2011, and that review can be seen here.

Since it has been so long, I was tempted to re-read the first book before starting on this one, but decided I need to get moving through some of these older books, so just had to hope my memory would come through for a change. As it turned out, I fell back into the plot fairly easily. Being able to see how these characters are growing and changing is a real treat, and having the play be such an essential part of this story was a rare treat, as I was in drama throughout grammar, middle and high school, and well into University. I’ve always loved performing in front of a crowd, to the point where karaoke is one of my favorite things to do, if I can find a place where I enjoy hanging out.

I particularly liked Cal Phibbs – to tell the truth, he is exactly the sort of person I would have hung out with in school, if anyone in my little town had the guts to be a Goth. My parents would have blown a gasket, but I’ve always favored the outcasts and the misfits – being one myself – so I really related to Cal. I’m very concerned about Myles – when you read the book you will know why. He’s a sweet boy, and I’m terribly afraid something horrible is going to happen to him. We will see.

Unfortunately, there are a lot of editing errors in my copy. I enjoyed the story, obviously, but the constant parade of extra words, missing words, wrong words, incorrect tenses, wrong forms, redundancies, etc. really started to wear on me – there was something on pretty much every page. Like this sentence, for instance: “He his him in his lap.” What was meant was “He hid his hand in his lap.” Despite that, I quite liked the book; if the story had been any less, I would have taken off a star for the editing, but the story was so fun and engaging that I will leave it at five stars.

This is to be a five-book series; the next book, Together Alone should be out soon, and I will definitely be watching for it. If you enjoy young adult urban fantasies, you should definitely enjoy the Only Human on the Block series, set in Averton, OR – the monster capital of the world. I’ll be reading another book by Madden next – from a separate series – so watch for my review, coming soon!
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Katyas | Jun 16, 2013 |
“Ascension” is an absolutely riveting novel - I sat and read it straight through, pausing only when absolutely necessary. It is almost impossible to explain the plot without spoiling it, but I will try. Kharma has been set up on a blind date by her roommate and best friend, Beth. When she meets Chance, there is an immediate spark and she ends up going home with him. The next morning, when she wakes up, the entire world has changed. And throughout the day, it continues to change, throwing her from one reality to another. Is she actually going to alternate realities – or has she finally gone insane, like her mother before her?

The beginning of this book is like some dreams I have had – it has the potential to have been confusing, Madden writes in such a way as to keep the reader right there with Kharma. While we’re not certain what’s happening on the one hand, on the other hand the writing style is clear and it is easy to follow. I loved this book and I heartily recommend it to anyone who enjoys a good story that will keep you guessing and on your toes. Great stuff!
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Katyas | Jun 16, 2013 |

