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Good introductory text for undergraduate science and technology studies.½
sfj2 | 1 weitere Rezension | May 21, 2024 |
O ser humano tem verdadeira fascinação por temas relacionados a um cristianismo alternativo. Isso se revela quando é publicado um texto do evangelho tradicional mesclado com ideias extravagantes, quando ocorrem novas descobertas arqueológicas sobre Jesus, ou quando alguma obra de ficção é publicada e chega a desafiar os fundamentos da igreja.

Através da história da religião, Alister McGrath expõe a surpreendente trajetória da heresia ao longo do tempo. McGrath explica, também, porque as heresias nunca foram erradicadas – elas podem desaparecer em determinada época, mas reaparecer com roupagem diferente, em outra. Por outro lado, o autor apresenta uma ortodoxia poderosa, compassiva, e profundamente atrativa, que equipará a igreja para que possa enfrentar as heresias atuais, em suas mais diferentes formas.

"Agradeço a Deus por Alister McGrath. Você fará o mesmo, ao terminar de ler este livro. Texto e foco são claros, convincentes e compreensíveis. Não guarde essa leitura só para você. Compre outros exemplares e ofereça-os a outras pessoas." Rick Warren, autor do prefácio

"Alister McGrath nos ajuda a entender o que é heresia e o porquê dela exercer tamanha atração sobre a mente humana. Também encontramos discussões e insights sobre a motivação que conduz as pessoas a adotarem heresias como crença, estilo de vida e conduta." Dallas Willard, professor da Escola de Filosofia do Sul da Califórnia

"Este livro não é somente um decorrer da história de antigas controvérsias, mas também uma atual e necessária correção para a interpretação de que as heresias são simples pensamentos que se libertaram de uma estreita e fechada ortodoxia. O leitor compreenderá melhor as antigas heresias e adquirirá uma renovada apreciação pela ortodoxia cristã." Justo González, autor de Retorno à história do pensamento cristão
Rawderson_Rangel | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Nov 15, 2023 |
largely involving the social history of the period and the enormous influence the KJV has had on the English language along with BCP and Shakespeare. It is the flourishing era of Elizabeth England atop the Tudor State which is the basis of the book, and just how far the political stability of the era required a little island nation which had just weathered attack by Imperial (Catholic) Spain from an irate brother-in-law, could navigate between the Scylla of Catholic Absolutism in France and Spain, and the Charybdis of Protestantism in extremis - Puritanism as embodied in (believe it or not) radical, revolutionary Geneva.[return][return]That Protector Somerset could set the ball rolling did not stop it taking a few perilous turns as James I disappointed Presbyterians by his love of bishops and his son paid gor this disappointment with his head and a Puritan Republican Commonwealth until the revolution faltered and a new King returned with revised Prayebook, restored Anglican Church and its AV Bible which survived the lunacies of Charles II's brother and the rocky Stuart Era to be the epitome of Anglicanism even if the modern Church has worked assiduously to pull up its roots.
nordie | 12 weitere Rezensionen | Oct 14, 2023 |
An excellent source-book for Christian theology through the whole of the Church's history. The sources - each with a short introduction - are arranged thematically, allowing the reader to discover how the debate in those areas has progressed. There is a helpful biographical section of the theologians cited, and a timeline of their work.
INeilC | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Jul 1, 2023 |
Unfortunately I waited ten years to read this biography of C. S. Lewis. It is quite good. Good biography, good discussion of theology, good discussion of academics, good discussion of writing, good discussion of the world of his fictions. (It even made me go out and buy a hardcover of his Space Trilogy.) Well-told, well-researched, and interesting. It held my attention from first to last and gave me excellent background to better understand and appreciate Lewis's thought and writing. Good pictures, good citations (including expansive endnotes), good index. I liked the formatting too, good all around. I would say, having read nothing else, that it is THE biography of Lewis to start with and read if you like any of Lewis's writing, either apologetical, academical, or fictional.
tuckerresearch | 15 weitere Rezensionen | Apr 4, 2023 |
A good basic introduction to spirituality, more concerned with 'mapping the territory' than a guide on how to develop spiritually. For that I'd recommend either [b:Spiritual Theology|46223294|Spiritual Theology|Jordan Aumann||1204013] or [b:The Three Ages Of The Interior Life: Prelude of Eternal Life|880507|The Three Ages Of The Interior Life Prelude of Eternal Life|Réginald Garrigou-Lagrange||865801].

