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Genni unlike most females tied to an MC has bigger plans lined out for her life. With her birth mother being dead her father remarried and she gained a new mother and brother for majority of her life. This brother
Is the VP with his goals set to be the President when their father steps down. He overhears a plan that will get in the way of that and he will stop at nothing to get it resulting in Genni being taken by a rival MC. Little did everyone know Genni is no longer the princess they all think she is she will become a slayer. Can’t wait for the second book to find out what Genni and her men will do to her former MC.
kianas_smuttylibrary | May 17, 2024 |
I tried really hard with this book. I didn’t dnf even though I seriously wanted to. I did, however, find myself skimming through a bit of it. I’m okay with bullies and dealing with trauma. However, the heroines was super brutal. I felt so bad for her. Then there was the blackmail, and I just wanted to push someone off a cliff. Idk Maybe it’s a me thing, but this one bothered me.
HaneyHayesPR | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Dec 9, 2023 |
I have to be honest. When I got the book last night I started reading it and everything was fine. I didn't get triggered. There were some disturbing things but I didn't get triggered, then I remembered that I hadn't put it on my Goodreads list so that I could keep track on what books I was reading this year.

So I come over to Goodreads and find it on my dnf list. Which is odd because like I just said, I didn't get triggered by this book. So I'm wondering how in the hell it ended up on that list.

Anyway I read it, and it was disturbing yeah sure. It was graphic of course. But honestly, I am not that appalled by it.

All the characters in the present times of the book, are of legal age, so the age difference in one of the relationships has no bearing whatsoever on society. So that didn't get it on there. And of course as I said the triggers that would normally trigger somebody didn't trigger me lol. At least not now. The only thing I can think of is that maybe I had gotten this book in the past, and try to read it and then decided not to? Maybe?

I had an old tablet and I stupidly drunkenly fell on it and cracked the screen. Spider web that little you know what . And it had like 10,000 books that I had purchased or gotten free off of smash works or BookBub and or whatever the hell it's called, and I'm thinking that maybe this book was on there, I don't know.

I liked it. And I love the connection that there seems to be with the watch we burn series by re bond. I can't wait to read the next book. I hope their relationships all grow. Guess we're going to find out.
Morgie99 | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Jul 7, 2023 |
G r r r r r

I am not used to duals leaving with a cliffhanger.

That's going to drive me completely insane.

And motherfucker I cried over his death. Why do I always cry over the monsters dying?

I swear to God Brody made me want to kick him the balls. Like really hard. Like you know guys out there of the world beware, when you kick them so hard you can feel their ball sack rubbing together above your toes and going right up inside of their freaking scrotums and then going into their pelvises? That's exactly what I'd like to do to brody.

And holy cow she was kind of sex crazy so the entire book. And I knew at her graduation she was knocked up. Oh my God she's so fat. Well yeah that's what happens when you have a baby you freaking cum dumpster. I'm talking about connie.

Anyway I'm going to go check out some other books by her. And wait for one of the other books that I'm waiting for to come out sometime this week. And I guess that's it. LOL sorry about my graphic review but you'll see once you read the book.
Morgie99 | 1 weitere Rezension | Jul 7, 2023 |
I have to be honest here, book 1 and 2 were the best. This book was confusing. I think it jumped around a little too much. And it was like as if one of the characters wrote it. Bipolar all over the place. There were some good parts in it. And some funny parts. Some traumatic parts. But the ending kind of fell flat. Don't get me wrong I love the author. And I love the books themselves. But this one just kind of lost the plot.
Morgie99 | 1 weitere Rezension | Jul 7, 2023 |
26 years later….

I loved reading these characters dark and disturbing stories. I don’t think I have ever been where they took me. How will it end? Nothing can stop me from finding out. My guess, they can’t all die…can they? Someone has to be left standing…don’t they?

I couldn’t put it down.

The explosive conclusion blew me away…

I voluntarily reviewed a free copy of His Affliction: A Desecrated Conclusion by C A Rene.

See more at
sherry69 | 1 weitere Rezension | Jun 1, 2022 |
Desecrated Essence is the second book in the Desecrated Duet series. For me, Desecrated Essence takes erotica to a whole new level.

We are three months later than the end of Desecrated Flesh, the first book in the series.

I started reading Desecrated Essence as soon as I finished Desecrated Flesh. The characters fascinate, disgust, and frighten me. Psychopaths and sociopaths walk around us, never showing their true colors. Here, you will see them. Understand them? Probably not.

Pleasure and pain. Dark…I found these characters so deep, dark and primal, I cannot put into words what I felt as I read, yet I couldn’t stop reading. I am so disturbed that I have to know how their story ends.

I know I keep repeating myself, but I don’t even know what to say about Kailey…and the rest. Sex, sex, sex. I am worn out just reading about it. I am getting bored and kinda grossed out by all the sex, yet I am waiting to see what the Monster wants.

I know there is more to story about the guys, how dangerous they are. They do come from mob families.

I do love reading about dark, depraved characters, but these guys are so far gone, I don’t think any of them can be saved. To say they have mental issues is putting it way to mildly They are brutal, savage, murderous, yet, like all criminals, they do have a code of their own.

I had trouble writing the review for the first book, Desecrated Flesh, and I am having an equally hard time writing a review for Desecrated Essence.

If you like to wallow in the dangerous, brutal world of sexual degradation, come on in.

I voluntarily reviewed a free copy of Desecrated Essence by C A Rene.

See more at
sherry69 | 1 weitere Rezension | May 11, 2022 |
I grabbed this book because I love damaged characters and these guys have some serious issues. I became engrossed from the opening pages…

Lying there, drugged, getting raped, she remembered her mama’s words: boys can never be trusted. Her life is changed forever, but changed in ways she never could have anticipated.

I am finding it hard to write the review. I want to warn you about the filth these characters live in, yet who am I to judge? All I can do is share my thoughts about them, about what they do to each other, about the bullying and abuse they heap on one person in particular.

Kimmy is Kailey’s best friend and I would love to have one just like her. She sticks by her side, through thick and thin, but Kailey is not one to take things lying down, any more. She fights back in her own way. She has a mouth and uses it. I love that she doesn’t cower. She stands up for herself, but something has changed. They are watching her, closely.

The title is so appropriate. I’m not sure how I would have made it through the things Hailey does. Would I have taken my life? Beat the hell out of some people? Killed someone?

The beautiful cover and cute chapter headings that signify a change to show which character’s point of view is being shared, put a pretty light on an ugly story.

“We may be a ragtag group of varying degrees of fucked up, but I know we’d do anything for Hailey Hamari.” If you read the book, you will see how twisted this statement is.

As I read the story, I thought…what the hell? Would do anything for her? Then why aren’t they standing up for her? That story will be told…

I love damaged characters, but WOW..these are off the charts. I am confused, at a loss for words, so on to the next book in the Desecrated Duet, Desecrated Essence to find out what the hell is really going on. Why do they feel Hailey deserves what is happening to her, day after day after day.

I voluntarily reviewed Desecrated Flesh by C A Rene.

See more at
sherry69 | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Apr 12, 2022 |
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