
Robert E HirschRezensionen

Autor von Contrition

1 Werk 80 Mitglieder 51 Rezensionen


Diese Rezension wurde für LibraryThing Early Reviewers geschrieben.
Contrition is a retelling of the age old battle of good versus evil with macabre elements which takes place in a sleepy, backwards Gulf Coast fishing town where folks hold on to their traditions and their secrets, too. Detective Peter Toche, haunted by the brutal murder of a young girl in Atlanta has been called upon to investigate the horrific murder of Amanda Lefleur, a young girl whose grandfather is a family friend of Peter's and a longtime seaman of the area. Brother Placidus discovered her mutilated body in the attic of the Brothers' home, The Brothers of the Holy Cross, as he was readying to open the place up for habitation again, as he had time and time again. It is a shock from which Brother Placidus can't seem to recover.

Father Joseph, an erstwhile priest recalled back to his home town ostensibly to reform their local Catholic school stumbles upon a mysterious young man, who seemingly sprang forth from the ocean itself.

A series of brutal killings is meanwhile unfolding in this small fishing town and this community has never experienced anything like this before.

Peter and Father Joseph are drawn to the new arrival in their town, Tristan; a soulful young man of solid faith. They were called to this place at this time for a purpose and only Tristan can shine the light on the path they must take to battle and triumph over the ultimate evil, before it is too late. Before the whole town is massacred, and worse yet, before their souls are lost to eternal damnation.

Contrition will draw you in and keep you turning page after page as the action unfolds. I thoroughly enjoyed the read. Not keen on gore, but while this book does have some macabre descriptions, they are not too frequent and not overdone. They blended in with the dark elements of the story and seemed to be a fundamenatal part of it.

I definitely recommend Contrition, which I received through Library Thing Early Reviewer's program at the time of its publication.
shirfire218 | 50 weitere Rezensionen | May 25, 2023 |
Diese Rezension wurde für LibraryThing Early Reviewers geschrieben.
Read as part of the Librarything Early reviewers program. Contrition shows promise as a gripping story of horror and swirling mystery set in an aging college for priests. When a young girl's mutilated body appears, memories and past evils start moving around. The setting is interesting; the characters are troubled; the writing is erudite and wordy. The writing is also in need of editing. In several places the author is guilty of rapidly changing points of view, placing us in the heads of one person and then another in rapid succession. The book is also overwritten, using many descriptors where one or two would do. It is to the author's credit that, despite this, the story pulls us along for quite a while. I eventually had to give up in despair, though, as I lost track of characters. One more go-through with a good fresh reader would have helped make this book much better. I hope the author takes the time to do so before wide release because of the book's great promise.
Dabble58 | 50 weitere Rezensionen | Jan 1, 2014 |
Unsurprisingly to those of you who have read my last dozen reviews this is yet another FirstReads book from GoodReads, forged in the furnace of randomness and tempered with an increasingly surprising tolerance for the inane.

This title though requires little tolerance on the reader's part. While the packaging is nothing fanciful, the cover is adequate and represents the contents reasonably well. Despite the fact that this was an unedited advance copy the text itself left little to be corrected. It's a fairly tightly wound ball of string, to coin a phrase.

At its heart (or more appropriately, soul) Contrition is a crime drama with a very well executed supernatural element. I religiously refuse to even read the back of the book before starting so when things started to go rather odd about a third of the way in I was intrigued. One is very gently and naturally introduced to elements of woo-oooo-ooooo (cue the theremin music) and it all comes across as fairly believable. In a broad sense this is the way the preternatural should be represented in fiction, as just a thin veneer to the story that leaves the skeleton of the narrative intact.

Flipping to the constructive for a moment there are a few foibles. Our protagonist is a police officer and at various points during the story he employs interrogation tactics that would not fool a five-year-old. Similarly, for the most part the supernatural elements were well played but the injudicious use of certain words with a negative connotation like 'psychic' or 'channeling' broke the spell from time to time. The author is subtle but should be aware of the impact that just a single word can have on the reader.

