
Andere Autoren mit dem Namen William J. Murray findest Du auf der Unterscheidungs-Seite.

1 Werk 23 Mitglieder 1 Rezension


Anarchic Harmony is an interesting treatise by William J. Murray on braking away from society's imposed "reality" and instead following the individual's own instinctual belief system, whatever that may be. According to Murray, society projects its own mythologies with the intention of protecting and supporting the system (society) instead of the individual, often to the detriment of the individual, and in doing so obscures our ability to see the world - and ourselves - the way we are "meant" to see them.

While Murray does have some very cogent points, some readers may lost them in the text that can feel somewhat repetitive and vague, especially to those resistant to the unavoidable "New-Age_ feel to the text. He spends a lot of time going over how everything is made up of systems, from the cosmic to subatomic level, and how individuals are both made up of and belong to numerous systems, and how nobody can truly know anything, and sometimes this can all become a bit vague and bemusing after the fifth time it's explained in a slightly different way. However, the overall point of Anarchic Harmony - the need for individuals to recognize their own identities and needs instead of having society assign them, comes across clearly and passionately, even if you do end up skimming the last couple of chapters.
smichaelwilson | Oct 13, 2016 |