Wide ranging in its survey, this book looks at types of Christian spirituality, theological foundations, biblical images and spirituality, and visualisation and spatialisation in spirituality, before concluding with some practical exercises in textual interpretation.

If you are looking at Christian spirituality for the first time, I would highly recommend this book, with the disclaimer that it is very intellectual and structured in its approach and lacks the more practical and emotional aspects of spiritual development. In other words, it's all head stuff - no more than you'd expect from an Oxford academic!

But even for those well versed in Christian spirituality, the book has a new perspective to offer and helps to provide a framework within which spirituality can be better explored.
IanGrantham | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Mar 23, 2023 |
maurobio | Dec 7, 2022 |
Very interesting read into what C.S Lewis’ mind and literary works.
JourneyPC | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Sep 26, 2022 |
Note: I received a digital review copy of this book from the publisher through NetGalley.
fernandie | 1 weitere Rezension | Sep 15, 2022 |
In Heresy, leading religion expert and church historian Alister McGrath reveals the surprising history of heresy and rival forms of Christianity, arguing that the church must continue to defend what is true about Jesus. He explains that remaining faithful to Jesus’s mission and message is still the mandate of the church despite increasingly popular cries that traditional dogma is outdated and restricts individual freedom.
Jonatas.Bakas | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Jun 24, 2022 |
a good story but the ending was a bit of a let down
JevKim | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Apr 22, 2022 |
Completando 25 anos desde a sua primeira publicação no exterior, Teologia sistemática, histórica e filosófica é um dos livros didáticos mais aclamados internacionalmente nesta área. Completamente reescrito para a segunda edição, esse volume de teologia permanece sendo uma introdução ideal às crenças cristãs e à sua interpretação. Uma obra projetada especificamente para estudantes sem conhecimento prévio, apresentando os principais temas e debates da teologia cristã com clareza e contexto histórico.
Essa nova edição mantém todos os elementos que a tornaram tão bem-sucedida, ao mesmo tempo em que inclui adições e desenvolvimentos significativos. Há uma discussão crescente da teologia contemporânea para complementar a excelente cobertura do material histórico. Novas informações importantes também foram adicionadas, em áreas como a doutrina do Espírito Santo, teologias contemporâneas não-ocidentais e vozes feministas na teologia cristã. O texto é rico em pedagogia para encorajar o aprendizado dos alunos, oferecendo glossário, perguntas para discussão no final de cada capítulo e muito mais. Escrito pelo renomado teólogo Alister E. McGrath, esse texto clássico é uma introdução clara, viva e concisa que fornece aos professores as ferramentas necessárias para se envolver com seus alunos na teologia cristã.
Jonatas.Bakas | Mar 20, 2022 |
If I had Lunch with C.S. Lewis, Alister McGrath
C.S. Lewis has always fascinated me. His books have long been on my shelves as required reading for our home schooling adventures as well as personal reads. This one adds a whole new depth to understanding and incredibly complex man who's views and writing have shaped many generations and will continue to do so in the future. This book is written as if the author has gone to lunch with C.S. Lewis and what that would be like as they discussed certain issues and ideas. Though at times a little slow to read it is over all a great book. I think that reading more than one "lunch date" at a time might be more than a reader can handle as much of Lewis' thoughts on things needed to be chewed on slowly and considered in depth - allowing them to sink in and give the reader time to contemplate them and form their own opinions. I found the book to be an excellent resource to add to our home school library but would certainly recommend it to any lover of C.S. Lewis who wants to know why he wrote the way he did and how Christianity influenced his life. It is always fascinating to me to understand the thinking of a self-proclaimed Atheist turned Christian - I am always interested in the impact of Christ on a life of a person who is an advocate for Atheism since this is such a huge deal right now and really always has been. C.S. Lewis thoughts on Nazism and Public education were especially thought provoking to me as a home school mom who teaches a biblical world view to her children while the majority of our friends kids are washed in an educational system of a secular and unbiblical world view that threatens to undermine the teachings of the church. This is not a long book at all, but is best read in small sections and enjoyed. It is a great conversation starter for older children to discuss these sometimes deep topics and you may find that it drives them to the scriptures to support their views and to further understand the rock on which Lewis based his views after conversion to Christianity. Excellent read and a special thanks to the publisher Tyndale and the blog review team who sent me this free review copy in exchange for an unbiased review of this book.
abbieriddle | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Mar 1, 2022 |
FMCMoorestown | 4 weitere Rezensionen | Nov 26, 2021 |
I just finished reading Alister McGrath's book "In the Beginning: The Story of the King James Bible and How it Changed a Nation, a Language, and a Culture". Even though I've read over a dozen books on the topic of English Bible translations, I was suitably impressed with the information in the book. I'd expected the book to be a review of information I was already aware of, but McGrath added pieces to the puzzle I was unaware of. McGrath went into some political and religious areas to explain what happened to the KJV after pupublicationand part of the book was the influence the King James Version had on the American colonies.

