
Tina ReberRezensionen

Autor von Love Unscripted

10+ Werke 683 Mitglieder 46 Rezensionen Lieblingsautor von 1 Lesern


I really did enjoy this book. Great characters, and Ryan was divine!
It was a long read but I didn't get bored at all - I devoured every page and loved reading how their relationship played out.
The romance sizzled!
I also loved Taryn's friends and thought they actually brought something to the book rather than just being secondary characters.
I can't wait for the next book in this series to see how things pan out for them both.
b00kdarling87 | 32 weitere Rezensionen | Jan 7, 2024 |
2.5/5 stars

It started out great and I really liked the first half of the book and both Ryan and Taryn. But I don't know, the last part just didn't do it for me. The book was just too long and because of that their relationship just dragged on where nothing really happened, except highlighting their insecurities. Insecurities that kept getting rehashed and rehashed and by the end I was kind of over it and wasn't a fan of Ryan anymore. Some things are also really predictable. "I was also a week late" You just know when that gets thrown in there is a pregnancy around the corner. And DING DING DING, there it was.

Then the 'big drama' hits and it didn't really touch me... at all. Her reaction was over the top and I was getting kind of sick of the two of them and their mess. And then at the end:
Hey! We have a crappy relationship and can't communicate and don't trust each other, so ofcourse were going to get married and live happily ever after!

The more I think about it, the more I start to dislike this book. But I'm leaving it at 2.5/5 stars, because I did really enjoy the beginning. I am very disappointed it went downhill so fast, though and I'm not sure if I'll read the next book.
CielCat | 32 weitere Rezensionen | Feb 6, 2019 |
This book was just as good as the first. It was well worth the wait! Ryan and Taryn's bumpy ride through their engagement was a nice distraction from everyday life. "Forever". I wish that people truly understood the meaning. I cannot wait to have the time to reread both books back-to-back so I can fully appreciate them.
AmberGoleb | 12 weitere Rezensionen | Mar 13, 2018 |
This was a great reminder that you may just not be in the mood to read something, and to give it another try before giving up on it. I previously attempted to read this and DNF it after 2 chapters. I picked it up again and tried it on audiobook, and I liked it way more than I thought I would. I still did not love it though.

This does start off again with the characters going back and forth about their relationship (which did get annoying in the first book). I started to enjoy this more one it moved on from this. I also enjoyed the side romance between Marie and Mike.

I do think this was too long for what it was. However; where I did not like book one, this was more of what I was looking for with the storyline. I probably will not pick up the new one coming out, but who knows.
SimplyKelina | 12 weitere Rezensionen | Nov 28, 2017 |
4.5 stars loved it even though Trayn kinda annoyed me at times with her lack of trust in Ryan.
mhelissa26 | 32 weitere Rezensionen | Mar 8, 2017 |
I loved this book from the start. Lots of HOT twist and turns.
Sunshine22222 | 32 weitere Rezensionen | Feb 19, 2017 |
I felt it was the same thing over and over again, and I was finding myself feeling annoyed as I kept reading it. It was "this is going to be hard, then we will be ok, and this is too hard, and again and again." Not one of my favorites.
SimplyKelina | 32 weitere Rezensionen | Feb 1, 2017 |
good long story/book. Good characters, OK plot (parts could have been developed more), true to life issues/problems due to no privacy and constant public scrutinizing. Trust would be a very hard thing for anyone in a relationship of this kind - just look at what goes on in real life for celebrities.
It will be interesting to see where the 2nd book goes, if it will be the completion of the story or just another installment.
I was glad that Tyran was an intelligent self-sufficient women, with financial means of her own so she would not seems like a gold digger or a bimbo.
kerbytejas | 32 weitere Rezensionen | Mar 25, 2016 |
liked the story. The Marie and Mike story line was a nice additional to the main story line, in fact you got a 2nd HEA from them. The Epilogue was fun as it tied back to the film in the first book that Ryan had turned down on the advice of his handlers.
kerbytejas | 12 weitere Rezensionen | Mar 25, 2016 |
Okay, I don't normally write reviews because I'm terrible at it, but here goes...

The book seemed long. It took me several hours to read it over a two day period. I've always wondered if I could write a book about my mundane life and have people pay money to read it. This book is sort of like that. Although, these characters aren't leading mundane lives, their insecurities are constantly at the forefront and we are CONSTANTLY reminded of them. I think that the constant inner-struggles with insecurity adds unnecessary length to the novel.

Having said all of that, I still liked the book. The trials of their relationship and how they constantly fight to stay together are touching and sweet. What girl doesn't want a guy who will fight for her? I did wonder while reading this if they way Ryan felt is something that actors truly experience...did the author do research? I don't know. But, for me, someone who spends her life in classroom teaching math to high school students, it all seemed plausible to me.

I will read the sequel. However, if the entire book is a continuation of the same conflict, Ryan and Taryn surviving a relationship in the spotlight, I think I will stop reading. There will have to be a new obstacle to overcome for me to be interested enough to read it. I don't want the same problems in a different book.

