
A. E. RadleyRezensionen

Autor von Huntress

36 Werke 276 Mitglieder 24 Rezensionen


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A short, sweet romance about getting out of toxic environments and taking good risks. After losing her marketing job when the company collapses, Regina takes a position that ends up under her toxic ex Margot. Margot tries to set up Regina for failure, but a model named Grace ends up helping her. Grace is everything Margot is not, and Regina tries to fight her feelings to save this new friendship. I'm not usually a fan of age gap, but this was done well. I wish Regina would have gone to therapy to help with her issues. It was a little weird to only get snippets from Grace's point of view. I wish there had been more; I liked her a lot. It was really nice to read about older characters finding love. Not just the MC (40s) but also her elder aunt.
jazzyjbox | Sep 30, 2023 |
This comes off as a cozy read simply because theres not real steam or heat to it... and even though I personally hate them, I feel like this needs a little flashbacks to really tie in how much Victoria is a dragonlady and to keep it from feeling like we're been told that shes a ice queen instead of showing it. Its a sweet little story though.
MiserableFlower | 1 weitere Rezension | Mar 17, 2023 |
Selina Hale
Smart? check
Driven? check
Flawed in an older, sexy ice queen kinda way? check, check and check

Kate Morgan
Courageous? check
Good-natured? check
Into flawed, older, sexy ice queens? check, check and check

This book satisfied my need to read a "When life knocks you down, get back up" type of story. Selena and Kate's well-paced journey is lighthearted, and it provided a few chuckles here and there. And best of all, they get their HEA.
Warmus | 1 weitere Rezension | Feb 18, 2023 |
Very fun short story. Radley's humor is just my cup of tea.
amcheri | Jan 5, 2023 |
I liked this one a lot. Lots of laughs and fun characters. That chase scene!!
amcheri | 1 weitere Rezension | Jan 5, 2023 |
Lots of humor and fun characters and situations. Just what readers have come to expect from the author.
amcheri | 1 weitere Rezension | Jan 5, 2023 |
Another great, feel-good, funny, and sweet stand-alone romance by A. E. Radley.
amcheri | Jan 5, 2023 |
I liked this book so much. I loved the two main characters and the author's humor. Could be my favorite of all of her books - and there are a lot of them!

If you enjoy the ice queen thing - which isn't something I would ever search out but I know it's a big thing - and you also like witty banter and good, dry humor, you'll very likely love this book.
amcheri | 1 weitere Rezension | Jan 5, 2023 |
I had a great time reading this one. Absolutely love the humor and characters.
amcheri | Jan 5, 2023 |
I know I sound like a broken record but I love Amanda Radley's writing. I think Reclaiming Love is my new favorite. I absolutely loved Pippa and Sarah - both as individuals and as a couple. I'm a sucker for both emotionally damaged characters AND pretend-to-real-love stories so this was doubly good for me. Combine that with that trademark Radley humor and it was damn near perfect.

Part of my connection to this novel probably comes from my own fraught relationship with my mother. I really felt for Sarah and she was much more caring and patient than I would have been. And Pippa's loss prompted lots of extra hugs for my wife. I love these characters and I'm going to miss them a lot.

Thanks to BSB and NetGalley for the chance to read this one so quickly.
amcheri | 1 weitere Rezension | Jan 5, 2023 |
This. This is what I want in a romance novel. Characters with chemistry, humor, family, and angst that wasn't just an obvious plot point and something that shouldn't have been a problem for grown-ups who talk with each other.

It's no secret that Amanda Radley is one of my favorite romance authors and Reading Her is just one reason why I will grab her books as soon as I see them available. Of course, it's also no secret that I'm the worst ARC reader in the world since I regularly am running so far behind that there's nothing advanced about my reviews. But I am good for a "Hey! Did you miss this one when it came out? Read it now!" sort of review…

I'm not always a fan of age-gap romances because so much time is spent discussing how it can't work specifically due to the age difference. That wasn't the case in Reading Her. The issues were more class and occupation/education based. I liked that. These women felt well matched and complementary to each other. And the son, Hugo, wasn't an afterthought that sometimes happens with kids in romance novels. He was central to the story but never overshadowed what us readers are really there for - the romantic relationship. This one ticked all the boxes for me. I freaking loved this book and it will absolutely go on my reread/funk reading list.

