

This look at religion and science is superficially deep - for someone who hasn't read extensively on the subject will feel it is thorough and comprehensive, but in fact, it only appears that way. A limited use of sources, few of which are primary sources, leads the author to miss some important information, all of which would have supported his thesis. There are some good lines in here, some good insights, but few of them are very well developed, and his final chapter includes a section on Near Death Experiences, Out of Body Experiences, and alien abductions that do such a poor job of reviewing the relevant scientific literature that after giving in detail the descriptions of the experiences, his rebuttal is mostly a shrug and a could be, but I don't believe it, even though I don't have any answer. This is reckless writing, as it can give aid and comfort to non-scientific thinking. Also, the book is a bit difficult to read because of the author's odd sentence structure, .frequent run on sentences with multiple embedded clauses, and otherwise obtuse writing. Probably not a good starting place for someone looking for the best information on this topic.
Devil_llama | Sep 21, 2014 |