
George E. Mattson

Autor von The Way of Karate

7 Werke 35 Mitglieder 3 Rezensionen

Werke von George E. Mattson

The Way of Karate (1963) 22 Exemplare, 1 Rezension
Uechi-ryu Karate Do (1997) 7 Exemplare
The way to karate 1 Exemplar
Way of Karate, The 1 Exemplar
The Black Belt Test Guide 1 Exemplar, 1 Rezension



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Rank requirement summary chart
Chapter One Introduction
Chapter Two The test overview
Chapter Three Preparation
Chpater Four Sanchin
Chapter Five Designated kata
Chapter Six Exercises
Chapter Seven Arm rubbing and pounding
Chapter Eight Dan kumite
Chapter Nine Seisan bankai
Chapter Ten Questions
Chapter Eleven Free fighting
Chapter Twelve Test form
Chapter Thirteen Dan test computer program
Chapter Fourteen Test strategy
Appendix A Viewpoints
Appendix B Important uechi-ryu information
Appendix C Uechi-ryu history in China
… (mehr)
AikiBib | Aug 14, 2022 |
A fully illustrated explanation of the Okinawan style of karate, the art and science of empty-hand fighting. An indispensable introduction to its true nature and basic techniques, with emphasis on its value as a system of training body and mind and as a means of self-defense.

Over 550 photographs and diagrams.

Major subjects presented include...
Relationship between karate and Zen
Basic karate principles
Principal karate techniques
Physical and psychological aspects of karate

Clear-cut descriptons of the most important exercises (including the two classic formal exercises sanchin and seisan); thrusts, blocks; elbow, hand, and wrist strikes; foot-striking techniques; and sparring technques. with a chapter n trainng equipment, classes, and schedules.

By George E. Mattson, first American to receive a black belt from the Uechi Karate Association of Okinawan; present holder of black belt, second grade (instructor); chief instructor at the Mattson Academy of Karate, Boston; and graduate (B.S., business administration) of Boston University.

'...Karate has bred many misconceptions among the curious and even the novices in the art. (This) book seems to go a long way in correcting these false notions....This work by Mattson would help any student of karate-of whatever school he may be-to understand its true meaning. Also it is of great apparent value to anyone-even though he never takes a lesson in karate-interested in understanding the Oriental mind and way of life.'-The Japan Times

'The Way of Karate is an excellent text in its value of training mind as well as body as a means of self-defense.'-Air Force Times

'...A detailed and pictorical expositon.'-The Book Exchange (London)

'The Tuttle books on Judo are classics of the art, and now this publishing house has issued a fully illustrated exposition of the Okinawan style of karate-the art and science ofempty-hand fighting. The book is an indispensable introduction to the true nature of this system.'-South China Morning Post

'This book is considered to be an excellent introduction to this Far Eastern sport and is especially recommended to those interested in the fine art of keeping themselves physically fit.'-The Seahawk (U.S. Navy)

'Entertaining as well as instructional, this book delves into the historical development and philosophic foundation of Okinawan style Karate to a greater degree than any other publication on the market.'-Strength and Health Magazine


