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My review of this book can be found on my YouTube Vlog at:

booklover3258 | 9 weitere Rezensionen | Dec 25, 2023 |
4.25/5 A book that checks off all the requirements of a cozy Christmas read. A heartfelt, seasonal tale, Nora and Simon run an Indie bookstore in the Cotswalds, a store that might have to close due to the lack of customers in this modern, Amazon world. They decide to hold a contest and send out six books to lonely people in their town. Can giving away these books transform their village? Read and see.
crabbyabbe | 9 weitere Rezensionen | Dec 5, 2023 |
About a bookshop that was having financial troubles. The owners gave away anonymously books to several people. People’s lives were changed. Help came from strangers. I liked this book.
Gunslinger2 | 9 weitere Rezensionen | Mar 26, 2023 |
Struggling bookshop owners decide to randomly give away six Christmas books to community members who are having a hard time. Each book goes to just the person who needs it most — but in the meantime, will the bookshop be saved, or is this their last Christmas?

A pleasant enough seasonal read, but I found it way too pat and tidy. If you’re looking for a Christmassy read all wrapped up and tied with a bow, here you go!
foggidawn | 9 weitere Rezensionen | Jan 3, 2023 |
Nora and Simon have run their small bookshop in a village in the Cotswolds their entire married lives. But as Christmas approaches they're facing the reality of falling sales that means the shop may have to close. While things look bleak, they still decide to run a giveaway in their community asking for nominations of people who are facing a difficult time during the holidays and who could use a free book. As the books find the people who need them, the community will be reminded of the value of reading and the importance of the bookstore.

It's a really sweet holiday novel. Are the problems pretty neatly resolved and the matching of books with problems a little pat? Yes. But it detracts nothing from this reader's enjoyment. If you're looking for a cozy and undemanding holiday read, you can't go wrong with this one.
MickyFine | 9 weitere Rezensionen | Dec 20, 2022 |
Plot opens with unfortunate premise of their constantly leaking roof
set over Nora and Simon's Bookshop, along with overdue debts which
definitely will close the shop anyway. As well, Simon has just suffered a heart attack.

So, before we even get to know these two, readers are beset with all their
mounting problems as Nora lies to Simon about the debt to protect his health.

What carries the book are the many intriguing characters who come to visit,
to buy, and ultimately, to help.

Why either Nora and Simon do not get part-time jobs to get the roof fixed and
to make payments on their debts is never explained, nor is why Simon could
not temporarily work via computer for his father's lucrative business.

If they had kids of their own, they would likely have taken action to correct the unhealthy leaking apartment, non?

Book lore is great, as is matching books to customers.

Ending improbable yet clever and fun!
m.belljackson | 9 weitere Rezensionen | Nov 30, 2022 |
Note: I accessed a digital review copy of this book through Edelweiss.
fernandie | 1 weitere Rezension | Sep 15, 2022 |
Nora and Simon own and operate a neighborhood bookstore in the village. They love their shop, and so do the people who visit it. But business has been declining, what with online shopping and the general population reading less. Nora has been actively ignoring the letters of “payment due” and “final notice,” as well as keeping that problem from her husband. She fears that any added stress would exacerbate his heart condition, and she is hoping that business will increase with the Christmas shopping frenzy. Alas, Simon does find out, and though they try some last-ditch efforts, it seems there will be no Christmas miracle and the shop will have to be sold. Or will it? One of their last acts as shopkeepers is to give a book to six people who were nominated by friends as needing boost to bolster their sagging spirits. Each gift proves to a be little miracle of its own. This charming book is a delight from beginning to end, a wonderful Christmas tale that will indeed give readers a warm and fuzzy feeling. Well thought out and cleverly written, it has likable characters, even if they come with flaws, and some sad parts that are tempered with hope and love. Highly recommended.
Maydacat | 9 weitere Rezensionen | Nov 12, 2021 |
Casual general fiction focusing on a bookstore in the Cotswolds, the couple that runs it, and the village to which it belongs. Loads of classic and popular Christmas reads are name-dropped throughout the book, too.
bookappeal | 9 weitere Rezensionen | Nov 8, 2021 |
Nora and Simon Walden own The Stowford Bookshop in England. Nora inherited the shop from her mother who passed on her love of books to her. Unfortunately, the shop is currently in the red plus the taxes are due. It is hard to compete with online retailers. Another problem is that many of the people in the village are struggling so books are a luxury they cannot afford, and weather is keeping the tourists away. When the oldest book in the store sells, it gives the couple an idea. They post on social media asking people if there is someone in their lives who can use a boost this holiday season. They draw out six names and send them a special Christmas book. Nora and Simon get to see how each book makes a difference in the life of the receiver. Christmas by the Book by Anne Marie Ryan is a feel-good Christmas tale. The book does get off to a slow start as we are introduced Nora and Simon. The story becomes more engaging the further I got into the book. We get to see how the books affect the receivers. The story also touches on depression. Many people are ashamed of having depression and do not discuss it with others. Winter plus the holiday season tend to make this mental health condition worse. I thought the author handled this subject very well. Christmas by the Book allows us to see how a gift can spread joy and hope. I liked how each book was right for each person’s situation. It was great to see what Nora and Simon’s idea sparked in others. The ending left me smiling. Christmas by the Book will help you get into the holiday spirit. Christmas by the Book is an uplifting holiday tale with a special sale, tax troubles, beneficial books, a dark depression, Christmas chaos, and a merry miracle.
Kris_Anderson | 9 weitere Rezensionen | Nov 6, 2021 |
Yes, the Christmas reading continues! Don't you love the cover of Anne Marie Ryan's new novel, Christmas by the Book?

