
Dylan NewtonRezensionen

Autor von How Sweet It Is

8 Werke 213 Mitglieder 21 Rezensionen Lieblingsautor von 1 Lesern


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Bryce leaves her job in Tampa and moves to New York after the death of her brother and his wife to become the guardian of their three daughters. The maternal grandparents are contesting her custody so she works as a chef at PattyCakes and does catering on the side. She meets her boss' son Ryker as she is trying to get her 8-year-old niece who is caught under the baby food shelves at the grocery store. She does not know who he is but he knows she works for his mother. Both are attracted to the other but both think they have too much baggage. He has a prothesis and PTSD from his time in Afghanistan. She has three girls under the age of 13 plus is fighting the grandparents for custody as well as possibly taking over PattyCakes. Can they work it out? Do they want to?

I loved this story. I laughed so hard at times I had tears rolled down my cheeks. I liked that Bryce could find the humor in any situation. I also liked that she softened Ryker. The scenes with Ryker and the girls are some of the funniest. He takes every situation in stride and seeks solutions for any problem that arises. He may have PTSD, but Bryce is able to handle it. He needs to learn to communicate more. I liked the three girls: Addison, Cicely, and June. Each has their own personality. They make their own decisions and are not always easy to deal with but they form a family. They are typical kids.

I am so glad I read this. I need to get the earlier books in the series. I had so much fun.
Sheila1957 | 5 weitere Rezensionen | Oct 15, 2023 |
When Bryce Weatherford unexpectedly becomes the guardian to her three young nieces, she packs up her life in Florida to move to New York and things are....not going great. Her youngest niece Addison will not take off her fairy wings, middle niece Cecily will not take a bath, and tween June is out to make every moment for Bryce as difficult as possible. While it's understandable that the girls will be feeling the loss of their parents the most and in different ways, it doesn't make things easier on Bryce who's also having the guardianship challenged by the girls' grandparents.

Ryker Matthews on the other hand is struggling with his PTSD and the pain in the leg he lost during active duty is getting worse by the day. He's afraid of what the means for him and any future he may want. True, he made it home alive, but getting back to "normal" and rebuilding the connections with his family is more difficult than he thought.

Clearly Bryce and Ryker have a lot going on and even thinking of beginning a relationship would just add more to the pile. But from the moment Ryker pulls Cecily out from under some store shelves - in one of the most unique meet-cutes I've run across - there's no denying an attraction is there. The question is if they're willing to take that chance.

I've really enjoyed this series. When I first began it, Dylan Newton was a new-to-me author and now she's become a must-read.

As you can tell by reading the synopsis of the story, there is a lot going on for our main characters. But I think that even though it can feel a bit chaotic and a bit much, it also felt very authentic. I think they Dylan Newton really wrote this one especially well and balanced everything that was happening in a way that both conveyed the unpredictability of Bryce and Ryker's respective situations, but also dealt with everything in a way that felt complete by the end.

I think that the tougher subjects (PTSD, going through grief, etc.) are not shied away from or delicately stepped around, but handled head on with much empathy while also showing the strength it takes sometimes to simply keep moving forward. Where Bryce and Ryker find that strength is in one another.

I think they work so well because of the fact that they aren't starting out looking for anything. It's very unassuming. But they are also not going to ignore that they're attracted to one another. There's no shame in that. It's confronting the idea that they could have more with one another that is a little scary because then it kind of also means confronting the things that have been holding you back. I liked that while they are great together, their journeys are individual. They both have to get to the place where they want to be without outside influence.

Overall, I've really enjoyed this series. Each of the books stand nicely on their own, but I think there's a huge payoff in Ryker's story especially because it's been built up a bit throughout the other two.

Now, I'm on the lookout for what's next from Dylan Newton!
AmyM3317 | 5 weitere Rezensionen | Aug 24, 2023 |
Change of Plans by Dylan Newton
3rd in series although not named as such online. Contemporary romance / romantic comedy. Can be read as a stand-alone. Heroine = New guardian parent. Hero = Veteran with PTSD.
Bryce Weatherford has recently become the guardian of her three nieces. As a new and single parent, she is juggling their care while still working. She meets Ryker one night at the local grocery store where sparks fly. While dating is difficult for a single parent, as a group they manage both family entertainment together and a bit of alone time. Can they make a relationship work between his PTSD and her parenting needs and in-laws that are fighting for custody?