Foreword by Dr. Amiya Chakravarty
1 Introduction
What is karate?
What karate is not
Methods of studying karate
What is meant by the 'way'?
History of karate to date
The Okinawan sai and its connectin with karate
Karate and Buddhism in Chinese art
Karate and Zen
Karate attitude
2 Karate Terminology
3 Karate Stretching exercises
Heel pivot exercise
Foot-and-leg twist
Knee circular bend
Waist 'scoop'
Trunk-stretching exercise
Leg lift and turn exercise
Double arm-thrusting exercise
Wrist blocking exercise
Fishtail blocking exercise
Neck-massaging exercise
Straight-leg striking exercise
Side stretching exercise
Elbow striking exercise
Front leg-stretching exercise
Sitting leg-stretching exercise
Deep-breathing exercise
4 Formal karate training, preliminaries
The ceremonial bow
Student-to student bow
Student-to instructor bow
Posture-correcting stance
Training schedule
Training aids
Important training points
Introduction to the kata (formal exercises)
5 Sanchin, Fokrmal exercise I
What is sanchin?
Physical, psychological, and philosophical principles developed in sanchin
Legend of the three gods of sanchin
How to learn and study sanchin
Sanchin: the complete kata
Summary of sanchin
6 Other karate stances
Hachiji-dachi (informal stance)
Musubi-dachi (neutral stance)
Kiba-dachi (low stance)
Zenkutsu-dachi (leaning-forward stance)
Neko-ashi-dachi (cat's-foot stance)
7 The karate thrust
Important points to remember about the karate thrust
How to develop a fast and effective thrust
Karate thrust exercise
Summary of thae karate thrust
Combination blocking and thrusting techniques (uke-zuki-waza)
8 Keri-waza: foot-striking techniques
Basic principles of sanchin used in foot-striking and foot-thrusting techniques
Mae-geri-keage (front-snap foot-strike)
Mae-geri-kekomi (front foot-thrust)
Yoko-geri-keage (side-snap foot-strike)
Yoko-geri-kekomi (side foot-thrust)
Ushoro-geri-kekomi (back foot-thrust)
Mae-tobi-geri (flying front foot strike)
General remarks on keri-waza
9 Uke-waza, blocking techniques
Explanation of terminology
Circular defense principles
Chudan-uchi-uke (inside middle-area block)
Chudan-soto-uke (outside middle-area block)
Kaka-uke (inside hooking block)
Gedan-barai (downward block)
Gedan-barai, low stance
Jodan-age-uke (upper rising block)
Uke-keri-waza: combinatins of blcking and foot-striking techniques
10 Other karate execises and techniques
Kake (co-ordinating and sabilizing exercise)
Yokusoku-kumite (advanced prearranged sparring exercise)
Karate turning technqiues
Application of the running turn
Basic turning block
Technique combinatins
Mae-geri-keage and choku-zuki
Chudan-soto-uke and yoko-geri-kekomi
Fisthtail block and thrust
Double thrusting technique
11 Advnaced kata: Seisan
How to learn seisan
Seisan over-all movement chart
Summary of seisan
12 Elbow, hand, and wrist strikes
The elbow and its use
The hand and wrist: uses for blocking and striking
Palm-heel block (teisho-uke)
Palm-heel pushing block (nagashi-uke)
Bent-wrist block (kakuto-uke)
Combination block and strike (tsuki-uchi)
Knife-hand strike (shuto-uchi)
Ridge-hand and foreknuckle strike (haito-uchi and hira-ken-uchi)
Spear-hand strike (yonhon-nukite-uchi)
Back-fist strike (riken-uchi)
A question and answer
13 Sparring techniques
Kihon-kumite: fundamental sparring
Explanations of kion-kumite examples
Fundamental sparring: random attack
Summary of kihon-kumite principles
Competitive sparring
Technique sparring
Advanced point sparring
Basic rules and regulations governing karate sparring matches
Sparring stances
14 Trainng equipment, classes, and schedules
Training equipment
Suggestions on developing a karate class
A word of caution
Karate for women
Karate uniform and belt system
15 Leends of karate
Tkhe old man and the tiger
The bluff
Mr. Uechi, Sr. and the bandits
Tests of stability
Appendix: Karate and health by Dr. Marvin Solit
… (mehr)
AikiBib | May 29, 2022 |

History of Uechiryu Karate
Origin of major aspects of Uechiryu Karate
Requirements for green belt
Uechiryu exercises
Kanshiwa Bankai
Uechiryu conditioning exercises
Requirements for brown belt
Daini Seisan
Uechiryu prearranged sparring
Other conditioning exercises and drills
Old Chinese conditioning methods
Defense series No. 1 & 2
Requirements for Black belt (shodan)
Seisan Bankai
Ten point kumite
Requirements for black belt (Nidan)
Supplemental Chinese fighting systems
Requirements for black belt (Sandan)
Requirements for black belt (Yodan)
Appendix one-Tournament competition
Appendix two-Interviews
Appendix three-Karate and religion
Appendix four-Okinawan organizations
… (mehr)
AikiBib | Aug 14, 2022 |