I was a bit disappointed the book didn't discuss into the successors of the KJV, such as the RV, ASV, RSV, NKJV, etc.

All-in-all, this is a 5-star book. This would be a good choice for a layperson who wants to learn about the history of English Bible translations.
BibleQuestions | 12 weitere Rezensionen | Oct 24, 2021 |
Currently free on Kindle, and I really liked McGrath's [b:Christian Theology: An Introduction|23003|Christian Theology An Introduction|Alister E. McGrath||1241058], so I picked it up.
VictoriaGaile | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Oct 16, 2021 |
Good readable biography of one of the giants of modern evangelical Anglicanism. With his intimate knowledge of late 20th-century English evangelicalism, McGrath is clearly the right man for the job when it came to this tribute. From Packer's humble middle-class beginnings as the son of a railway clerk and a tragic childhood accident that almost cost him his young life and resulted in social isolation, to his scholarship to Oxford University and subsequent conversion to Christ, McGrath reliably considers the details of Packer's spiritual development, theological positions, and relationships (sometimes strained) with such figures as C.S. Lewis, John R.W. Stott, Martyn Lloyd-Jones, Alec Motyer, and other notable evangelical leaders. A fitting biography for a great man.
wyclif | 1 weitere Rezension | Sep 22, 2021 |
I read this for an introduction to systematic theology course at seminary. It is an adequate introduction but I probably wouldn't read it except for a class.
Aldon.Hynes | 10 weitere Rezensionen | Sep 14, 2021 |
This fifth and final part of McGrath's introduction to Christianity highlights some aspects he didn’t yet touch upon, most notably the sacraments and the belief in the afterlife. Again there are interesting initiations, but the author's main aim is encyclopedic rather than inspiring. His long explanation of the different views on the Eucharist is typical in that regard. McGrath does his best to show that Christianity is more than a doctrine, but the approach that emerges from this series remains very cerebral. Ethics, for example, is only worth a few paragraphs.½
bookomaniac | Jun 28, 2021 |
Science & Religion is an important topic, that frequently comes in conversation.

Who is the Author?

McGrath is an erudite Scholar, a Chemist, turned into Theologian. He holds Science and Religion Chair at England. I'd leave details for the reader to figure out.

What does McGrath say in this work?

In this work, McGrath doesn't bring anything original in this area. McGrath, rather gives an outline of what has been said.

Anyone who has explored the field, Philosophy of Religion might be aware of this work.

Why care about Philosophy of Religion?

If you care about big questions of life.

These questions shape fundamental value of your being, your life.

Socrates said, "An Unexamined life is not worth living."

What is Philosophy of Religion?

It's an academic field, where leading academics discuss, put forward their best ideas, their best work on Religion.

Recently, there's an explosion in field of Philosophy of Religion. Theists have been contributing massive literature to the field.

With that, comes a challenge from Naturalism, the view that there is only Nature, nothing else. Both have been fruitful, respectful in contributing.

Surprisingly, the conversation in Philosophy of Religion at cutting edge level goes on for years.
Because, big questions of life is difficult, hard, complex.

