
Netta NewboundRezensionen

Autor von Behind Shadows

21 Werke 102 Mitglieder 2 Rezensionen


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I absolutely loved this thriller! This story flowed so well I could not tell that it was a co-write. I adored Dylan Monroe right from the start. He had such a sense of loyalty, honor and team work and I can't forget the willingness to do whatever it took to find out who was doing all the killing. His interactions with Roy were hilarious at times and the delivery scene with Bella you do not want to miss. I was very impressed with the mix of suspense, mystery and humor throughout the entire book. It was so well written that I could imagine sitting in the bar for the show or at a station desk. There was one scene in particular that gave me chills. And I dare you to try to guess who the guilty party is. Every time I was sure I knew who had done it, the next twist hit me and I had to rethink everything. I found out who it was at the same time as the wonderful Dylan. THAT is an accomplishment in itself. I highly recommend this book and am anxiously the next installment.
gnuckols001 | Sep 2, 2019 |
I made it to about page 10 before I knew this wasn't going to work for me. The heroine behaves like a self absorbed irritating teenager for goodness sake. Her mother tells her she's been experiencing headaches which apparently cause personality changes and does her only daughter leap up and yell "omg! what the heck is wrong? what does the doctor say?" no she just shrugs and crys about her own problems. Fair enough, her marriage is in trouble but still, really? Next at the mention of her old classmates name who was apparently a nerd she bursts out laughing and says "Nerdy James?" or something similar. Again, really? Grow up sweetheart. Finally we hear her sad story about how she figured she wasn't ready for kids (absolutely true) because she remembers desperately wanting a puppy then giving it away to the first niceish stranger on the street because it no longer appealed to her. Ugh, I want to slap her and i've only read 10 pages! Definetly not the book for me.
Charli30902 | Jan 5, 2017 |
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