1 Werk 4 Mitglieder 1 Rezension


I received this book from NetGalley and SparkPress (a BookSparks imprint) in exchange for a review.

The principal character Liz, refuses to accept ordinary. She must excel, she must have the center and the limelight and herein lies the book's largest failure. Her character lacks depth and humanity. The plot circles around and around and runs into itself. I kept wondering what point was being made and if it was worth all the words and pages. The language and use of Welsh phrases added nothing and was unnatural and cloying. The author uses the word "fatuous" on more than one occasion and unfortunately it seeped into my consciousness as an apt description of much of the book.

I love music and I believe the book had promise but this is a perfect example of an editor who should have been more critical and perhaps it would have rendered a more coherent book.
kimkimkim | Aug 21, 2017 |