11 Werke 79 Mitglieder 1 Rezension


This is one of those children's books you mostly pick up for the gimmick. It has a small slide projector that you can load with little disks with tiny pictures that can be projected onto a wall. The back cover would have you believe you can project a crystal-clear foot-wide image from over a foot away from a blank wall. In reality, a picture 4-inches wide was the largest decent image I could get into focus and only by going into an fairly dark room. There's a tiny flashlight on the back of the projector that in theory allows you to read the book while projecting the image, but I was never able to find a good position that really makes that work, and once you turn on the back light, it causes the projecting light to dim and makes the image harder to see. Mostly what you can do is project a postage-stamp sized image about anywhere, but it's so small you'll strain your eyes making out the details. Nothing you'll see on the projector is better than if the pictures were simply printed on the pages of the book.

Oh, and the adaptations are pretty awful, with the stories hacked down to the bare minimum to keep them recognizable, and several minor changes made for no good reason other than word count I'd guess. And that's a shame, because this is one of the few adaptations of Springtime for Roo that I could find. It's not a great movie, but it deserves a better adaptation than this.

(My Pooh Project: I love Winnie the Pooh, and so does my wife. Having a daughter gave us a chance to indoctrinate her into the cult by buying and reading her every Pooh book we came across. How many is that? I’m going to count them this year by reading and reviewing one every day and seeing which month I finally run out. Track my progress here: )
villemezbrown | Aug 4, 2022 |