To sum up, Contrition is a delightfully suspenseful work that at times consumes the reader's attention entirely and one is lost in the printed page. Luckily for all the dogs waiting patiently for their supper this effect is relatively transient but it is a testament to the dramatic construction that they should wait even a few minutes longer for their kibble. Hirsch's work is a rare gem in a genre that usually earns very critical reviews from this observer.
slavenrm | 50 weitere Rezensionen | Apr 11, 2013 |
Diese Rezension wurde für LibraryThing Early Reviewers geschrieben.
I had to find the eBook version sent as a PDF to read for a review (LibraryThing). Ad I started reading, not sure if this is considered Christian fiction (Thriller), but had a few profane words used that could have tainted the story if it falls under this genre.

I cannot pinpoint why I am not liking this book so far. There's numerous characters but still unable to put the pieces together. Not sure if it is the scenes, pace, flow, or even the plot because it is written fairly well as far as editing. I keep making pit stops to read this novel from start to finish.

I appreciate the book; but the cover does fit the storyline and why I was interested in the read. (I hope it gets better since I am only a fourth done so far). Further I read, I saw some things I liked and found myself laughing out loud, or wondering what is going on with Peter Toche's case and will he be able to mesh the pieces together eventually. I do like the fact that Peter has a special gift to play back events to help solve this supernatural case. There is some wording in the novel I highlighted and enjoyed; ah-moments or thought-provoking.

Adrienna Turner
Author of "The Day Begins with Christ" (Dream4More Reviews)
Adrienna_Turner | 50 weitere Rezensionen | Mar 15, 2013 |
A fishing town on the Mississippi Gulf Coast probably isn’t the first setting that springs to mind when you think of a site for a confrontation between immortals serving the forces of Good and Evil. Robert E. Hirsch has used this unlikely setting to good effect in his moody, psychological horror tale.

Mild plot spoilers follow.

An elderly Catholic brother finds a young girl ritualistically murdered under a crucifix in his attic. Things get weirder from there. Shortly thereafter, a young man named Tristan St. Germain – surely a reference to the infamous historical figure of the Comte de St. Germain – arrives in town, naked and with no memories. Soon more people in town are brutally murdered. The lead detective assigned to the investigation is Peter Toche, a local man haunted by another case involving a murdered child and with his own secrets. Toche is assisted by the enigmatic Tristan and Father Joseph, the local parish priest, a good but flawed man. I don’t want to reveal too much about the killer – his identity is known to the reader almost from the outset, but it’s his motives that remain mysterious. Suffice it to say that his past and murderous intentions are deeply intertwined with Tristan’s history.

The small, Mississippi Gulf Coast fishing village of Gulf Springs is well painted, its inhabitants genuinely interesting and lending a great deal of verisimilitude to the setting. Many of the secondary characters seem almost as richly portrayed as the major ones, further helping the setting to really come alive. Characterization is one of Hirsch’s strengths here.

This isn’t the easiest novel to pigeon-hole into a genre. On the face of it, it’s a hunt for a serial killer who is terrorizing a small town, but the supernatural and religious overtones and themes that drive the plot ensure that CONTRITION is no ordinary serial killer novel. The supernatural is overt here; it’s subtle at times, but there’s no denying the importance (and prevalence) of a number of supernatural elements. CONTRITION is also filled with Catholic imagery, but it’s evocative rather than oppressive and not, I think, an impediment for non-Catholic readers. This is certainly not an orthodox catholic kind of cosmology, but it works well here. The themes of contrition, confession, and atonement – key Catholic concepts – underlay the plot and drive the actions of the protagonists throughout the novel. There is plenty of action and violence in CONTRITION – some of it absolutely brutal – but this is no gorefest.