This is due to the amount of intellectual thought, understanding, challenges on this topic.

What others are saying in Science and Religion?

McGrath in his interviews says, it's helped him to do Science better. He says being part of a religious tradition, helps him to see reality in new ways. Late, Professor John Polkinghorne took similar view.

There's many others who's worked on this area of interest. I can name few, T.F Torrance, Ian Barbour, Arthur Peacocke, famous Computer Scientist, Charles Babbage.

So --How does one view reality?

It's a tough question, and therefore, many researchers, scientists come up with new ways to reach truth. The best ideas stay relevant, others get discarded.

Certainly, a complex question - a physicist, a chemist, a biologist, a mathematician, all would describe reality in unique ways.

Since knowledge became specialized, i.e Natural Philosophy got divided into parts of its own.

I know, many lost the art of bringing them all together.

So How, you may ask, How do you view reality, I'd say, many miss seeing the --Big Picture.

In 17th century, writers from School of Salamanca, a Spanish school saw problem with specialization.

Unfortunately, modern world has lost seeing Big Picture of Knowledge. It became too specialized.

Why is this important?

Historically --For human flourishing, both, Science & Religion, have helped each other.

From Aristotle to Contemporary Scientists, Researchers, Professors.

All have engaged on this topic at some point in their life.

This would be a good gentle introduction work in Science & Religion.

Please Check, Religion and Science, Special Divine Action Project by Oxford University

Deus Vult,
gottfried_leibniz | 1 weitere Rezension | Jun 25, 2021 |
This part of McGrath's series on Christianity deals primarily with the Holy Spirit. Like the previous parts in this series, McGrath wants to be just a little bit too complete. He deals with all kinds of aspects of this very interesting subject, but jumps from one aspect to another, not really inspiring. This booklet ends up with a somewhat too dry enumeration of aspects of the life of Christian communities: grace, salvation, sin. Contrary to the previous part, sin gets a decent explanation; I had loved more on the essential notion of grace, though. The church as an institution receives a rather ambiguous treatment, while also circumventing the thorny question of the leadership of the Bishop of Rome.½
bookomaniac | May 21, 2021 |
Série As Crônicas de Aedyn
Faz dois meses... ... que o vulcão entrou em erupção, liberando um poder estranho, maligno, vindo desde o fundo da terra. Pedro, Júlia e Luísa se viram presos numa armadilha com o povo de Aedyn. Pior ainda, nem Pedro nem Júlia sabem como levar o povo de volta para casa e o plano de Luísa para libertá-los só resulta em ansiedade.
À medida que o poder que cerca a Sombra cresce, chega um estranho afirmando ser um mensageiro do Senhor dos Exércitos. Peras promete levar todos de volta em segurança, mas a sua presença faz os irmãos se perguntarem em quem devem confiar. Nesta conclusão dramática da trilogia das Crônicas de Aedyn, Pedro, Júlia e Luísa precisam decidir se devem lutar por aquilo que sabem ser verdade, mesmo quando o combate parece desesperador.
Pedro e Júlia podem liderar a revolução e Luísa encontrará coragem para enfrentar o seu próprio destino? Em um mundo habitado por animais diferentes, com ruídos e barulhos esquisitos, duas crianças chamadas de um mundo paralelo terão de descobrir quem realmente são, travar uma intensa luta interior e, depois, liderar uma grande revolta.
Jonatas.Bakas | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Apr 29, 2021 |
Série As Crônicas de Aedyn
Faz quase um ano desde que Pedro e Júlia visitaram a terra de Aedyn pela primeira vez.
Nesse meio tempo muitas coisas aconteceram, como a dura realidade do segundo casamento de seu pai e a convivência com os dois irmãos adotivos.Eles, então, começaram a questionar se tudo o que lhes aconteceu, em Aedyn, não foi um sonho.
Com a chegada das férias, Pedro e Júlia voltam para casa. O clima, porém, estava tão pesado que certa noite, eles decidem fugir. Na correria, acabam caindo em um rio parcialmente congelado. Ainda estavam se debatendo em meio ao gelo semi-derretido, quando perceberam que estavam de volta a Aedyn – só que dessa vez, acidentalmente, Luísa, a irmã de criação acabou indo com eles!
Aedyn não era a mesma. Gritos ecoavam pelo ar. De longe os irmãos contemplavam, completamente imponentes, as pessoas sendo presas, conduzidas a um navio e transportadas a outro país como escravos. E, enquanto Pedro e Júlia imaginavam o que estaria acontecendo com a terra que tanto amavam, um falcão gigante aparece para levá-los ao mesmo lugar onde o Senhor dos Exércitos salvara seu povo séculos atrás.
Os três precisam encontrar uma maneira de salvar os prisioneiros e trazê-los de volta para Aedyn. Mas a terra está trepidando e o vulcão começando a soltar fumaça.
O tempo deles está acabando.
Jonatas.Bakas | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Apr 29, 2021 |
Série As Crônicas de Aedyn
A terra de Aedyn é uma região encantadora, um paraíso para além de toda imaginação.
Espécie de universo paralelo à dimensão dos humanos, desconhecido por todos – exceto pelos jovens Pedro e Julia. Os dois irmãos, durante uma estada na casa dos avós em Oxford, no Reino Unido, jamais poderiam suspeitar que as férias tomariam um rumo totalmente inusitado.

