
Rosa ParksRezensionen

Autor von Rosa Parks: My Story

7+ Werke 2,096 Mitglieder 48 Rezensionen Lieblingsautor von 1 Lesern


Independent Reading Level: Grades 4-7
Awards: None
anbaum | 16 weitere Rezensionen | Apr 28, 2024 |
Note: I received a finished hardcover of this book from the publisher at ALA Midwinter 2018.
fernandie | 1 weitere Rezension | Sep 15, 2022 |
Dec. 1 1955 Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat to a white man on a segregated bus, sparking the Montgomery Alabama bus boycott.
BLTSbraille | 16 weitere Rezensionen | Oct 16, 2021 |
Nous nous partagions les tâches de la vie quotidienne, qui étaient inscrites chaque jour sur un tableau. Nous travaillions et jouions ensemble. Un de mes plus grands plaisirs était de sentir l’odeur du bacon et du café en train d’être préparés tout en sachant que c’étaient des Blancs qui le faisaient, et pas moi.
(p. 56, Chapitre 7, “Violence blanche”).

Rosa Parks est un grand nom de la lutte contre la ségrégation. Revenue sur le devant de la scène aujourd’hui car elle a le double avantage d’être une femme (et c’est très politiquement correct aujourd’hui) et de ne pas être pasteur (tout ce qui est lié de près ou de loin à la religion est plutôt politiquement incorrect en ce moment). Je plaisante, mais c’est ce que l’on fait d’une personne, comment on décide de construire un héros ou une héroïne, de le ou la déboulonner quelques décennies plus tard, qui me rend sarcastique. Le parcours de Rosa Parks est, lui, tout ce qu’il y a de plus respectable ou ce court récit est intéressant.
Certes, ce livre semble écrit principalement à partir des souvenirs de Rosa Parks, et qui dit souvenir dit réécriture de la réalité, pas la vérité. Rosa Parks fait de sa vie une histoire qui semble se dérouler avec beaucoup de logique, ce qui est, me semble-t-il, rarement le cas. Mais, une fois que l’on est conscient de cela, on peut se laisser emporter par le livre, apprendre beaucoup de choses sur le mouvement des droits civiques, sur ses origines et ses évolutions. C’est aussi très intéressant de voir tout ce que cette lutte a été, pas seulement la partie émergée de l’iceberg qu’a été ce fameux jour où Rosa Parks a décidé de ne pas céder sa place dans le bus. Car, même si elle dit que son geste n’a pas été prémédité, elle est une militante de longue date, et elle n’est pas la seule à avoir eu le courage de dire non, mais c’est elle qui a été choisie pour incarner cette bataille.
C’est donc un livre vraiment intéressant à la fois sur l’histoire un peu longue et sur l’envers du décor, raconté par une personne qui a participé à tout cela de très près. Un livre rapide mais facile à lire et vraiment instructif pour ceux qui, comme moi, ne sont pas des spécialistes de ces questions.

P.S. : Les éditions Libertalia avaient permis le téléchargement gratuit de ce livre pendant le confinement du printemps dernier, qu’ils en soient remerciés.
raton-liseur | 16 weitere Rezensionen | Jan 3, 2021 |
OakGrove-KFA | 16 weitere Rezensionen | Mar 28, 2020 |
This Biography is very well written from the moment you open the book till you are finished reading it. It tells the story of Rosa parks even puts the narratives in her way of communication. It brings you back to the time, gives you ideas of what it was like for African Americans at that time time. I am amazed that African Americans really didn’t ride the bus for a year wether it was hot or cold. And in the end when you see Rosa pictured sitting in the front of the bus, it speaks volumes and it also shows how she still continued to contribute even after she moved.
mabanks | 28 weitere Rezensionen | Jan 23, 2020 |
Set in a time where segregation was considered the norm, Rosa Parks, a woman of color, immediately is on the outs. This biography gives her historic story of Rosa standing her ground on the bus and refusing to give up her seat. By doing this, she stood up for the rest of the black community as well. While pushing her issue, she was able to take it to Washington DC where her voice became known and things finally began to fall into place how she wanted. This book does a really good job of illustrating and explaining what happened and reaches a lot of different emotions that are very relatable.
Taymeyer | 28 weitere Rezensionen | Jan 23, 2020 |
Rosa Parks was a black woman during a time where segregation was a huge issue. She stood her ground one day while riding the bus and refused to give her seat to a white person. Rosa Parks stood up for herself and after that every black person didn't ride the bus, eventually the bus services were shut down. Rosa took her equal rights movement to Washington DC where they granted it unfair and the services of the were restored and the civil rights movement was started. I have always loved reading things like this and it was interesting to see just how much she did for the civil rights movement. I applaud Rosa for standing up for herself and making a change for black people even though it was a tough thing to endure. I did feel like the book repeated itself a lot, but overall I enjoyed it.
kechampagne | 28 weitere Rezensionen | Jan 22, 2020 |
This book was about Rosa Parks and her fight to end segregation. This story took you through her journey of how it started, when she wouldn't give up her seat on the bus to a white person, all the way to the end when black and white people had equal rights. This was a very informative book and I think children would be able to understand it and realize the way they use to treat black people was wrong and everyone should be treated equal, no matter their race.½
AlexaBavido | 28 weitere Rezensionen | Oct 20, 2019 |
Rosa Parks was born February 4,1913. She grew up in Pine Level, Alabama. She liked to go fishing with her Grandma and Grandpa. In 1932 she married a man named Raymond Parks. Rosa Parks moved up North to Detroit, Michigan after the incident on the bus.