While I loved all the 3 books, this is my favorite. Happy stuff, making family work, a hero that needs a hug, a heroine that loves a baudy joke, children that have individual personalities, and a dog that can handle the lease. Touching and emotional, I cried in several parts over the last 15% of this adorably sweet and heartwarming romance.

Series, 3 brothers in a small town, each with their own story.
Book 1, How Sweet it is.
Book 2, All Fired Up.
Book 3, Change of Plans.

I received a copy of this from NetGalley. I will purchase this series in full to share. Opinions are my own.
1 abstimmen
Madison_Fairbanks | 5 weitere Rezensionen | Aug 3, 2023 |
What an amazing surprise Change Of Plans by Dylan Newton was. I have read a couple of her stories, so I grab anything of hers I see. I love this fun cover and the romance inside. There are some fun moments and lots of romance. The characters are addictive.

Imagine, if you will, the ringing of the phone. You answer and you are told your brother and his wife died and named you guardian of their three young children. Of course, the wicked grandparents think you are incapable of raising them and sue you for custody. As I read along, I thought, why didn’t she take a vacation and have the children stay with them. I think they may change their mind.

The children: five year old Addison, who refuses to take off her fairy wings. I can picture her, spinning around the room with a smile of innocence on her face. Then we have eight year old Cecily who won’t bathe. Once we found the reason why, it all made sense. Tween, June hates everything about life and is constantly in trouble, lippy and standoffish.

Bryce, their guardian, struggles to cope. I feel for her. Not only is she doing her best to take care of the children and find work in a new place, she is grieving for the loss of her brother. She has no family left. No support system. Her breathing exercises to calm herself in high stress are familiar to me. The garbage plate in Rochester, New York, been there done that. I love a book that has a taste of reality for me.

Ryker left the Marine corp because of the loss of his leg. He has PTSD and nightmares haunt him as her relives the worst day of his life. He avoids everyone, tinkering in his garage, where he restores vehicles. He rarely ventures out, but a visit to the grocery store changes his life forever.

Cecily had dropped her lucky rock under a grocery shelf and gets stuck.

“Let go of the change and the rock so I can pull you out, and I’ll give you a dollar.

“Two dollars,” bargained her niece, “and I get to pick out the cookies this week.

I was laughing out loud. I think I picked the perfect time for me to read Change Of Plans by Dylan Newton. I laughed and laughed. I cried and cried. I shared in Bryce’s lack of confidence in her new role, her grief. The writing is heavy and light at the same time and flows so smoothly, I reached the end before I was ready.

“I’ve been waiting to see him in his fairy wings. Only Aunt Beamer says the fairies don’t leave heaven ’cause the gates are locked. Have you ever seen a fairy, Mr Ryker:”

When Ryker found them in the grocery store, saved Cecily and played pirate with Addison, I found myself grinning like a fool, then her heartbreaking cuteness was like a punch in the gut. The tears flowed, so I will warn you to have a box of tissues handy.

The moment they met it changed both their lives. They slowly began to open up and think they could have the happiness everyone desires. Of course, we have a communication problem. Doesn’t that always happen in a romance story or real life? I thought she was too quick to do what she did, but I can understand her hurt. Other than that, I couldn’t find a single thing wrong with the book.

No matter what genre is your favorite, I can’t recommend a better book than Change Of Plans by Dylan Newton. to give you your emotional requirement of ups and downs, highs and low, bliss and despair, and…and…and…and…

I voluntarily reviewed a free copy of Change Of Plans by Dylan Newton.

See more at
sherry69 | 5 weitere Rezensionen | Aug 2, 2023 |
The heroine has been appointed as the legal guardian of her three nieces after their parents died from a car accident. Struggling being a single parent as well as dealing with her nieces' maternal grandparents wanting guardianship, the heroine encounters the hero at the supermarket when one of her nieces needed help. From that auspicious meeting, the heroine and the hero have more encounters that brings them closer together. Yet they also must deal with their own personal issues, which includes the hero's health and the heroine's future career path.

