

Zeige 9 von 9
Very interesting use of extensive quotes from primary sources at the end of each chapter, accessible language, proper evaluation of political & personal motives in church controversies. Could use some discussion of assumptions questioned by Rodney Stark in his The triumph of Christianity.
leandrod | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Mar 17, 2021 |
As good as the first one, bringing out the debates of the mediaeval church and it's gradual corruption until the eve of Reform.
leandrod | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Mar 17, 2021 |
As expected, as clear and interesting as the previous volumes, full of insights and primary source extracts. Probably the best introduction to church history, preparing the reader for [a:Jean-Marc Berthoud|4388250|Jean-Marc Berthoud|]’s [b:Histoire alliancelle de l’église dans le monde|20500696|Le temps des pères et l’âge de la foi (L’histoire alliancelle de l’Église dans le monde, #1)|Jean-Marc Berthoud||34310622].
leandrod | Mar 17, 2021 |
This volume deals with the period of Church history that was dominated by the Reformation. Here we encounter the Lutheran Reformation, spearheaded by figures like Martin Luther and Philip Melanchthon, and the Reformed Reformation, where Ulrich Zwingli, Martin Bucer, and John Calvin led the way. We meet the Radical Reformers, in all their diversity, including Menno Simons and the Mennonites. We also examine the Catholic Counter-Reformation, and explore the very different world of Eastern Othodoxy. In all this we see how theology, spirituality, worship and culture were affected by the events of the sixteenth century.
Paul_Brunning | 1 weitere Rezension | Apr 26, 2016 |
It is intended that this will be the second in a series of four volumes, which will cover the History of the Church from the earliest days up till modern times. Pastors and preachers will undoubtedly gain much from this series, and those who already have an interest in Church History will find the four books useful additions to their library. Nevertheless, the series is written in a style that will appeal to the non-specialist and any modern Christian will find it challenging and stimulating to be introduced to men and women who loved and served the same Savior that he loves and serves. This volume deals with the Middle Ages, and includes the stories of great missionaries such as Boniface and the brothers Cyril and Methodius, outstanding theologians like Anselm of Canterbury and Gregory Palamas, spiritual giants like Simeon the New Theologian and Bernard of Clairvaux, and 'reformers before the Reformation' like John Wyclif and John Huss.
Paul_Brunning | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Apr 26, 2016 |
Without a doubt, one of the most enjoyable and readable surveys of the early church that a family could possibly read! Dr. Needham's goal for this series is to strike the much-needed balance between accessibility for the non-specialist, and scholarly integrity. In this first volume, he accomplishes this task admirably, and both the interested layman, and more advanced student can profit from this text. Dr. Needham's treatment of the many complex theological debates that shaped the early church is both clear and concise, and his exposition of the worship and practice of the early church is both fascinating and refreshing. Each chapter ends with a section of carefully selected primary source materials, which provide the reader some exposure to the writings of the figures discussed in the preceding chapter. Includes a variety of simple maps and a dozen illustrations.,This book was born out of the author's deep conviction that today's Christians can benefit enormously from learning what God has done in the past. The mighty act of Christ did not come to a halt soon after the events recorded in the book of Acts. In every century since the first, the Almighty has been at work and believers can trace his footsteps by studying the way that Christians of a previous generation faced the challenges that confronted them.It is intended that this will the first in a series of four volumes, which will cover the history of the church from the earliest days up till modern times. Pastors and preachers will undoubtedly gain much from this series, and those who already have an interest in church history will find the four books useful additions to their library. Nevertheless, the series is written in a style that will appeal to the non-specialist and any modern Christian will find it challenging and stimulating to be introduced to men and women who loved and served the same Saviour that he loves and serves. This volume deals with the age of the Early Church fathers and includes, together with many more, the stories of martyrs such as Blandina and Polycarp, theologians like Athanasius and Augustine of Hippo, and preachers like John Chrysostom.
Paul_Brunning | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Apr 26, 2016 |
After reading Part One of N. R. Needham's 2000 Years of Christ's Power, my expectations were high as I finally got around to Part Two which covers the Church in the Middle Ages. As with the first volume of the series, Part Two completely exceeded what I had hoped for in learning about this largely misunderstood period of Christ's Church. Despite the darkness and tragic events for which the Medieval era is known, Needham also proves that Christ never completely abandoned the Church and that many great men of Church history glorified the Saviour in various ways through this period.
Of the many great strengths of this book, I particularly appreciated the opportunity to come away with a better understanding of Eastern Orthodox history and theology -- something only thinly covered in other Church Histories that I've read. Having now completed the first two volumes of Needham's history of the Church, I am eagerly looking forward to the third, and, so far, last volume which covers the Renaissance and Reformation. Hopefully the Lord will eventually bless us with a Part Four from Mr. Needham.
HowHop | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Aug 23, 2012 |
WHC_Librarian | 1 weitere Rezension | Jan 31, 2023 |
(1) Third Council of Constantinople concerning Christ's wills (354)
(2) The man who has lost his spiritual feeling, by John Climacus (361)
jamesrrouse | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Aug 5, 2017 |
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