The subject of this biography is so significant because it addresses how Rosa Parks was apart of the civil rights movement. She helped influence the change of segregation in the bus system. She did not start the civil rights movement, but she was noticed when she was arrested. Rosa Parks is apart of history that influenced ending segregation.

This book is accurate given the fact Rosa Parks is the author. However, a lot of information is left out of the book. The organization of the book is fine, but I believe it would have been better if the book began with how Rosa Parks grew up and then her getting arrested.½
A.Bode | 28 weitere Rezensionen | Jan 29, 2019 |
I personally loved this biography. I like how it was straight to the point and gave only the information that was extremely important. I also enjoyed how the book had the first chapter talked about what she's most famous for, which was refusing to give up her seat on the bus. It was interesting to learn that her husband was an advocate for racial equality, and she was inspired by his work. He helped get lawyers for black people who had been arrested. I was unaware that the bus boycott lasted a whole year. It is amazing that to learn that hard work really pays off. Also, the fact that she still makes speeches and fights for full equality is inspiring to many.
mthomassie | 28 weitere Rezensionen | Jan 30, 2018 |
Well written and subdivided to illustrate the story of Rosa Parks perfectly. Her story starts with her arrest, reflects on her upbringing, touches on the effect of her actions and the result. My six year old was able to follow the timeline as well as comprehend the literature. This book sheds light on the civil rights movement, and the injustice that African Americans faced after slavery in America. While also portraying there is power in numbers as expressed by the boycott. This will be a great book to illustrate change within our country and diversity.
STerrell | 28 weitere Rezensionen | Jan 25, 2018 |
Rosa Parks was a national icon during the civil rights movement. She was raised but her mother. She eventually married Raymond Parker, who was an activist himself. She impowered many people to stand up for what they believe in and fight for their rights. In 1955, Rosa Parks decided she was not going to give up her seat to a white lady on a bus. She sparked lots of controversy regarding this action. Black people saw her as a hero and a decided that enough was enough. She sparked the bus boycott where people protested the buses in Montgomery, Alabama. After that it became illegal to segregate busses. She was an activist for the NAACP and spoke out against the injustices of this country. African Americans weren't treated how the constitution says they should be treated. This autobiography was very good and all students should know about this amazing person.
mcsuane | 16 weitere Rezensionen | Nov 28, 2017 |
This book was written by Rosa Parks and it is about her experience. She was asked to move to the back of the bus and refused to do so. She explains the feelings and thoughts that went through her mind and why she took a stand. She also explained what the treatment was like for people of color in a detailed and personal manner. Overall, this book is very detailed and informative on Rosa Parks and the stance she took during the civil rights movement.
1 abstimmen
Cheyene | 16 weitere Rezensionen | May 2, 2017 |
I would most likely use this in an upper level class due to the vocabulary and the amount of content in the book. I see it best fit for fifth to sixth graders as a book for them to read and then write a paper on. I think it would work well for that grade level and that situation because it will allow them to grow their vocabulary but still be able to understand what is going on in the story and make connections to the outside world.
tylerschmitt | 16 weitere Rezensionen | Apr 4, 2017 |
This book would be appropriate for 4th-7th grade students as it is easy to read but complex in content. It could be used as a reference text in the classroom when students are learning and writing about Civil Rights, and could also be independently read by students who want to know more about the events that led up to the civil rights.
tmoreland01 | 16 weitere Rezensionen | Mar 30, 2017 |
I would use this book as an interactive read-aloud for a 5th grade class because in 5th grade the civil rights movement is taught and also the book is too lengthy for younger grades. I would use this book as an interactive read-aloud so students can learn more about the book by discussing rather than just reading to themselves, this will allow for discussion as well. I would use this book to teach about the Civil Rights movement since Rosa Parks is seen as the symbol of the Civil Rights movement. I would use this book to teach cause and effect to teach students by the decisions you make will effect the outcome you get. I would also use this book to teach students about point of view since the book is told from Rosa Parks herself.
mmccrady01 | 16 weitere Rezensionen | Mar 29, 2017 |