As much as I enjoyed the novel, I must admit that CONTRITION is, at times, a little slow moving. It’s a slow build toward resolution, and at times it’s a little fuzzy exactly what’s going on. Ultimately it’s neither non-stop action nor slow philosophical musing; it’s both, at various points in the story, though it’s not without its flaws. Pacing is sometimes off, and let’s face it, the novel’s themes and supernatural elements can be heavy-handed at times. CONTRITION is by no means a bad book, and I recommended it for those who enjoy psychological thrillers infused with both religious and supernatural elements.

Review copyright © 2013 J. Andrew Byers½
1 abstimmen
bibliorex | 50 weitere Rezensionen | Feb 19, 2013 |
Diese Rezension wurde für LibraryThing Early Reviewers geschrieben.
Overall was a pretty good read although the religious aspects I am sure won't be for a lot of people. I did enjoy the book and it was a fast paced read. Would definetly consider reading another book by this author.
veronicavaughn | 50 weitere Rezensionen | Jan 3, 2013 |
Diese Rezension wurde für LibraryThing Early Reviewers geschrieben.
Won this book on Library Thing and found it to be pretty good. However, as others have said there are a few issues ... one is the rapid point of view shifts - often from one paragraph to the next. While I could follow along OK, at first it was a little jarring to realize whose thoughts we were dealing with at any given time. Also, the final show-down seemed anti-climactic given the huge lead-up throughout the story and it felt rather flat as an overall scene. And then it just ended right there - abruptly, almost as if the author had trouble thinking of a suitable way to wrap everything up. Still, it was an interesting read with a decent plot.
CynDaVaz | 50 weitere Rezensionen | Nov 2, 2012 |
Diese Rezension wurde für LibraryThing Early Reviewers geschrieben.
I did find CONTRITION to be an enjoyable if slow read. Mr. Hirsch does a great job on developing his characters and they do carry the show when the pacing slows down. I really enjoyed Detective Toche and sympathized with his fears of madness.

CONTRITION is an interesting book with a great premise and promise however it does need going over by an editor with a fresh set of eyes as the author is prone to wordiness. It is also a bit too religious for my tastes as it leans heavily upon the catholic mythos however I did expect that going into this book. I also want to give my readers a warning as there is graphic violence portrayed in this book starting with the murder of a child.

I am only rating this book a 2.8 due to the lack of proper editing as it kept pulling me out of the story. I feel that the premise deserved more but not with the glitches included.

I was given this book at no charge by Library Thing in exchange for a fair and honest review.
Shaiha | 50 weitere Rezensionen | Oct 29, 2012 |
Diese Rezension wurde für LibraryThing Early Reviewers geschrieben.
It took me a while to get into the book. Not that it was bad, but the writing style just didn't grab me. It reads as though it might be his first published book.

It does have very heavy under and overtones of religion and redemption that definitely overshadows the murder/mystery aspect. That didn't bother me since I'm a practicing Catholic. It definitely feels very Catholic. But if I were just wanting a good old fashioned murder/mystery book, the redemption/religion aspect would turn me off. It's also a bit more supernatural than I care for. Also, since it involves the killing of a child, it had me feeling uncomfortable at times. He does take liberties with the persona of alcoholic, swearing priests and the Father Joseph character definitely lives up to that!

However, I DO like the storyline. After I've filtered out the things that made me feel uncomfortable, it's a good plot.

I'd say by half way through it started picking up for me and I finished it quickly from there. I'm glad I read it. But I won't re-read it and I'm not sure if I would recommend it to just everybody. (less)
StephanieA46 | 50 weitere Rezensionen | Oct 20, 2012 |
Diese Rezension wurde für LibraryThing Early Reviewers geschrieben.
This book has been difficult for me to get into. I felt that the detail in the beginning was too detailed. I found myself letting my mind wander. I have set the book aside and I am going to attempt to read it again in three weeks. I would like to start fresh with this book and be able to give it a more accurate review. At this time I have not been able to get past the mid part of the book.
1 abstimmen
damejennylynn | 50 weitere Rezensionen | Oct 10, 2012 |
Diese Rezension wurde für LibraryThing Early Reviewers geschrieben.
A very interesting fiction. It was listed as a murder/mystery but I feel that it moved much more into a thological venue. I found the characters inventive and the book held my interest throughout.
toades | 50 weitere Rezensionen | Sep 17, 2012 |
Diese Rezension wurde für LibraryThing Early Reviewers geschrieben.
Book Info: Genre: Dark Urban Fantasy/Religious Theme Reading Level: Adult

