1 Werk 11 Mitglieder 3 Rezensionen

Über den Autor

Jacquelyn Sheppard is a counselor, educator, mother, and grandmother. She is the founder of a private high school, a former journalist, and with her husband, Glenn, the co-founder of International Prayer Ministries. For over 50 years, Jacquelyn's extensive experience in counseling, research, and mehr anzeigen teaching concerning the body and brain have transformed many lives. weniger anzeigen

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What a great book to keep and use for a reference. I would give this book as a gift too. Having depression for years this book gave me a totally different view to take. Being able to understand the link between your mind and body can give you more insight. You can also discover the root to all of these mental and emotional disorders. I especially needed this book now and think God for giving me the opportunity to review it.
I plan to use this book for more insight into my depression. I also plan to take charge of it. God can help us and guide us through all!
I recieved this book from The BookClub Network for an honest review.
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soccermom15 | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Sep 8, 2016 |
Silent Takeover by Jacquelyn Sheppard is a fascinating book on the mind--body connection. Well documented with research and based on Judeo-Christian faith, the book is chock full of information regarding the biochemical makeup of the human brain and body. Even though the author discusses things like neurotransmitters, receptors, neurochemistry and the endocrine system, she has written in an easily understandable and easily readable manner, even for the non-medical reader. The book is laid out in four parts, How the body affects the mind, How the mind affects the body, Putting the puzzle together and Redesigning body, soul, and spirit. The discussions in these four parts run the gamut of genetics and gender issues, to addictions (not only to nicotine and alcohol but sugar as well) and mental disorders. Video games, soy products, fluoride, personal care products and even some of the cookware we use may have a devastating effect on our physical, mental, and emotional well-being. The information Sheppard gives is startling and yet she claims a reversal of these effects is possible and being informed and educated is the beginning of the battle to replace damaged cells with healthy ones. Stating there are over 6000 research studies on the effects of prayer and health, Sheppard asks "Could it be that prayer, because it is the communication system that reaches from you to Christ, is a means of recovery and healing of your body, soul, and spirit?" Other positive practices that may bring about healing are laughter, a Sabbath rest, fasting, silence and having a grateful spirit. Readers are reminded there are no easy answers or quick fixes and changing how one thinks is not an easy task. "Yet the results can be life-changing."
I received a copy of this book through The Book Club Network in exchange for my honest review.
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Anne_Rightler | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Aug 14, 2016 |
I have often heard that if someone in your family such as your parents drink or smoke, your chances of doing the same is pretty high. This book talks about how our brain can desire or want those things and how they may have been introduced to us as children. I think of it as generational dependency. No it doesn't mean you will automatically start drinking and smoking, but that desire is in your brain.

I found it interesting that the author talked about the struggles many of us go through with emotional or mental health. "It may be the result of a difficult nine months in your mother's life." I grew up in a very violent home as a child and this really opened my eyes to many things. Maybe in the womb we experience some of the trauma that our mom was dealing with.

The book is chalked full of information that will benefit each of us. As I read the chapters, I began to understand more of why I feel certain ways, and how to change those unhealthy feelings. I loved how the author wrote with easy to understand examples and explained her findings with great examples and insights . The book is a wonderful tool to use to help us understand more clearly how we think and why certain triggers can change our health or emotions . Just by changing our diet, we may see changes in our health. I hope that as I re read this book over and over again, I can implement some of these useful tools to make my life healthier.

I really enjoyed the chapter about the enemy and how he can use anything to attack us. As long as we know who we are in Christ, we have someone to stand with us. "What if he is cunning enough to try to get at God by getting at us?" Prayer is a great tool to use against the enemy and he hates when we talk to God.

The book is one I would recommend to everyone to understand how our brain and body work. We need to get them to work together , not against each other. Thank you for including scriptures throughout the book that emphasizes how His word is helpful, encouraging and gives us hope.

"The peace of God , which transcends all understanding , will guard your hearts and you minds in Jesus Christ."
Romans 8:6

I received a copy of this book from The BookClub Network for an honest review.
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Harley0326 | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Jul 3, 2016 |


½ 4.3