This is the third Dylan Newton book I've read and it's also my favorite one. This book has a disabled military hero dealing with PTSD and other health issues, who is also not looking for any romantic entanglements, but the heroine changed his mind on that. The heroine is dealing with grief and the struggles of being the guardian of three grief-stricken children, which changed the direction of her life. The precarious nieces have strong personalities that have distinctive ways of dealing with grief, yet they are endearing characters who really love the heroine and began to get closer to the hero as time goes on. The main couple were surrounded with supportive secondary characters, especially the hero who has his brothers and his military friend. I would have liked a bit more details in certain areas of the story, but my particular preference wasn't detrimental to my enjoyment of the book. Overall, a highly recommended Dylan Newton book and I look forward to reading more from the author in the future.

** Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for the review copy. All opinions and thoughts in the review are my own. **½
DilowRosas | 5 weitere Rezensionen | Jul 28, 2023 |
The hero and the heroine had a one-night stand at a wedding, but then the heroine ghosted the hero afterwards. They reunited when the heroine returns back to the hero's small town to stay for the summer with her grandmother, who'll need some help after her surgery. The hero has a plan to change the heroine's mind about having a relationship with him, starting with being friends with her as he stealthily made moves that he hopes will give a different view of himself in her mind. As time moves onward, the start of a new romance shines through in this delightful Dylan Newton book!

This Dylan Newton book is focused on a couple given a second chance to truly be together in a romantic relationship. The heroine is a career woman who is questioning the direction of her life and the hero is an artistic man with a carefree image that requires changes he needs to face for his future. The main couple is surrounded with a supportive cast of secondary characters who care about them both. It even includes a dirty-speaking avian pet whose commentary enlivens the story, especially in the main couple's romance. The overall story is entertaining, though it would have been nice to have more details about the heroine's family. Definitely an enjoyable Dylan Newton book and I look forward to reading more from the author.

** Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for the review copy. All opinions and thoughts in the review are my own. **
DilowRosas | 4 weitere Rezensionen | Jul 28, 2023 |
Question for always fabulous author Dylan Newton: Can’t you find some more Matthews brothers? Or cousins maybe? Change of Plans is the third book in the Matthews Brothers trilogy, and I was sad to see these guys and the loves of their lives go. Instead of another sequel, maybe Newton could write a side-quel or something. If you’ve already read books one and two, you know exactly what I’m talking about. If you haven’t, stop right now and go read them. You don’t want to miss a minute in Wellsville with all these fantastic folks. All three books are fun, funny, spicy, sweet rom coms with lots of serious stuff thrown in. Change of Plans will probably touch your heart the most; it did mine.

Bryce Weatherford has always loved her nieces but she never expected to become their guardian. It’s tough. Really tough. To say her life has completely changed would be an enormous understatement. She used to be a chef, but now she is working at Pattycakes Café; although it’s a great job and Patty is wonderful, the bar for culinary success has been significantly lowered. Her goal of the day is usually just to survive with a five year old who won’t remove her fairy wings, an eight year old who won't bathe, and a tween who is . . . well, a tween. Romance, career advancement? Forget it. Patty has offered them the apartment above the café and that’s a win these days.

Ryker is the serious, brooding, sometimes scary Matthews brother. An ex-Marine amputee with phantom pain and nightmares. He does know he’s lucky to be alive but it doesn’t feel that way. He has his family but he’s lonely for companionship he doesn’t feel will ever be his and keeps his focus on his vehicle restoration business.

Bryce and Ryder meet in a laugh-out-loud funny grocery store mishap. They both feel that little tingle but neither thinks they are in a place to have any kind of relationship, even a very, very casual one. Thing is, that tingle doesn’t feel all that casual. Of course they’ll be thrown together – Bryce works in Ryder’s mother Patty’s shop. And we can tell right off that Fate has something marvelous in store for these two. We just need to get them on board to take that ride.

Newton does an outstanding job of balancing the joy and wonder of a new romance with the very serious issues that both Bryce and Ryder must face each day. The author has obviously done a lot of research into the difficulties of coping with the loss of a limb as well as children trying to regain their balance after losing their parents, and of the adult now responsible for their well-being. The factual information is seamlessly mixed in with the tender moments, the funny moments, and the ugly moments. The story never shies from addressing these hard issues but it always makes us smile at this “maybe” family working to come together and give up hope for that HEA.

