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Crimson at Cape May is the second book in A Haunted Shores Mystery series and features Derrell Henshaw, who has recently been let go from his high school teaching position, coaching at a football camp in Camp May. The reasons for him being let go featured in the first book, but the consequences carried into the second book, issues with which I had no problems understanding or sympathizing. I actually thought the author did a credible job merging the two stories without taking the focus of the story being developed in this book. While I did enjoy the overall story and characters, I did find it a bit slow in some parts, it was easy to figure out the actual villain, and there were some inconsistencies, especially for those of us who grew up in the nineties, that I just had to ignore.

For the most part, the characters were rather interesting and distinct. Things weren't going so well for Darrell at the beginning of this book as he had lost his job and his girlfriend and was in Cape May working at a football camp to earn some money. The stress was creating anxiety and affecting his OCD, so when he again starts seeing ghosts, he doesn't react very well to those sightings and it takes a lot of persuasion for him to help them. Considering the ghosts got him into a lot of trouble in the previous book, I understood his reluctance as I think it was consistent with his life at the moment. When things started to go better for him in his life, he was more receptive to the ghosts, and that made a lot of sense. I really enjoyed Cassie as a character and liked how realistically she was portrayed. Some of her life was definitely downplayed to keep the book clean, but you got enough to read between the lines and understand how difficult it is for kids on the street when their home lives are terrible.

The pacing was a bit slow at times, but the story essentially had three mysteries woven into it: first, there was the problem with Derrell and why he lost his job, events from the previous book; two, the ghost that kept appearing to Derrell, the mysterious bride, presented the next mystery; and three, the issue with one of Derrell's students whose older sister had gone missing which led into a sex trafficking scenario. I really appreciated the fact the author dove into more serious issues in this book as it's very relevant today. Sex trafficking is definitely not new and I liked how the author was pointing out that everyone who turns their head when noticing something is wrong is part of the problem, and allowing influential people to get away with criminal behaviour is problematic. It was done subtly, and in such a way that we should always be on the lookout for odd behaviours and talk to our children about being wary; you know if a thing sounds too good to be true, it probably is, and you should run as fast as you can. I find comments about sex trafficking in the nineties quite interesting, especially from those who say they had no idea because as a uni student in the late 80' and early 90's we knew to avoid those jobs where you went to a 'warehouse' for an interview as they were probably for porno and these types of things. So yes, it was definitely around. And those 'job advertisements' were everywhere.