Disclosure: I received an ebook copy from Journalstone via the LibraryThing Early Reviewer’s Giveaway in exchange for an honest review.

Synopsis: In a tiny community on the Mississippi Gulf Coast, Brother Placidus finds little Amanda LeFleur sacrificed below a crucifix, in the attic of The Brothers of the Holy Cross. It is not the first body he’s found there.

Assigned to the investigation is detective Peter Toche whose last case was that of a murdered child, a child that has been haunting his dreams, forcing him to face his worst fears and the evil that has targeted his town.

As additional victims are discovered, Tristan St. Germain, a mysterious man who was rescued by a parish priest from the waters near his home, may hold the key to the safety of all mankind.

Little Amanda was only the beginning...

My Thoughts: Contrition is all about redemption, and a book with strong Catholic themes. I believe those who are looking for darker fiction in the Christian category will particularly enjoy this book; I found it a bit preachy at times, but was unable to deny the fact that it is a strong story, well-written, with outstanding character development and plot flow.

The major theme in the book is about seeking not only forgiveness, but also finding a way to redeem oneself from former sins and failures – expressing contrition for those sins and failures. While I cannot comprehend a loving, forgiving God that would subsequently damn people to eternal torment, the structural basis of the story is sound and follows internal logic. In other words, if you have these beliefs, you will find the story particularly satisfying and enjoyable. Recommended for Christians, particularly those of the Catholic faith, who are looking for a dark fantasy, or those for whom the occasional preachiness will not detract from an engaging dark-fantasy read.
Katyas | 50 weitere Rezensionen | Sep 2, 2012 |
Diese Rezension wurde für LibraryThing Early Reviewers geschrieben.
I received this book as an Advanced Readers Copy. Wow - this book is definitely a page turner! If you Catholic and a bit of a non believer this book could really scare you, maybe give you nightmares. Robert Hirsch has a great imagination.
Betsygail | 50 weitere Rezensionen | Aug 29, 2012 |
Diese Rezension wurde für LibraryThing Early Reviewers geschrieben.
Contrition is the gripping story of an epic battle of good against evil in a small community on the Mississippi Gulf Coast. The mutilated body of a young girl mysteriously appears under a crucifix in the attic of a Catholic school. In this novel peopled with priests and police officers, it's sometimes hard to keep track of a seemingly endless cast of characters.

To be fair, I must confess I'm not a big horror fan and it was very difficult for me to finish this book, but I did so because I had received it as an early review copy from Library Thing. It was scary, creepy, very violent and kept giving me chills. The book is quite religious, which wasn't an issue for me, but could make some readers uncomfortable.

