Science, Engineering, and ... (Unterscheidung)

"Science, Engineering, and ..." bezeichnet mindestens 2 verschiedene Autoren, unterteilt nach ihren Werken.



Hinweis zur Identitätsklärung
Due to the way LT handles author IDs, this "author" is potentially for any group whose letters begin with "scienceengineeringan..." (things display funny because the the titles have commas, which LT tries to manipulate for last,first,suffix rules and/or because its the data is imported with unnecessary commas (as if part of it was a last name)). Please do not combine it with any specific group, though you can alias the assignments to more specific IDs if they exist (if you need help with this, please ask in the Combiners group). Thanks.

1) Committee on Science, Engineering, and Public Policy (COSEPUP)
2) Federal Coordinating Council for Science, Engineering, and Technology, Office of Science and Technology (I think that's what's it's supposed to be).