Thanks to Bold Strokes and NetGalley for the chance to bask in the glow of a wonderfully done HEA.
amcheri | Jan 5, 2023 |
I've been a fan of Amanda Radley's books for a long time. I love, love, love her quirky, dry sense of humor and the types of situations in which her characters find themselves. When I'm feeling down, I know reading one of Radley's books is going to make me smile and laugh.

Protecting the Lady was a bit more serious than expected though. I mean, there were still a few good laughs but mostly it was fairly serious. Not a bad thing as it was still interesting and I like action mixed in with my romance. Did your mind go into the gutter? I meant thrillery action but sexy action is good too. Although if you're looking for explicit sex scenes, you won't find those here. But anyone who is familiar with Radley's work already knows that's not what she writes.

All in all, I did enjoy the book but it won't likely make it onto my re-read list.
amcheri | Jan 5, 2023 |
Since I'm a big fan of Amanda Radley's romantic comedies, I had no doubt that I'd enjoy Under Her Influence. And I did! Her trademark dry wit and family-centered, low-angst romance always satisfies and this was no different. I always seem to learn something about a new industry, too, so that's a bonus.

This time around, we're spending time with the owners of a Scottish theme park and a social media influencer. Beth and Jemma each have their issues - insecurity, feeling trapped in the reality that they have lived for so long but not having either the motivation or understanding to move on. It took me a little while but I did eventually come to care and connect with each of them. Cameron and the kids were an extra layer of adorable added to the mix. I only wish I could have heard the accents because, thanks to Simone Lahbib, I adore a Scottish accent. Yes, even a Glaswegian one.

So if you're a fan of Radley's previous work, I don't have to tell you that you'll like this one, too.

Thanks to BSB and NetGalley for setting me up with a copy!
amcheri | Jan 5, 2023 |
This took me a while to read due to how bored I was. I saw no chemistry between the two characters. They expressed their feelings to other people and not each other til the very end. Reading the 2nd book only because it was free.
Koralis | 1 weitere Rezension | Jul 12, 2022 |
This short story was much better than the first book. The main characters are together, it’s not as boring, and there is some conflict. Not sure if I want to read the final book in the series.
Koralis | Jul 12, 2022 |
Sarah Campbell works for a tech company that sends her to Celfare, a Scottish island, to live in a dilapidated old cottage and monitor a top-secret experiment that, if successful, will set off a whirlwind of controversy lead by her eco warrior mother. Sarah is given a generous amount of money to rehab the cottage and she hires a local handywoman, Pippa Kent, a former structural engineer, to get the job done. Disaster strikes when her mother announces she’s coming to Celfare which sends Sarah into a tailspin because she told her mother she was moving to the island to live with her girlfriend, Natalie. Only, Natalie doesn’t exist. When she asks Pippa to pretend to be Natalie, she adamantly refuses – until she meets Sarah’s narcissistic mom.

This is a slow-moving story with both characters denying their attraction to each other while telling themselves they don’t want a relationship. Radley has chosen to focus much of the book on Sarah’s relationship, or lack thereof, with her mother so much so that the book becomes angsty and the issues are often repeated so much so that readers may find themselves scanning the passages that deal with the mother.

Fans of Radley will undoubtedly enjoy this book. If you’re not a fan of a ton of angst and wordy novels, this book is for you. If you prefer that your romance novels have a scarcity of angst and are tightly written, this is probably not the book for you.

My thanks to Bold Strokes Books for an eARC.
FirstReader | 1 weitere Rezension | May 26, 2022 |
This is the 11th book I've read by this author (I think, if I put books on correct shelves and stuff; it is harder since the author uses more than one name).

