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Amelia is married and just weeks away from giving birth. Serial killer, Rex Hawkins is in jail in Oregon and will only give his confession to Amelia. Amelia has no other option—Rex insists she hears his confession otherwise he’ll take the details of the rapes and murders he’s committed to his grave. Deep down she really wants to do this to show Rex how much she's changed from being the victim to being the smart and brave woman that she is today. What is the real reason that he wants to see Amelia again - does he have a plan to do harm to her again or has he truly found religion in jail? As Amelia's due date gets closer, the tension continues to rise until Amelia's worst fears are realized. Will she be able to survive this time?

Book 3 in the series is another roller coaster ride for the reader. The only thing that I didn't like about this book is that Amelia took a lot of chances so late in her pregnancy and didn't seem concerned about the baby but maybe that was due to the psychological effect that Rex had on her mind.
susan0316 | Aug 2, 2020 |
It's been three years since Amelia was kidnapped and left for dead. She is back in New York City working as a prosecutor. Even though she should feel safe she is suffering from crippling PTSD which causes her to compulsively check her locks and doors and experiencing random blackouts. The cause of her anxiety is that even though she has been told that her kidnapper is dead she believes that he is still alive and stalking her. She tries to keep her fear from her colleagues from her work associates and family but it is getting harder for her to hide as her fear keeps climbing. Was she right to fear her kidnapper or is she totally delusional? The fear builds right from the first page and keeps the reader anxious to find out if Rex is really stalking her and when he will make himself known to her. Excellent writing that keeps the reader anxiously turning the pages.
susan0316 | Aug 2, 2020 |
Amanda Kellaway is a thirty-something lawyer who has decided to leave her New York City job and hike the California Coastal Trail for three months by herself. She's burnt out on her job and wants to do something different and she is thrilled when she gets to the beginning of the trail ready to start her adventure. Tragedy steps in before she even starts her hike when she is kidnapped by a stranger. Her family didn't expect to hear from her for a least a week so no one even knows that she's missing. As Amelia faces terror, hunger and abuse she isn't sure if she'll survive. Will her courage and resilience help her survive this ordeal? This was a book that had to be read in one sitting -- I couldn't have slept without knowing how it ended.
susan0316 | Aug 2, 2020 |
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