Raeadav | 32 weitere Rezensionen | Mar 25, 2016 |
This book was just as good as the first. It was well worth the wait! Ryan and Taryn's bumpy ride through their engagement was a nice distraction from everyday life. "Forever". I wish that people truly understood the meaning. I cannot wait to have the time to reread both books back-to-back so I can fully appreciate them.
UANBookAddict | 12 weitere Rezensionen | Dec 3, 2015 |
very good' although not as exciting as the first one
Alwaysmidnight | 12 weitere Rezensionen | Jun 16, 2015 |
This book was waaaaaaaaaaay too long and repetetive. I think some editing would have been handy. Maybe cut out 300 pages or so? It just seemed like a lot of the same scenes over and over - complaining about the fans, her insecurities, is he/she unfaithful...ugh. It wouldn't have been so bad if it hadn't been so long and just seeming to beat the same dead horse over and over.
seanbata | 32 weitere Rezensionen | Jun 14, 2015 |
I waffled a bit on the stars here. The writing was better than most in this sub-genre, so it could have gotten a 4. And it had slightly more plot than most in this sub-genre. Also, in it's favor, but I really hated the girl. And I hated that he was deserving mostly of better but kind of too pathetic to demand it.

It had a fresh take on the meeting--star dashes into her bar to escape crazy fans chasing him down the streets of a seaside town where he's filming a mega film. He kind of settles into normal guydom with her for awhile, and it's nice. He meets the friends, plays a little poker, goes to her special family cabin and fishes with her. Normal things. Where I raise a brow but still stick with the author is the stalker who doesn't like the girlfriend. I get that and it's probably real. Where it took aleft turn at unrecoverable crazytown is the Ryan lying about his latest affair coupled with mega actress conspiring with the random security guy and bellboy?!? And then let's cement our hatred for the protagonist as a total headcase when she nearly gets hit by a car in the rain (of course) thinking he's cheating on her (he's not).

If you take it from the perspective of two flawed people, it's not half bad. But the rest of the contrived action plot pieces get in the way.
mullgirl | 32 weitere Rezensionen | Jun 8, 2015 |
I found myself liking this despite finding taryn to be a bit of a moron.
Septima | 32 weitere Rezensionen | Oct 6, 2014 |
First this was a very long story. I really liked it and look forward to the second book. That isn’t to say that there weren’t some things that annoyed me. If I read the word giggle one more time I might have screamed, except for that is was a great read. There were a lot of ups and downs that were fun to ride out.

Taryn is a pub owner with self-esteem and trust issues when it comes to men. Yet she is also strong and confident in business and is not looking for love in any way. She is fiercely loyal to her friends. I got to go through Taryn’s struggle with a relationship in the public eye. I could feel her pain, especially in Florida. The fight to get over the betrayal and hurt in her past comes across clearly.

Ryan is just a regular guy who happens to be a famous actor. His struggle is convincing Taryn that he’s with her for life. He loves her and would never hurt her. I was so caught up in the story and loved feeling as if I was right there as they lived.

The side characters were great and I’d love to read more about them in the future. I didn’t notice any issues with editing, or I was so into the story I missed them. I said before that this is a long book but it’s well done. Not a lot of time on descriptions or other fillers. The detail on their friends and the side stories was enjoyable.
Tala2cubs | 32 weitere Rezensionen | Sep 3, 2014 |
Ryan and Taryn are the perfect real life couple full of flaws and sorry commons, but completely in love with each other....Tina Reber did a great job of creating characters that I can't get our of my head. I can't wait to continue their story in the next book! :
lornajarkin | 32 weitere Rezensionen | Aug 22, 2014 |
this book brought my emotions all over the place at the the end. at the start of the book everything seemed great. there was everyday antics of a small town bar owner with a broken heart, and you just know that something is going To happen. now, this was a long book and by that I mean the first 75% was fairly life changing. yes, there are the ups and downs but once you pass that .75 mark the action and heartache just shaders your world. Everything was to good to be true, Ryan showed his true colors to Taryan and they hit it off great. But of corse no matter who you are life is going to show you how much you can handle, and these two can handle an apocalypse. I love the main characters and even the supporting characters hold their own. At times I wanted to shack these two and tell hem how stupid they were being, but someone else did that job for me. I could it put this book down even when I tried, once I was getting towards the end I had to leave for work, all day at work I just kept thinking what is going o happen next. It was also at a critical point in their relationship and my emotion were all over the place, needing the answers. Finally at midnight I got all my answers and man was it worth it. There are some really great lines in this book that portray the personalities of these characters perfectly. They also leave you breathless,giddy,shattered,bleeding,broken, I could go on with everything you feel in this book. Tins research shows in the book with the details of life as a movie star with adoring fans, paparazzi, and the work that actually goes into being an actor. I have to say that I enjoyed this book and can't wait to find out what happens next