Right, so, two women end up flying together to Tokyo. They did not previously know each other, they just happened to end up next to each other. A very young woman, Lily Andersen, is off to Tokyo to meet her catfisher. I mean, online love interest. They've been communicating for a good long while, and they seem to "really get each other". And so, Lily is off to meet them for the first time, in person, billions of miles away in Tokyo (she lives in London). And, okay, it is only 5,938 miles between the two cities.

Lily is an artist of 25 (if I remember her age correctly). She normally flies economy but gets offered the opportunity to upgrade to business class. The other main character, on the other hand, ends up in business class from the other direction. Celia had booked (or had it done for her) a first class ticket, but there was a plane switch, and so now there are more first class passengers than seats. Plus most of the first class seats (all?) would be filled with clowns (literally, there was a circus traveling or something). So Celia got moved to business class.

Celia Scott, an insurance executive, is heading of to Tokyo to pick up an award. She wants nothing to do with the award, but she's being forced to get it. Celia is more than twice Lily's age, being 51. Celia is a rich entitled woman who feels the need to drink a lot to numb herself to flying. So, drunk, Celia and Lily's first meeting does not really go that well. Actually, the drinking part probably didn't play that big of a part in Celia and Lily's first interaction. Lily was poking every sandwich at an airport shop, and Celia asks her to let her know when she's done fondling the food so Celia can get something. The drunk part occurred later-ish.

Right, so, two women whose paths would likely never have crossed, end up sitting next to each other on a plane. They don't really "get to know each other" while sitting next to each other, but more later. When the plane unexpectedly lands in Denmark, the two end up staying at the same place (Lily's grandmother's place), and thereafter the two begin a friendship that leads to more.

Despite age gap stories not being my thing, I liked the story and both of the characters. I even liked the romance aspects, again, despite that massive age gap.

hmm. I somewhat expected that I had something more to write here. Apparently I don't. bah.

Rating: 4.22

February 20 2021½
Lexxi | Mar 13, 2021 |
ARC received from author with thanks for an honest review - THANK you so much A.E.

I LOVED this book. You can read this as a stand alone book or as a continuation of Rebecca and Arabella's story. This book is set in New Orleans and the author does a great job of describing the city, the food, the entertainment and the atmosphere and made me want to visit the city again. The book also introduces Jenn and Kathryn, which are terrific characters. This book made me laugh out loud and cry. A.E. did a terrific job in making me feel for Rebecca and her love for Arabella, but unsure of how to move forward, while giving Arabella the space she needed. Jenn is a hard working, has multiple jobs (I think there were 9) fun loving lesbian and Kathryn is the typical "straight" ice-queen dumped in New Orleans for a much needed "vacation". This book is a very slow burn romance between Jenn and Kathryn, but continues the story of Rebecca and Arabella. Like the Road Ahead, this book left me wanting more of all the characters. I certainly hope there will be a third book!
AngelaR_FF | 1 weitere Rezension | Jan 3, 2020 |
This is a very slow burn romance with the typical "straight" ice-queen and lesbian romantic. This happens to be one of my favorite types of books and I really enjoyed this one! The author did a great job describing the characters and the conflict between them. The book had a HEA, but it did leave me wanting more of Rebecca and Arabella's story. I was glad to see that was a second book to continue there story and more.
1 abstimmen
AngelaR_FF | 1 weitere Rezension | Jan 3, 2020 |
At first, I wasn't sure I was going to enjoy this book. The ice queen character seemed exaggerated, for one. Yet as I went on, I found myself really having fun. The characters became more subtle, the way one feels when meeting people and getting to know them. I'm now looking forward to reading The Big Uneasy.
1 abstimmen
JudeInTheSky | 1 weitere Rezension | Jun 21, 2019 |
This book was 2018 November’s Sapphic Book Club read hosted by sapphicbookclub..