This book is very well organized and it is actually broken up into chapters that is a chronological order of since Rosa didn't give up her seat until after the boycott. It made the book very easy to read and enjoyable too. Rosa Parks is known for not giving up her seat on a bus for a white person. To many people, she is considered starting a civil rights movement that ended segregation. Without her not giving up her seat, who knows what today could be like. If the blacks didn't boycott riding the bus to have respect and not having to give up their seats would anything that happened after that happened? The book was very inspiring and I learned a great deal about Rosa Parks and how she changed the world. I learned she played a major role of stopping segregation.½
cmsmit12 | 28 weitere Rezensionen | Jan 19, 2017 |
I would use this book for 5th grade or older. You would need to provide background knowledge such as the Civil Rights and segregation. You could use thhis book in 4th grade as well but I wouldn't go any younger because they may not know or understand the importance of segregation and the importance of what Rosa Parks did. In grades 5 or above they will dif more into black history and be able to understand the importance behind it.
vross316 | 16 weitere Rezensionen | Apr 13, 2016 |
I liked this book for two reasons. The first reason is that the writing is organized well. The content of the book is broken up by chapters and follows a chronological sequence of Rosa Park's life. By breaking it up into chapters, the author effectively chunks the information and important events, making it easier for the reader to follow. For example, the chapters go in the following order, "I get Arrested, How I Grew Up, We Stay Off the Buses, Since the Boycott" (p. 1). Because the chapters follow a sequential pattern, the writing is organized and flows well from one chapter to the next. Another reason I liked this book is because of the illustrations. The illustration style fits the written text. The illustrations are a mix of oil and paint. During times of Rosa's struggles, the illustrations are more dull and use brown colors. However, during times of Rosa's triumphs, the illustrations are brighter and feature more colors. With this in mind, the illustrations follow the style of the written text. Because the illustrations feature drastic color differences, the audience can rely on the illustrations to help them follow along with the text and comprehend. The biography shares both triumphs and struggles that Rosa Parks faced. Overall, the purpose of this book is to share Rosa Park's life story and her contributions to a time of segregation.
kaylafrey | 28 weitere Rezensionen | Apr 11, 2016 |
After reading about Rosa Parks, it brought back memories when I was in about third grade and we were learning about people who made a difference in the world and we talked about Rosa Parks. It's so crazy to me that we once lived in a world of segregation; that because of someone's skin colored determined how they were treated. Author, Jim Haskins, draws in the readers by explaining different situations that was going on such as: colored people could not eat in white restaurants, couldn't go to the same school, and couldn't even drink from the same water fountain. Rosa Parks one day decided she had enough of the way blacks were treated, and when a bus driver told her to give her bus seat to a white man, she refused and was arrested. Rosa believed that the law should treat black people the same as white people. When other black people found out she was arrested, the all decided to boycott riding the buses which eventually led to the buses no longer running because people weren't riding the buses and they weren't making money. Because Rosa Parks decided to take a stand, it led Dr. Martin Luther King fight against segregation in many other ways which led to the civil rights movement. This was such an inspirational book and I hope to one day read this to my future students and show them how different things use to be and how people had to fight for their freedom.
lcrosby | 28 weitere Rezensionen | Jan 19, 2016 |
Rosa Parks shares her story and struggle for equality.
elindseyziegler | 16 weitere Rezensionen | Mar 15, 2015 |
I am Rosa Parks is an informative picture biography about the life of Rosa Parks. I knew that she played a significant role in desegregating buses, but I didn't realize she wrote stories based on the cruelties blacks faced. This book is an excellent choice for first and second graders as an introduction to a historical figure.½
jwesley | 28 weitere Rezensionen | Jan 29, 2015 |
This picture book biography tells the story of the brave Rosa Parks. It opens with her refusing to give up her seat and getting arrested. Then, it goes into her childhood and the segregation during that time. The book closes by depicting the efforts of African Americans and the success they experienced in fighting for their civil rights--success that is contributed to Rosa Parks and her will to be treated fairly regardless of the color of her skin.
slbenne1 | 28 weitere Rezensionen | Nov 29, 2014 |
I really liked this book because Rosa Parks is a woman that I believe every child should know. She stood up for her rights because she knew that segregation okay. She believed that blacks and whites should be equal. Another reason why I like it is because this book was writing by her, so we know that it is a true biography.
Y-NhiVu | 28 weitere Rezensionen | Nov 19, 2014 |