The vivid language used to describe setting and characters was well-done if occasionally excessive and the plot had all of the twists and turns expected of a murder mystery, although it got off to a slow start. Not often, but often enough to create some minor confusion, switching between multiple point-of-views made the story difficult to follow.
ChrisCiolli | 50 weitere Rezensionen | Aug 16, 2012 |
Diese Rezension wurde für LibraryThing Early Reviewers geschrieben.
I kept waiting for a plot. Maybe there was one, but it was a very slim one from my perspective. Or at least one that didn't cause me to care. Evil comes to a small fishing town in the Gulf. And there, a faltering priest, an isolated sheriff, and a mysterious younger priest take on a savage serial-killer that is really a demon from Hell. Why? Beats me! Much of the work is based on an outdated and oversimplified understanding of medeval Catholic theology. Character development may have been the one strength of this novel. I only finished this book becasue I volunteered to review it. It did not keep me up turning pages.
2 abstimmen
roydknight | 50 weitere Rezensionen | Aug 7, 2012 |
Diese Rezension wurde für LibraryThing Early Reviewers geschrieben.
Quite an extraordinary book but perhaps requires some knowledge of Catholicism. It is a mystery which reveals itself over time. I found it an absorbing book which was worth the time taken to read it. Well written, depicts environments, feeling and emotions well and absolutely worth the read.
regan.johnw | 50 weitere Rezensionen | Aug 6, 2012 |
Diese Rezension wurde für LibraryThing Early Reviewers geschrieben.
Almost didn't finish this book; only knowing that I would be reviewing it here made me persist. I wanted to like it, and kept waiting for the storyline to develop. The author creates good scenes, writes vivid descriptions, and builds interesting characters. What this book lacked was a plot. Good and evil personified clash in a small town -- but nothing suspenseful, thrilling, or surprising happened. And too much religious dogma is assumed to be true, as the foundation of the story. That simply is not credible and definitely not entertaining.

While struggling with getting through this book, I did a little reading about the publisher. Had I done that first I might have been appropriately skeptical of the book's description as a mystery (which was what led me to request a copy to review).½
1 abstimmen
SharronA | 50 weitere Rezensionen | Aug 2, 2012 |
Diese Rezension wurde für LibraryThing Early Reviewers geschrieben.
Lost my review-not sure where it is. I did enjoy this book even though it wasn't what I was expecting. Very gripping story. A better knowledge of Catholicism would have helped but was still very interesting for me. I liked the pure, belief of Tristan and the testing of the other main characters belief that culminated at the end of the book. Absorbing and kept my interest throughout the book.
stormy50 | 50 weitere Rezensionen | Jul 30, 2012 |
Diese Rezension wurde für LibraryThing Early Reviewers geschrieben.
Contrition follows the formula of many other novels; a mysterious death, out of town and dark strangers, more deaths, new found personal hope, and the ending. Some how Contrition manages to be be captivating and intriguing despite it's simplicity. It's worthy of an easy summer read but won't be more than a readable book.
kurtabeard | 50 weitere Rezensionen | Jul 30, 2012 |
Diese Rezension wurde für LibraryThing Early Reviewers geschrieben.
I enjoyed this book. It was an interesting combination of mystery, spiritual, and paranormal that makes one wonder throughout the book who is who and what is going to happen next. It also give some information and insight into the Catholic Church. There is a combination of priests, police officer, and lay people who are trying to find out who killed a young girl and the link her death has to a young priest who was found hanging in the same attic of the rectory that she was found.
CathyShelton | 50 weitere Rezensionen | Jul 28, 2012 |
Diese Rezension wurde für LibraryThing Early Reviewers geschrieben.
Heavily steeped in Catholicism, Contrition is an archetypical horror/thriller tale of good versus evil. But the good vs. evil isn't always obvious, and those who are decent people sometimes have dark secrets and those who are... less-than-decent... never seem to portray themselves as anything more, which is refreshing. Even saying that, there's more complexity here, showing that life simply isn't a dichotomy; there's a whole lot of shadow in this fishing town--good people make bad decisions, or make bad judgments, and sometimes selfish people end up doing the right thing.

Hirsch creates a fantastic world. He does description very well: I could hear the waves crashing, the floors creaking, the seagulls calling. There's primarily two cultures here: French and Slavic. Even so, there's one religion and one theme: Contrition. The lesson is that you can't just try to forget the bad things you've done---you have to confess your sin; you have to be genuinely remorseful; you have to atone. Sometimes that means telling your friend the terrible thing you did to him decades ago. Sometimes it means confessing to breaking your vows. Sometimes it means acknowledging you aren't any more righteous than the bully, the whore, the abuser.