I received this book from the publisher though net galley for my honest review
Hbeck | 32 weitere Rezensionen | Aug 19, 2014 |
this book brought my emotions all over the place at the the end. at the start of the book everything seemed great. there was everyday antics of a small town bar owner with a broken heart, and you just know that something is going To happen. now, this was a long book and by that I mean the first 75% was fairly life changing. yes, there are the ups and downs but once you pass that .75 mark the action and heartache just shaders your world. Everything was to good to be true, Ryan showed his true colors to Taryan and they hit it off great. But of corse no matter who you are life is going to show you how much you can handle, and these two can handle an apocalypse. I love the main characters and even the supporting characters hold their own. At times I wanted to shack these two and tell hem how stupid they were being, but someone else did that job for me. I could it put this book down even when I tried, once I was getting towards the end I had to leave for work, all day at work I just kept thinking what is going o happen next. It was also at a critical point in their relationship and my emotion were all over the place, needing the answers. Finally at midnight I got all my answers and man was it worth it. There are some really great lines in this book that portray the personalities of these characters perfectly. They also leave you breathless,giddy,shattered,bleeding,broken, I could go on with everything you feel in this book. Tins research shows in the book with the details of life as a movie star with adoring fans, paparazzi, and the work that actually goes into being an actor. I have to say that I enjoyed this book and can't wait to find out what happens next

I received this book from the publisher though net galley for my honest review
Hbeck | 32 weitere Rezensionen | Aug 19, 2014 |
I LOVE Taryn and Ryan .. This story was absolutely AMAZINGBALLS … It was. FANFUCKINGTASTIC !!!!!!!!!!!!

I have had this series in my TBR list for a while now , and I truly don’t understand why I kept pushing it back and had not read it sooner . This story is amazing, It was heart wrenching , it was beautiful, it was hot, it was everything any book could ever dream of being . I am so Happy that this series had an amazing Happily Ever After.

Taryn, I loved her from the first page , she was an amazing character , with a heart of gold. She had compassion , she had flair, she had everything a small town girl needed , except for love . And she found that love in Ryan ten fold . She is every girls dream best friend.

Ryan. I just loved him. Yes, he's sexy. Yes, he says things that will melt you. But, what I love the most is the way he loves Taryn. There is nothing greater than a man showing his girl how much he loves her. Ryan puts Taryn first, Always.

“You’re my world, babe. Mine. Not theirs. They can have me, but they can’t have you, too…. I meant it when I said forever… You are it for me… The me that is standing in front of you right now is not the same me that’s out there in the spotlight… They only get the outside, not the inside. That’s for you.”

Book Blurb:

There is no rehearsal for true love.

When A-list film actor Ryan Christensen ducked into her pub to escape his screaming fans, never in a million years did Taryn Mitchell think her life was about to change forever. But now, eight months later, after a whirlwind romance, Taryn wakes up in Ryan’s Hollywood hotel room to find a diamond to die for on her left ring finger—and her face splashed across the cover of every gossip magazine.

Ryan’s very public proposal is catnip to the tabloids, his management team is worried, and Taryn must figure out how a small town girl like her fits into his glittering world. What does it take to make a relationship work amidst telephoto lenses, daily on-set temptations, and jealous fans who will stop at nothing to keep you from walking down the aisle with the man of your dreams?

With no script to follow and no chance for a dress rehearsal, Taryn and Ryan will be forced to take the plunge and risk everything to make their love last.
“I miss you,” he said softly ... “I miss the feeling of completeness I have when you’re in my arms. Do you ever feel that way? Like a part of you is missing when we’re apart.”

“You’re my best friend,
You’re my love,
You’re my life.
I can’t wait to
make you
my wife!
Love, Ryan”

“Dreams really do come true if you point yourself in their direction”

This is a must read, if you want a Good Romance, with a little bit of Star (actor) drama , this is surely for you to read ... This series will definitely be a re-read for me in the future .

I can not WAIT for book 3 to get Mike and Marie's Story !!!!!
Chris.BlogEmporium | 12 weitere Rezensionen | May 6, 2014 |
LOVE LOVE LOVE Ryan and Taryn ... Review to come later
Chris.BlogEmporium | 32 weitere Rezensionen | May 6, 2014 |
LOVE LOVE LOVE Ryan and Taryn ... Review to come later
Chris.BlogEmporium | 32 weitere Rezensionen | May 6, 2014 |
LOVE LOVE LOVE Ryan and Taryn ... Review to come later
Chris.BlogEmporium | 32 weitere Rezensionen | May 6, 2014 |
LOVE LOVE LOVE Ryan and Taryn ... Review to come later
Chris.BlogEmporium | 32 weitere Rezensionen | May 6, 2014 |
This book is loooooooooooooooooooong. Much of it could have been cut out but right about the time I started to get annoyed with it, the fireworks started. I waver between a 3 and a 4 star rating with this book. Reber is going to be a good writer. This one kind of seemed like practice at times, but I think she will polish up nicely as she writes more. The characters are great. I could picture them very clearly in my mind: what they looked like, how they moved. These characters definitely have life to them. But I must say again: THIS BOOK IS LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG. Please Tina, try to keep it under 450ish. 700 is a little ridiculous.
Kanic | 32 weitere Rezensionen | Apr 9, 2014 |