Bookstores are always wonderful, but even more so at Christmas - finding just the right book for a family member or friend. What about for someone you don't know?
Nora and her husband, Simon have run a bookshop in their small British town for over thirty years. But as Christmas approaches, the writing is on the wall - and the bailiff at the door. The shop will close after the Christmas season. The pair are determined to thank the village for all their support over the years. Simon comes up with the idea of anonymously giving a Christmas book to those who might need a pick-me-up.

I loved all the titles referenced throughout the book, but especially those seasonal titles. Ryan's love of books and bookshops is evidenced on every page. Now, those books are wrapped, so Nora simply drops one in each of the mail slots, not knowing who is going to get what title.

Here's the Christmas magic bit that I loved - each of the books is perfect for the recipient in one way or another and...... well you're going to have to read Christmas by the Book to find out the rest.

I loved Nora as a lead character. She's someone you'd love to have for a friend. Nora and Simon's relationship is lovingly drawn and is believable. The villagers are a lovely mixed bunch and are again, folks you'd love to have as neighbours and friends.

I know where I would be spending much of my time if I lived in this village - at the bookstore. I created vivid mental pictures of the shop with Ryan's descriptions. Cosy, creaky floors, a working fireplace, large easy chairs by that fire, a children's area, book clubs, events and so much more. Nora and Simon live above the shop - don't you think that would be a fabulous flat to live in! Oh, and there's a shop dog too. :0)

Christmas by the Book was wonderful seasonal reading for me. Best read with a cup of tea and a quilt.Booklovers, I think this one might just fit in your stocking!

Fans of Jenny Colgan would enjoy this one. Jenny says "A heartfelt and lovely Christmas tale for book lovers everywhere!" I agree!
Twink | 9 weitere Rezensionen | Oct 13, 2021 |
Unicorns, Myths and Monsters by Anne Marie Ryan is an excellent presentation of a dream world for children. The book is stuffed with colors and eye catching graphics. Every page is adorned with excellent artwork and creatures. Although, the book is mainly for young readers, but I could not resist reading it.

Sucharita1986 | 1 weitere Rezension | Sep 25, 2021 |
Witches--Fiction. Towers--Fiction. Rapunzel (Fictitious character). Hair--Fiction. Friends--Fiction. Escapes--Fiction. Fairy tales--Fiction.
brudder | Aug 31, 2017 |
When Beauty’s father picks a rose from the garden owned by a terrifying Beast, there is a price that must be paid…With beautiful and charming illustrations to enjoy again and again, this simple retelling of the children's classic fairy tale is perfect for readers of all ages.
brudder | Aug 31, 2017 |
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