Crimson at Cape May was an enjoyable read, and if you love the paranormal as well as interesting characters, then this is for you. Personally, I prefer something a bit more gritty, but the themes running through this book were quite serious; they were also presented in a way that were not overly graphic or biased, but are definitely something that are relevant in today's world. I did find that Derrell's character development was a bit inconsistent, and I had a problem with the whole cellphone thing in this book, not his purchase of it, but his use as he would definitely not have been able to make a call in the backwoods in 1999 as cell reception during that time was terrible. I was also not impressed with who the villain was in this book as I tend to need legitimate motivations and reasons and that was lacking in my estimation. However, if you are looking for a book that is a mix of paranormal and mystery, and like deeper themes that aren't too explicit, then this book is definitely for you.
StephanieBN | 3 weitere Rezensionen | May 10, 2024 |
It might help to read the previous books to gain greater context. Darrell sees ghosts, and on this occasion they show up at his honeymoon. This is a slow story looking at the children's past.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
Louisesk | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Jan 26, 2024 |
Darrell Henshaw and his new wife Erin are flying to Florida to enjoy their honeymoon, and the last thing Darrell wants is for his “gift” to ruin their plans. But, of course, he can’t say no when the ghosts of two innocent children beg him for help. So with Erin and their new local friend Luis at his side, he digs up the past to find out what really happened to those missing, forgotten children.
What a wonderful book! This is the second mystery I’ve read from Mr. Overbeck and won’t be my last. He has such a unique way with words. I love reading his stories.
Darrell and Erin have a great relationship. They trust each other, and though Darrell does tend to keep secrets to protect her, he ultimately knows he’ll have to fess up. She’s his partner in all things.
I don’t often read books that focus heavily on social or political issues, but the issue in this book—the horrible treatment of migrant workers in the US—is something that’s important and needs to be addressed. Mr. Overbeck handled this hot-button issue with respect and care.
Anyway, Scarlet at Crystal River is a compelling mystery to dive into. You won’t regret it.
5 Stars
AmberDaulton | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Nov 20, 2023 |
In book two in The Haunted Shores Mysteries series, former high school football coach Darrell Henshaw wants to clean up his good name after the scandal in which he lost his job. His special gift, however—he can see ghosts—is drawing him into a murder mystery he wants no part of. Unfortunately for him, the Haunted Bride won’t take no for answer.
I don’t normally read mysteries, but this story grabbed my attention from chapter one. Darrell is an awesome character with a serious case of OCD. He’s kind, smart, and capable, and he feels as though he needs to help the ghosts in spite of the dangers to himself. Those dangers also affect the ones he’s close to—including Erin and Cassie, his girlfriend and a runaway teenager respectively.
I enjoyed Mr. Overbeck writing style, and I could easily visualize the scenes through his detailed descriptions. His characters are complex and three-dimensional. There are a few twists and turns, which I wasn’t expecting but thoroughly loved.
Crimson at Cape May takes place right after the events in book one, but it can be read as a standalone. (Enough back-story was given to bring me up to speed.) For anyone wanting to read a good mystery with a tad of romance and paranormal thrown in, I definitely recommend this book. I would love to read more from Mr. Overbeck.
5 Stars
AmberDaulton | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Nov 20, 2023 |
It might help to read the previous books to gain greater context. Darrell sees ghosts, and on this occasion they show up at his honeymoon. This is a slow story looking at the children's past.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
Louisesk | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Jun 20, 2023 |
I enjoyed reading LEAVE NO CHILD BEHIND by Randy Overbeck. The first half of the book offered readers peeks into the White House readiness room, Al Quaida terrorist camps, the maximum security prison in mid-Ohio, and the local high school staff and students.

A top-level Al Quaida leader is scheduled to die by lethal injection within the next few days. A small terrorist group exercises its plan and takes the school students and faculty hostage. Their demands: free the prisoner or all at the school will perish. They killed two teachers during the takeover and then later, two more are ridiculed, beaten, thrown into the lake, and left for dead (Dee Dee and Jarod). Only they miraculously survived!

Once the takeover takes place, the story flies non-stop through the remaining pages. The terrorist group had an almost foolproof plan, one that kept everyone on the outside at bay. Jarod was an ex-Navy Seal, and together with Dee Dee, set out to fight the terrorists and free the students. Who will win and who else will die?

I have read other books by this author and enjoyed all of them. He is skilled at holding readers in suspense and then offering small breathers during these non-stop thrillers. Great job, Mr. Overbeck!
JPodlaski | Jul 22, 2022 |
I thoroughly enjoyed reading SCARLET AT CRYSTAL RIVER by Randy Overbeck. The book, like the other two in the series, is engaging and hard to put down. Ghost whisperer, Darryl, is chosen by troubled spirits to help them by solving their murder and bringing justice to those responsible.

In this final installment, Darryl and his new wife are on their honeymoon in the panhandle of Florida when he encounters the photo of a young migrant boy and girl drawn and covered on the backside of an artists' canvas. A fortune teller warned him prior to leaving home to expect a visit from two spirits. When he touched the photo, Darryl's gift identified the kids as the two visiting spirits who needed help.

The author does a wonderful job at taking readers through the area while enjoying his honeymoon and while conducting his investigation to identify the children and find out what happened to them. They are shot at, crash their car, and threatened at gunpoint for their efforts. The couple and friend, Luis, continued to hit roadblocks, leaving readers to continue guessing. The last 20% of the story is fast-paced and the author does a great job to bring it all together.

This was a smooth error-free read with well-defined characters and plenty of mystery. It is stand-alone, like the other two books in this series, and it isn't necessary to read the preceding books first. Great job Dr. Overbeck! Highly recommended!
JPodlaski | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Nov 11, 2021 |
I thoroughly enjoyed CRIMSON AT CAPE MAY by Randy Overbeck. This is the first book I read from this author as ghosts and paranormal type books are not on the top of my reading list. However, this one grabbed me from the very beginning and didn't let up until the end. It is also the second book in a series.