There are some weaknesses in this story and one of those is how inconsistently Tristan behaves near the end. Given how wise and gifted he is in guiding others to acknowledge their talents and roles, his reaction to when Father Joseph falters came across as petulant. I also found I had little sympathy or patience for Brother Placidus, which perhaps might have been different had I known his sin a little earlier. He really wasn't a major character and I think the theme of contrition would have been just as profoundly served had we made this discovery earlier.

I adored Didier LaFleur and Joe Kuluz. I think even with the the Big Bad and the Big Good being the overarching part of the story, these two--and by a slightly lesser extent, Peter Toche--really represent what Hirsch means when he prefaces his story with this:

"It is often said that time heals the wound... and too often forgotten that nature leaves a scar so the injury may never be forgotten. The gift of memory has been bestowed upon man not so much to enable him to celebrate and memorialize his past actions, but to enable him to work his way through reflection, contrition and redemption... and be forgiven for these past actions."½
leesalogic | 50 weitere Rezensionen | Jul 25, 2012 |
Diese Rezension wurde für LibraryThing Early Reviewers geschrieben.
I selected this book thinking it would be a mystery, with a religious twist. At first, it seemed to be just that. Then it got wired. The visionary elements could have really worked, but the visions were so long and bizarre that they seemed overdone. I also object to the fire-and-brimstone view espoused in the book. I strongly object to the idea that failure or human weakness leads to everlasting torture (or long periods is purgatory at best). There was just too much going on and too little of the mystery. I finished the book, but it took longer than it should. I also found the author uses redundancies like "past history" which have no place in a published book. Further, the claims and stories often seemed contradictory and thus unbelievable. The ending was exciting, the beginning intruiging...but the middle was far to muddled in deliciousness and overdone visions. This could have been a great book, instead it was at best OK.
sarbow | 50 weitere Rezensionen | Jul 17, 2012 |
Diese Rezension wurde für LibraryThing Early Reviewers geschrieben.
I have to admit I wasn’t able to finish this book. There’s nothing inherently wrong with it. I just found it too wordy, too descriptive, and too religious. I made it about halfway before I had to stop.

I think the biggest problem for me was that this book was advertised as a murder mystery/thriller when it was actually an overly religious novel. The murder was in the background and only as a plot device to consider the major point of the book…the battle between good and evil. I just found myself frustrated with the religious themes and all of the unnecessary Latin phrases thrown in just for kicks.

The characters were all such characters. There wasn’t a regular one among them. Almost every character introduced had their own completely farfetched backstory. The police officer has psychic tendencies…come on! It wasn’t even introduced in an organic way…it was just told to the reader.

Honestly, I don’t mind theological elements in the books I read, but I can’t read novels that are centered around it. Perhaps it’s my fault for not understanding what this book was going to be about, but I felt cheated. I tried to give it a fair shot, but unfortunately it didn’t hold my attention.
1 abstimmen
jadestar31 | 50 weitere Rezensionen | Jul 14, 2012 |
Diese Rezension wurde für LibraryThing Early Reviewers geschrieben.
"Contrition" was an enjoyable read so straight forward that I was constantly turning pages to find the twist that I just KNEW had to be there! The main characters wrestle with solving a sudden outbreak of violent murders in their small town and the idea that, while bad things happen to good people, their faith is their strongest weapon.
dragonaria | 50 weitere Rezensionen | Jul 13, 2012 |
Diese Rezension wurde für LibraryThing Early Reviewers geschrieben.
I made it to page 182 but sorry to say that I did not finish reading this book. A bit too confusing and like others here, I was expecting more of a mystery/murder kind of book and not so much a religion book. Contrition is very well written, has a good flow of events and interesting characters to the story but too much talks about religion for me did not attracted me.
1 abstimmen
labelleaurore | 50 weitere Rezensionen | Jul 13, 2012 |