
Cathcart Cowdery Ray

Autor von Narratives of Barbary Captivity

4+ Werke 47 Mitglieder 1 Rezension

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Werke von Cathcart Cowdery Ray

Zugehörige Werke

White Slaves, African Masters: An Anthology of American Barbary Captivity Narratives (1999) — Mitwirkender, einige Ausgaben41 Exemplare, 1 Rezension



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Since this is a primary source narrative, I won't be "rating" it like my other reads. First, while I'm glad I read The Pirate Coast before this, that one only covered the Jefferson administration. This one neatly provides further context in the introduction and provides plenty of illustrations throughout.

At this time, France was still at war with Britain, and both were using the Barbary Coast to drive up costs. Jefferson, as Secretary of State, tried to enlist Naples, Venice, Portugal, Sweden and Russia to tackle the problem. By 1800, Algiers allied with the French while the Ottomans were fighting against Napoleon. Jefferson, now president, presented evidence to Congress to blockade Tripoli with Sweden. Congress then declared war in 1802!

James Leander Cathcart - ALGIERS
- The longest one of the three. By 18, he was a POW twice! The other by the British in 1779. He is witness to the plague of 1786. Knew Spanish - "which they all spoke" - and literate, he was appointed Hassan Dey's chief Christian secretary. Lingua Franca was spoken due to European renegades. He considers farmwork "humiliating" aka black slave work. Comes off as self-serving. He never names them, but often references his "American comrades." Released in 1796, he continued to serve as a minor diplomat.

Dr. Jonathan Cowdery - TRIPOLI
- Was 32 when he entered the navy as a surgeon's assistant. He wraps up the surrender of the Philadelphia quickly, and with sarcastic humor. His narrative is structured much more like a diary and tonally, he seems practical. Mentions a renegade Scotsman turned Tripolitan admiral named Lysle. He is allowed to make rounds and even treats the ambassador from Constantinople. He witnesses the destruction of the Philadelphia so the pirates cannot use it. He was freed in 1805.

William Ray - TRIPOLI
- Same age as Cowdery when he joined the Philadelphia out of necessity. Only one to cover events leading up to his capture. Not a fan of Capt. Bainbridge and does not have the privileges of the others. He speaks bitterly of Cowdery's "whining tale" and of the officers. But his narrative offers a different perspective of the same situation. All told and if true, suffered the most of the three.
… (mehr)
asukamaxwell | Sep 16, 2024 |

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