

I learned about this book about a year ago, but didn’t pick it up until a couple of weeks ago. Whew. What a powerful story! Written with courage, heart, and a great deal of honesty, Tori’s story is one destined to be unlikely to forget. I haven’t read many stories written by former foster care children, nor, for that matter, that many adoption stories (although adoption is close to my heart). Tori experienced and saw things I can hardly comprehend, even though I’m guessing she’s only a few years older than me. What I could relate, to, though, was the hope she shared as her relationship with the Lord blossomed and grew. I cheered as she was able to do things most people would never expect from someone with the kind of upbringing she had. This was a hard, hard story, but also an ultimately beautiful one. I came away blessed, encouraged, and challenged to keep reaching out to people with the Lord’s love—no matter how “lost” or “off the rails” they might appear to be. If you enjoy true stories of hope coming out of some of the most difficult circumstances in life, or want to know how to support those in the foster care system better, this would be a great choice for you.

I was given a complimentary copy of this book, and this is my honest opinion of it.
EstherFilbrun | May 9, 2023 |