Thanks to the author for providing an advance copy of Change of Plans for my reading pleasure and honest opinion. The entire Matthews Brothers series is the perfect combination of swoony and informative and I recommend all three books without hesitation. I can’t wait to see what Dylan Newton gives us next – even if it’s not another Matthews brother! I voluntarily leave this review and all opinions are my own.
GrandmaCootie | 5 weitere Rezensionen | May 20, 2023 |
All Fired Up is the best of – well, everything. Second chance, opposites attract, small-town romance. Sweet, sexy, steamy, silly with some serious thrown in – and wait for it: a return of The Fabulous Matthews Brothers! If you haven’t already read the first book in the series, How Sweet It Is, go do it. All Fired Up is just perfect as a standalone, but it’s beyond perfect if you already know Kate and Drake and Patty and everybody else and how Imani and Zander got in their current situation.

Imani is the driven, I-will-make-it-to-the-top successful book publicist. Life hasn’t always been easy and career is everything. But when the book launch being planned by her best friend Kate for horror author Drake Matthews’ new book, she is drawn back to the village of Wellsville in Western New York. The village where the launch will take place, the village her grandma Gigi, who raised her after her parents died, lives in, and the village where Zander Matthews is.

Zander is the Matthews brother who never finishes anything. The youngest one who can’t seem to make up his mind, whether it’s women or jobs or anything else. He smart and talented but seems to be a bit reckless and careless, because there is a lot going on underneath that smiling (heart-shatteringly handsome) face. He figures he’s already failed at everything that is most important and just can’t take any more chances.

Little sparks, then bigger sparks, then really big sparks, fly between Imani and Zander when they meet. They try to resist, can’t resist, and decide since the friend zone is already behind them maybe they can just enjoy whatever it is that they have until Imani goes back to her real life and Zander continues on his merry, no commitment way. Famous last words.

The more time you spend in the small town of Wellsville the longer you want to stay. All Fired Up is ridiculously funny, spicy, heartbreaking and amazingly romantic. I didn’t want my time with the Matthews brothers, their friends and family and Imani and Kate to ever end. I am voluntarily leaving this review. Wonderful book, wonderful series, go back and read the first book and then eagerly await the next book with me. All opinions are my own.
GrandmaCootie | 4 weitere Rezensionen | May 2, 2023 |
Say hello to the Matthews brothers. Trust me, now that you’ve met them you are never going to forget them. They are handsome and sexy and good to their mother, because that’s how she raised them after their father died: to be well-mannered, good men. Except, of course, when they are up to something. You are going to love them. Say hello also to the women that drive them crazy: the smart, independent women who might just sometimes forget some of their words when they are around these guys. I sense some HEAs coming. Get ready to laugh and swoon and cry and have your heart beat just a little faster, because some moments are just so sweet and some are just downright scary.

How Sweet It Is is the first book in the Matthews Brothers trilogy. Kate Sweet is an event planner – do not under any circumstances say party planner! – famous for always providing that happily-ever-after unforgettable moment for her clients. Kate has just been roped in by her best friend to plan a book launch for bestselling horror author Drake Matthews. Not exactly Kate’s thing, but friendship is friendship. Drake is tired of all the stalking fans and the attention and isn’t thinking extravaganza. A match made in heaven, right? Just wait . . . .

Remember that “sometimes forget some of their words” thing I mentioned above? Well, when Kate and Drake meet she is frightened by what she thinks is a killer dog, runs, falls, flattens Drake, does a little bodily injury, and the first words out of her mouth are, “You’re not photoshopped!” With that beginning how can you not love this book?

How Sweet It Is is laugh-out-loud funny and so sweet your teeth ache (in a good way). It’s also got a lot of more serious issues for our hopefully forever-afters and those around them to deal with: not meeting parental expectations, wanting a change but not knowing how, insecurity, past betrayals and hurts. We can see from the start that Kate and Drake belong together. Now we just need to make them see it. I am voluntarily leaving this review. I recommend it without hesitation and can’t wait for the next book and the next brother in the series. All opinions are my own.
GrandmaCootie | 7 weitere Rezensionen | May 2, 2023 |
This book gets a 10/10 in the aptly titled category