I thought this book was fine as a stand-alone even though portions of the first book are discussed. Darrell Henshaw lost his job and girlfriend at the end of the first book. Darrell has a keen ability to see ghosts who leave hints to help him solve mysteries.

Taking on a part-time job in Cape May to help run a summer football camp, Darrell witnesses a ghost wearing a white wedding gown with red blood along the side. She asks for his help and tells him that by helping her, he will also help others who are alive and suffering. One of the kids at the camp recently had a teen sister who went missing; she may hold the answer to part of the mystery.

At a local restaurant, Darrell meets Cassie, who also has the ability to see ghosts. When he wins back his former girlfriend, the three join up in an attempt to solve the mystery. However, those getting involved are at great risk of getting themselves killed - some escaped death, others did not.

The story is full of surprises and had me analyzing every clue as it became known. Who was this haunting bride? Why was she so persistent? What did she want? Who are the others? There were some slow parts in the middle of the story, but the last 25% took off with a roar and didn't stop until the end.

CRIMSON AT CAPE MAY is not a ghost's more of an adventure to solve a mystery with the help of a ghost. Highly recommended.
JPodlaski | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Aug 29, 2021 |
"The spirit believes there is something he needs to do. I sense he needs your help to conclude his business. Only then, can he find peace and cross over."
― Randy Overbeck, Blood On The Chesapeake

I won a free copy of this book from a goodread giveaway. I try to express only my most honest opinion in a spoiler free way. If you feel anything in my review is a spoiler and is not already hidden in spoiler brackets please let me know. Thank you.
Darrell Henshaw is moving to Wilshire, Maryland to teach history and coach football at the high school. A new start after a bad break up, and despite making a few friends and possibly finding new love, Darrell's new life is anything from perfect. For one thing, there is something off about the school and the town. There are hardly any black people, and the few there are, are in lower ranking working positions. For another thing, Darrell is being haunted. By a ghost you supposedly hanged himself and this is not his first run in with a ghost. His first ending bad enough that he never wanted to see another again, but as the ghost gets more insistent, Darrell tries to find out what really happened to him.
I really enjoyed this book. For some reason after I got it. I did not want to read it. I don't know why, but I just couldn't get started on it. So I decided to try reading just 50 pages the first day. Those went by pretty fast and the next day I read another 50. On the third day is when this book really took off for me. It is such a great story. I have some issues with the characters, but not due to the writing, some of them just rubbed me wrong lol. The mystery was really a great one to see unfold and I loved the parts with the diary, it was like going back in time. It shows not only the racism that existed in the past, but of the racism that still existed today.
How I choose my rating:
1* Did not finish, or hated it but forced myself to finish.
2** Didn't really like it. Didn't hate it but not sure why I finished it other then for some closure.
3*** I liked it. I had some issues with it, but as a whole it was good. I probably won't reread again ever, but there is a chance I might finish the series. (If part of one) But if not it's not a huge loss.
4**** I really liked this book. Maybe not a work of genius, but highly entertaining. I might reread this again, and I will finish the series. (If part of one) I would recommend to those I know hold interest in this books content.
5***** I loved this book. I found little to no issues with it at all. I will definitely be rereading this and probably more than once. I will finish the series and reread it multiple times. (If part of one) I will recommend this book to EVERYONE!!!!
starslight86 | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Jul 20, 2021 |
suspense, ghosts, racially-sensitive, murder, thriller, friendship, mystery, historical-research*****

The original crime/ghost hail from the Civil Rights era but the backlash is felt by the current ghost sensitive who is the new teacher at the local high school and already has enough baggage from the last ghost he encountered. This exploration into crimes committed in the 20th century is written with sensitivity and imagination with very realistic characters and a suitably twisty and suspenseful plot. Rather timely and very well done!
I requested and received a free ebook copy from The Wild Rose Press via NetGalley. Thank you!
jetangen4571 | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Jul 9, 2020 |
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