Numa bela noite iluminada pela luz, Julia e Pedro são atraídos por um chafariz no quintal da casa. Ao andarem pelo jardim, Julia tropeça e cai na água, puxando seu irmão consigo.
De maneira misteriosa, os dois vão parar em um estranho mundo habitado por seres fantásticos, marcado por estranhos ruídos e gente fora do comum – como um monge de 500 anos de idade que fala de uma antiga lenda sobre duas crianças que um dia viriam para salvar Aedyn de seus opressores.
Esta é apenas parte do enredo de Escolhidos, da série “As Crônicas de Aedyn”, do renomado escritor cristão Alister McGrath. Dono de grande erudição, com formação teológica e científica, o irlandês McGrath transpõe para Escolhidos uma carga enorme de criatividade, suspense e espiritualidade, na medida para agradar ao público infanto-juvenil.
Quando Aedyn é tomada de surpresa por misteriosos senhores que confiam apenas em sua própria razão, a dupla de heróis é levada a agir, mesmo sem saber em quem confiar, se no velho monge, nos misteriosos encapuzados ou nos escravos silenciosos que guardam um estranho segredo.

Em sua luta pela verdade e pela justiça, conseguirão Pedro e Julia encontrar coragem suficiente para enfrentar seu próprio destino?
Uma coisa é certa: eles terão de descobrir quem realmente são, lutando batalhas que os deixarão desesperados antes que possam conduzir a outros numa revolução libertadora.
Jonatas.Bakas | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Apr 29, 2021 |
Esta é a primeira refutação em formato de livro de Richard Dawkins, autor de algumas das publicações científicas mais populares, como O Gene Egoísta, O Relojoeiro Cego ou mais recentemente A Desilusão de Deus. Dawkins é talvez o ateu mais famoso do mundo, destacando-se pelas suas perspectivas controversas e hostis sobre a religião. Confrontando-as, a presente obra disputa admiravelmente alguns dos pressupostos centrais de Dawkins, como o conflito entre a ciência e a religião, a teoria da evolução do «gene egoísta» e o papel da ciência na explicação do mundo, demonstrando magistralmente a sua insustentabilidade. Além disso, este debate controverso desenvolve-se num estilo acessível a todos os leitores, mesmo àqueles que não possuam preparação científica ou religiosa.
«Neste livro notável, Alister McGrath desafia Dawkins no plano que ele próprio considera ser o mais sagrado – a argumentação racional –, e consegue assim desarmar o mestre.» Francis Collins, director do Projecto Genoma Humano
Alister McGrath é Professor de Teologia Histórica na Universidade de Oxford. Teólogo mundialmente famoso, tem um doutoramento em biofísica molecular, o que o torna particularmente habilitado para escrever este livro. É conhecido por ser um escritor extremamente lúcido, capaz de explicar as ideias mais complexas a audiências leigas.
Jonatas.Bakas | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Apr 27, 2021 |