A typical Sunshine girl x supposedly grumpy guy trope. I loved Dylan Newton's writing style and definitely had a couple of 'Aww Moments' with the book.
It's definitely the first Romance novel I've read where the main characters are having a 'moment' in a crypt and it wasn't creepy at all !
Definitely loved Kate and Drake and looking forward to more by her !
kritieeee | 7 weitere Rezensionen | Jun 16, 2022 |
All Fired Up by Dylan Newton
2nd book in the series. Contemporary romantic comedy. Can be read as a stand-alone but this is the second brother’s story and the first plays a role in this book. Dual POV.
Imari and Zander hooked up after his brother’s wedding. It was a fantastic two nights for Zander and he wants more. But she mostly ghosted him afterwards. So he plays the long game and he’s going to be there for whatever she needs when she’s home to help her grandmother after surgery. And she can’t resist him.

Fun and engaging.
Inappropriate comments from an African gray parrot make for some hilarious moments. And that’s over and above the cheerful Zander.
Live your life for the joy? Or plan and carry a huge purse with supplies for any contingency. Two philosophies.
Loved this book and excited to know that Ryker will get a book next summer too.

I received a copy of this book from Forever.
1 abstimmen
Madison_Fairbanks | 4 weitere Rezensionen | May 20, 2022 |
2.5 stars

I received this book for free in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

Zander Matthews.
Yep, she remembered him, all right. He was her first and only one-night stand. Well, technically, it was two nights, two mornings, and one long, glorious afternoon, nine months and twenty-five days ago. But who was counting?

All Fired Up stars the youngest brother of the hero and best friend of the heroine from How Sweet It Is. I didn't read that first book but the author relays enough information, Imani and Zander had a two-night stand after the main couple's wedding, that I had a an idea of what happened between them. Both appear to have had feelings after their time together but Imani panicked and ghosted Zander, ignoring all his texts and calls. When Imani has to come back to the town everyone lives in to help her grandmother Gigi after she has knee surgery, there is no avoiding Zander as he's intertwined with her life now as her bestfriend's brother-in-law.

“Look, I want to know if Imani Lewis is renting space in my head because she's 'the one' everyone says will someday appear, or if she's only intriguing because she ghosted me.

I do think not reading the first book and enjoying that couple's romance did hurt my enjoyment of this, especially the first half. A good chunk of the beginning is about the gender reveal/baby shower of the past main character bestfriend, in fact, a lot of this book deals with her pregnancy, the reveal shower and delivery. I didn't really care about that character and wished the focus could have been more on Imani and Zander. I was also missing a little bit of those beginning romance feelings as they seem to have already developed those feelings from their two-night stand, I wish we could have gotten a prologue or some flashback scenes to see some of those two days. I'm not sure if those scenes were shown in the first book but that would probably help set the foundation for this one.

“Will you go on a first date with me, Zander Matthews?”

Basically, Zander was in the Marines, been to war, and helped his middle brother recover from a war injury, which has taught him that life is fleeting and to live in the moment. He owns three ceramic stores (All Fired Up) but is known as the guy who doesn't make plans and keeps everything light and breezy, making some think he is irresponsible. Imani's mother had Bipolar Disorder and she lost her to a fire when candles burned down the apartment, this has caused Imani to be strict about always having a plan and keeping things structured so they don't get unmanageable, out of hand. Seems like opposites attract but Zander is pretty much all in with Imani right away and decides that he will let her set the pace and just constantly be doing things for her that she needs done or starts stressing about. It makes it kind of lopsided then with Zander constantly giving and Imani not sure she even wants to give him a chance. Imani constantly claims she wants to keep things just friends but then gets grumpy when Zander does that, even has a trying to keep the anger down jealous moment. These two never quite jived for me with their different vibes and even though the cover has a fun cartoon-y cover, there are some heavier topics in here, the bipolar disorder I mentioned along with death of parent, Imani's panic attacks, Zander and his brother's PTSD from war, and a fraught birthing scene. Imani's grandmother has a parrot that likes to curse (says b*tch a lot) that I think was supposed to lighten the mood but those antics didn't quite do it for me. The inside does make good on the cover's promise of hot air balloons, though, with a romantic date scene.

