
Shade OwensRezensionen

Autor von Chosen

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Imagine winning a 698 million dollar lottery - what would change for you? Liz and Gavin Hunter are experiencing just that. Despite regularly playing the state lottery, luck has never been on their side. "The Wife's Secret" by Debra Lynch is a thrilling psychological novel that will keep you on the edge of your seat. Liz and Gavin harbor dark pasts and their characters will pull you in, leaving you breathless until the end. Liz's potential involvement in her previous husband's death and Gavin's suspected affair will keep you guessing. Will their newfound wealth destroy them? This gripping, fast-paced thriller is impossible to put down. Although I'm new to Debra Lynch's work, I'm eager to explore her other books. She has elevated female protagonists to a whole new level. I highly recommend this book and give it five stars.

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.
Spiritrider1101 | Apr 20, 2024 |
Diese Rezension wurde für LibraryThing Early Reviewers geschrieben.
I had really mixed feelings about this novel. While I thought it was extremely fast-paced, it was difficult for me to connect to this book. I enjoyed the plot, but the writing is extremely simplistic and even after I finished the novel, I never cared about Leo or Niles. In fact, I found them both really annoying characters that spent the majority of the novel being scared and crying about their situation rather than trying to make a plan or do anything productive.

I also didn't really feel any strong feelings about the male friendship in this novel. The relationship just felt really stilted and almost unnecessary. I think if the main character, Leo had been alone for the entirety of the novel, there would have been almost no changes in the plot or the character development.

I'll probably pick up the next book at some point, but it won't be a priority.
jadestar31 | 5 weitere Rezensionen | Jan 30, 2024 |
Diese Rezension wurde für LibraryThing Early Reviewers geschrieben.
How far would you be willing to go to survive on an island filled with murderers? After being wrongfully convicted, Leo is shipped off to Krimos Island. In this dystopian future, this, rather than the death penalty or life in prison, is the sentence for murder... Just throw all the convicts together and let them fight it out, surviving by any means necessary. Shortly after arriving on the island, Leo comes to an uneasy truce with his fellow prisoner, Niles. He knows he can't fully trust anyone here, but he also knows that his chance of survival doubles if he has someone to watch his back. There are several factions on the island, eager for "fresh meat" like Leo and Niles. They will have to use every bit of their ingenuity and strength if they hope to survive.

This novel has an interesting and terrifying premise. Definitely a dark story, full of violence, but not overly graphic about it. It's easy to feel a connection to Leo, as you know from the start that he's innocent, and each moment is a struggle for him as he tries to maintain his wits and hide any weakness. The flashbacks to his past greatly help to humanize him. They were some of my favorite parts of the novel. Not a ton of worldbuilding here. Obviously this is only the beginning of Leo's story on the island, and I'm curious to see where it goes.
Alig1020 | 5 weitere Rezensionen | Jun 2, 2023 |
Diese Rezension wurde für LibraryThing Early Reviewers geschrieben.
I loved this book! It was fast-paced, action-packed (sometimes I had to put it down because of the stress it had caused me🤣).
This book constantly kept me thinking: would I survive? How? What would I do? Would I trust anyone? How can people be so cruel?! I just felt hopeless the whole time.
All in all, I cannot wait for the next book.
13lilla13 | 5 weitere Rezensionen | May 24, 2023 |
Diese Rezension wurde für LibraryThing Early Reviewers geschrieben.
Blood Kings by Shade Owens is a survival story, and a darn good one. From the start, I thought the premise sounded interesting, but it was the execution that really made the story shine. I found it to be very well written with likable, fleshed-out characters. It was the protagonist Leo’s handling of fellow prisoner Niles along with his perseverance and unwavering determination to live that held me rapt.

While not exactly a standalone novel, with another book obviously to come, the writing was good enough to keep me reading to the end simply for the vividly depicted island setting and deadly atmosphere surrounding Leo’s riveting struggle. Blood Kings is a gripping tale of fortitude in the face of overwhelming odds. I highly recommended it.
Samkwrth | 5 weitere Rezensionen | May 21, 2023 |
Diese Rezension wurde für LibraryThing Early Reviewers geschrieben.
I was given this as an ARC for an honest review, I’m honestly not sure what I think of it still even having finished it.
l probably would have DNFd otherwise purely because it’s not my usual cup of tea, I’m not a fan of young main characters, male povs or this writing style, so this book had its work cut out for it! A shame as I really liked the synopsis and the idea but just not the execution of it.
Not sure who the intended audience was for this, as it has a very YA/teen feel to it in general yet then has a fair bit of violence and swearing. Also some darker themes.
-Lovely to have trigger warnings at the beginning for all of the above however.

Slightly simplistic and immature writing style despite being fairly decently written overall, it is all very obvious, (there was, he said, he did, he felt)
I also found that the timeline and flashbacks were quite messy and unclear, despite not really feeling very relevant or like they added anything to the story. I would have preferred it stayed linear, was told with a prologue or through dialogue.

Lacked world building and wasn’t very well introduced /explained, with no real setting of the scene. Which was a shame as it was an interesting idea that could have been good had it been explored a little more.
As it is I don’t really understand the timeline, geography, culture etc.

I don’t feel that there was much in the way of plot, despite a lot happening there wasn’t any real tension or fear.
The it didn’t really make me know or care for any of the characters or even know what they look like, there’s not much description or emotion.

It does have engaging, quirky dialogue and narration however and flowed fairly well despite not being my kind of thing.
There’s also a moment where the mc is thinking ‘men don’t cry- be a warrior’ and Niles comes over and says, it’s okay to cry, ‘you don’t have to be ashamed- my mama always said it takes a real man to show vulnerability’
I love that, we need more of this in books.

I’m not sure how much of this one was me just not gelling with the book or how much is actually genuine, I liked the idea but just didn’t enjoy reading it
katejo99 | 5 weitere Rezensionen | Apr 17, 2023 |
Diese Rezension wurde für LibraryThing Early Reviewers geschrieben.
Anxiety inducing, non-stop page turner. Once you start, you won't be able to put it down. It is violent but the violence is kept to a minimum and really used smartly to help build the reader's anxiety as you root for the main characters to survive. I absolutely recommend this book and am going to actively look out for the next one.
PopCat | 5 weitere Rezensionen | Apr 16, 2023 |
What would give to obtain immortality? To live like royalty and never want for anything? That is the premise of "Chosen", a fast-paced, dystopian novel reminiscent of "The Hunger Games" and "The Handmaid's Tale". There are districts, and yes, there is a choosing ceremony. There are even "producers", but "Chosen" is unique in what happens once the ceremony is over, after the truth begins to surface and all the dark secrets begin to come to light.

I really enjoyed this book and became completely engrossed in the plot. Although I didn't feel there was alot of character growth, I was still able to form a connection with the protagonist. The story flowed well and the twists had me eagerly anticipating what would happen next. I plan on reading the next book in the series as soon as I get the chance.

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.
onkristinesshelf | Jun 21, 2022 |
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