I think a part of my soul died every time Amy told a complete stranger that they're on the run from the police

the friendships in this book were great, though
runtimeregan | 1 weitere Rezension | Jun 12, 2019 |
I think this is the final book in the Flight Series? Considering the title, and a sort of how it reads, I read it that way. And, I thought that it was a good full circle sort of end to the series too.

It's much more with Emily, Olivia, Henry, and the other interesting characters in their circle (like my favorites, Simon and Sophia, as well as Nicole).

This time the traveling shoe is on the other foot, it's Emily this time who finds herself needing to commute back and forth to London and New York to become all the play writer she can be.

Olivia meanwhile stays in New York so that she can take care of Henry now that she was 'retired' in the previous book. Also, Henry's starting school, and that brings about a lot of feelings by everyone, as well as stress, and shenanigans for Henry's two Moms.

Most of the characters are the same, and I liked them still. I would have loved to see even more Simon, but, I have a soft spot for people who put up with (in a caring/loving way) those who through no fault of their own aren't the easiest to live with, so, I may be biased.

There was also the introduction of the characters of Hannah and Carl. That was an interesting story that happened with Emily trying to find her way in the theater world. Definitely had me guessing (well, 60% guessing at least). As well as being introduced to Miss Costa, Henry's new teacher as well. Heh heh (if you read the book, you'll definitely understand the heh heh).

It was a fun book, not really a light or a heavy read, but, I thought, a nice combination of both. Now to see if I can catch up on the rest of the Radley (both of 'em) authored fiction.
DanieXJ | Oct 11, 2018 |
This second book in the flight series was different than the first one. There was definitely more plot, and if I recall the FanFiction correctly (and who knows, perhaps I'm mis-remembering the fanfic plot), this part starts to diverge in a bigger way from the fanfic?

The two women, Olivia and Emily, have broken up at the beginning of this one because of the stuff that happened at the end of the first book, and neither one seems happy at all.

In this one we also have Henry's grandparents (on his father's side) wanting custody, Emily getting fired (sorta, although I thought it was very anti-climatic) from Crown Airlines, and then there's Olivia. She does not have an easy time of it in this book. She goes through a plane crash, not to mention problems with her company, and another health problem beyond the plane crash. Yikes.

So, that means that Simon winds up in New York, and he is fast becoming my very favorite character in the series. He and Henry have some good scenes for sure, and then of course there was more between Olivia/Henry, and those were even better than in the first book.

Henry definitely seemed to be in this book quite a bit more than he was in the last one, and I really liked most of his stuff. From the few five year olds I've known and met, he seemed well written too.

I liked this book a lot. It was a fun and quick read, and I think I am looking forward to the third book in the series too.
DanieXJ | Mar 15, 2018 |
Phew. That's an ending. I will say that unlike with a lot of these books I find myself reading recently I have read the fanfic that this novel was based around (and I still think of these sorts of stories as Uber, in this case Swan Queen, what can I say, I'm a Xena fan from way back).

It's the story of Emily and Olivia. Emily is a Flight Attendant on Crown Airlines. She's just started a grueling long-haul schedule, working the first class cabin in a 747. She's doing it for her five year old son who has a health problem and is such a cutie patootie.

Emily meets Olivia on her first flight from New York to London. And they both find each other intriguing from the first moment. Olivia is in Finance and is not the greatest when it comes to social interactions etc. So, at the beginning of their sorta friendship it's a little bumpy, and there are misunderstandings littering the book. But, then something happens and they get thrown together in a situation neither one of them anticipated, and they start really learning about one another and even liking one another in a more than friendly way.

It was a cool novel. It was very character driven and there weren't a lot of twist plot turns, but that's okay, because the characters all worked well in this book. Even the secondary ones like Jessica and Simon were just a blast. And then of course, the Henry/Olivia stuff was just priceless. It was a great book, and the moment that I put this book down I was excited to read the next in the series too, Grounded. Woo!
DanieXJ | Mar 15, 2018 |
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