If you read the first, you'd probably enjoy this more as the first book's couple has a strong showing in this and I missed some scenes of Imani and Zander's first two nights together that could have shown me those romantic feelings developing.
1 abstimmen
WhiskeyintheJar | 4 weitere Rezensionen | May 13, 2022 |
As a writer, I love reading books about other writers. I love reading romance and thrillers... So everything about this summary spoke to me.

It would be so fun to be an event planner, minus dealing with people of course... Dreaming up the fun and putting it into action. But somehow Kate is hooked into going from her usual weddings to crafting up a book launch. What she doesn't expect is meeting Drake and planning a horror book launch. It's certainly a far cry from fairytale wedding planning.

The chemistry between the two is undeniable and it of course throws a wrench into each's life plans... but what is life without a few twists along the way? Will then end up re-writing the ending to their own stories or continue on their separate paths? I'm sure you already know the answer, but you'll have to read to see how everything plays out!
Jynell | 7 weitere Rezensionen | Feb 24, 2022 |
I think I was expecting something different from this book and it wasn't Halloween-y enough, there wasn't enough conflict, and the slow burn wasn't really a burn but a blah. There were a lot of rom-com hijinks and I can see this as a fun movie, but I was skimming by the end because I wanted to be done with said hijinks. (Maybe just a bad mood match?)
This sounds like a complete pan, but I can think of a lot of people who will love this book. It's just not me. I needed... more.
Cerestheories | 7 weitere Rezensionen | Nov 8, 2021 |
I was sent this book from the publisher/publicity team. My ratings and reviews will be my own personal opinions and are in no way influenced by publishers or authors who may have sent me books to review.

I really wanted to love this one, but it just fell a little flat for me. I just never found myself getting lost in the story or the romance. Everything was moving a little too slow. There were also parts that were too detailed that did not bring anything to the story.

I just wanted more. I needed more chemistry between Kate and Drake. I found myself putting this one down and forcing myself to push through it.

Sadly, this one was just not for me.
SimplyKelina | 7 weitere Rezensionen | Aug 6, 2021 |
Kate Sweet is known as the Queen of Happily Ever Afters to all those who come to her to plan their weddings. She has obtained quite the recognition in the industry, but she's always looking for more. That's why when her friend who works in publishing hires Kate to plan a party for an upcoming book release, Kate jumps at the opportunity to step outside of her normal comfort zone. The author? Renowned horror writer Drake Matthews.

Drake, known as the Knight of Nightmares, has gained quite the following for his horror novels. They are what pay the bills. But with writers block keeping him from finishing his work in progress, he has to focus on the upcoming release of his other book.

When Kate and Drake first cross paths nothing can seem to go right. They clash over the theme for the release party, along with making wrong assumptions about one another. Regardless, there's an undeniable attraction between them.

But can their attraction survive the insecurities they both carry around as they step out of their comfort zones?

How Sweet It Is has been one of my most anticipated Summer releases. And it completely met all my expectations. It was funny and sweet and filled with plenty of heart.

I loved the initial idea of the opposites attract story, but I really loved how it unfolded and we see these two people pretty set and comfortable in their careers, successful and similar in more ways than initially thought, but really that masks underlining feelings of potential inadequacy.

I liked seeing both Kate and Drake taking leaps to step out of their comfort zones. Kate in stepping outside of her typical wedding event and Drake with his current work in progress which he's been keeping under wraps even from his family.

But seeing their own insecurities and vulnerability make the characters feel so real. Seeing them work through them and work toward one another is so satisfying.

I loved the small town setting of the story and the major Halloween / Fall vibes. I almost wish we got to read this actually closer to the Fall season. The secondary characters are setup pretty nicely especially Drake's two younger brothers. I do wish that we had gotten a little more from Kate's best friend Imani, but she is to be featured in the next book, so maybe we'll get more friend time between the pair then.

Overall, this was a completely satisfying debut. Sweet, charming, funny and full of heart. I cannot wait to see what Dylan Newton has next for us.
AmyM3317 | 7 weitere Rezensionen | Jul 26, 2021 |
4 out of 5 stars!

As a highly successful event planner, the heroine decided to help her best friend with a book launch event. The author is the hero, and the first meeting was definitely a titillating experience for both of them. As the two worked together, their attraction to each other deepens as they faced career choices, familial pressures, and personal struggles during the story progression.

