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Nightmare Fuel: The Science of Horror Films is not only a deep dive into the history of the genre of Horror and its various subgenres and themes, but into the science behind why horror attracts and disgusts. Nina Nesseth focuses (primarily) on intersections of neuroscience and horror. Nina is quick to point out that watching horror isn't a "brainless" activity - but that filmmakers are crafting scares with the brain and body reactions in mind. So naturally, Nina explores how different parts of the brain (such as the amygdala and the hippocampus) responds to horror. But this book is also an interdisciplinary study. It is a deep dive into how all the aspects of a horror film - from creature design to sound design - provokes a response in the film viewer. Nina also explores horror through a social, evolutionary, and phycological lens as well. I found Nightmare Fuel to be an insightful look into why we are attracted to and disgusted by the horror genre. Nina Nesseth writes in accessible and entertaining tone, that is both approachable and scholarly.

Thank you to NetGalley and Macmillan-Tom Doherty Associates for providing this ARC in exchange for an honest review.
ryantlaferney87 | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Dec 8, 2023 |
Fascinating throughout! Every chapter looked at something new and interesting. As this was a book that examined various aspects of horror movies over the decades, there was a ton of titles dropped. I hope to start watching silent films in general and learn if I find them interesting. Like the author's wife, I too am terrified of the alien E.T.. The passage discussing her wife's reaction was validating, even as I squeaked with fear at what she was describing. I hate to say it, but the second half of the book dragged, probably because I was having trouble concentrating due to unrelated factors. I'm so glad I got to read this.
iszevthere | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Aug 1, 2022 |
Nightmare Fuel: The Science of Horror Films by Nina Nesseth is that rare book that applies science to our popular culture without either dumbing down the science (or being overly pop science in nature) or being too technical for a large readership. In other words, this is a very pleasant surprise.

So many books that I have read that are billed as "The Science of..." books are weak in both the science and the pop culture. Thankfully I didn't let all of those disappointments keep me from continuing to look for a book that would be satisfying in both areas. It certainly helps that Nesseth is a fan of horror films, but most other authors make the same claim, it just doesn't show up in their books.

The science is in enough detail, whether psychology or neuroscience or any of the hybrids, to engage a reader who is into science. The thing that makes this exceptional is that even with that detail it is still accessible and interesting to the general fan of horror who has or wants only a very basic understanding of the science. That is, I think, due to the fact this is about the horror films first and the science second, so fans never feel like they are secondary to what they are reading.

While the body of the book is great, the list of films mentioned as well as the bibliography offer wonderful resources. If you have been looking for more films to watch, there is a lengthy list of those mentioned in the text. If you'd like to read more about the science or the films, the bibliography offers many excellent options.

If you have any interest whatsoever in either the psychology and neuroscience of fear and emotions in general or in horror films as a genre you will find a lot to enjoy in this book.

Reviewed from a copy made available by the publisher via NetGalley.
pomo58 | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Feb 20, 2022 |
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