Massachusetts Society ... (Unterscheidung)

"Massachusetts Society ..." bezeichnet mindestens 7 verschiedene Autoren, unterteilt nach ihren Werken.

Über den Autor

Beinhaltet den Namen: The Massachusetts Society ...



Hinweis zur Identitätsklärung
Due to the way LT generates author IDs by truncating the first 20 characters of an author record, this page can potentially represent any author record that begins with "Massachusetts Society*" or "The Massachusetts Soci*" (please don't remove the canonical names set to represent this, even though they produce a "Combination issues" error). Please do not combine this page with any specific author, nor change the primary author of these works just to move them off this page. Instead, if a more specific author IDs exists, please alias the division to that author page. If you have any questions, just ask in the Combiners group. Thanks.

1) Massachusetts Society for Promoting Agriculture
2) Massachusetts Society of Mayflower Descendants
3) Massachusetts Society of Genealogists
4) Massachusetts Society of Certified Public Accountants Inc.
5) Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children
6) Massachusetts Society of the Sons of the American Revolution
7) Massachusetts Society of Colonial Dames of America