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What a remarkable book! Over the years, there have been quite a bit discussion about vedas. They have made everyone curious about why those books are held with that much regard in India. This book shows why it is.

Till now I knew about spiritual and psychological interpretation of them. But this books takes a completely different angle. It argues that rigveda, oldest of vedas, is a handbook of cosmology.

There have been many attempts where people try to connect new science invention to older spiritual books. But issue with those attempts are, they all look superficial and backward. But in this book author not only shows how vedas have very similar theory as big bang theory, he also shows how to address the short comings of theory with the ideas provided in vedas. So this book goes even beyond what's the latest science is.

Before reading this book you need a good understanding of big bang theory model. Luckily I read "A Brief history of time " ( It is good book to read before you attempt read this one.

Kudos to author to bringing Universe and Vedas together.
madhukaraphatak | Aug 12, 2020 |