I enjoyed this rom-com debut of two people falling in love in a book publication and small-town world. I enjoyed the strong secondary characters, especially the hero's family and the heroine's best friend. The main couple was enjoyable to read, though there was an action by the heroine that irritated me. I didn't even mind the annoying secondary characters because they didn't hinder the overall story. In conclusion, it's an entertaining read and I look forward to reading more Dylan Newton books in the future.

**Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for the review copy. All opinions and thoughts in the review are my own.**
DilowRosas | 7 weitere Rezensionen | Jul 13, 2021 |
How Sweet It Is by Dylan Newton
Contemporary romantic comedy.
Kate loves her spreadsheet details. It keeps her organized and on time for her Events business. Meeting her new client, Drake, has chaos reigning and unexpected results.
Drake has been struggling to write his next horror novel. Kate’s unexpected interruptions in his life wakes up his creativity in writing. Having her in his house wakes up other appetites too.

Captivating. Watching the romance grow was delicious.
I’m now on the hunt for more by this author.

His mind still whirred with the electric zing of their first encounter. His fingers itched to be on the keyboard, capturing the details while they were still fresh and visceral. He remembered the smooth heat of her upper thighs, the floral scent of her hair, the way her eyes gazed up at him like he was some sort of superhero, when all he’d done was pick her up out of the mucky grass so she wouldn’t break an ankle. He recalled his sense of awe when he’d come around after passing out and found himself on top of her. The feel of her silky auburn hair in his hands, the sprinkle of freckles across her nose, the way she looked up at him, her green eyes wide—all of it had goosed his muse into overdrive. He wanted to start typing. He knew exactly what to do now with his hero when he first meets the woman he’s to marry. He’d write about how they literally ran into each other; the plot device allowing for forced intimacy, bringing his characters together faster…”
Excerpt from How Sweet it is by Dylan Newton

I received a copy of this from NetGalley. I also purchased a copy to share.
Madison_Fairbanks | 7 weitere Rezensionen | Jul 4, 2021 |
I found Dylan Newton by winning one of her books in a giveaway, Any Witch Way. I loved it so much, that when I was given a chance to read Despite The Fangs, I was gung ho. And…

Aribella Lupari is the Alpha of the Lypari wolfpack.

Ari has become a stalker werewolf. It’s not her fault. It was all an accident. It was love at first smell, when she and her brother were out on a rescue mission in the Adirondacks

No time for a snack of rabbit tar tar. I love the light, humorous writing.

She IS Tracker Inc. Need someone found? Missing hikers, no problem. Villains, the best. Children were the most difficult cases. When the opportunity comes up to rescue a kidnapped child that would net them what they need to allow them to take their company global, thus enabling them to combine werewolves across the world under an umbrella of independence, how could she turn it down. Until…

He walks in. The sexual tension was flaming hot before they even met face to face. They both deny the attraction, and when it comes to the paranormal, I find it easier to accept the instalove. Once they surrender to their urges I feel like I can sit back, relax, and get to the crux of the story and I am really curious to find out the what of Mason. I love the fabulous twist, that I wasn’t expecting, and you will need to read the book to know more. It’s so good, I refuse to spoil it for you.

Different from the usual paranormal, supernatural werewolf stories I read. I am always on the lookout for something different, something a little more…This rrrrighteously wonderful surprise made me stay up until three in the morning, because I had to get to the action packed, riveting, heart pounding ending.

Despite The Fangs is not my first Dylan Newton story and it will not be my last. She has a way of taking the run of the mill story and flipping it upside down and inside out, with her excellent writing that will surprise and delight.

“Anyway, I’ve got to go. Thanks so much. I…enjoyed my time with you. Bear mauling, and tranquilizer gun aside, it’s rare to find a guy that’ll accept me. Ask the three little pigs. Or the brat with the red riding cape.”

I voluntarily reviewed a free copy of Despite The Fangs by Dylan Newton.

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sherry69 | Mar 15, 2018 |
“Every time things get steamy with a guy, I black out and beat the crap out of him,” Lily tells Joshua in this sexy tale of an incubus that haunts the cursed Lily and how she comes into her powers, finding her soul mate along the way.

To see more visit
sherry69 | Oct 30, 2017 |
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