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[b:All the Lovely Pieces|43706711|All the Lovely Pieces|J.M. Winchester||68012195]
Fantastic Debut Thriller!
I have to say this year has been a year where I am very thankful for my kindle unlimited but this was a great read from the start. Lovely Pieces is such a faced paced thriller you can sink your teeth into and not move until it you read the last page. Talk about a compelling tale! J. M. Winchester brings us the saga of a psychotic Seattle software billionaire with exactly enough money to allow him all the room he requires to satisfy his unusual needs. I have never met a billionaire nor a psycho, but this one is scary as Hell and much too authentic. Drew is his first wife, Michael his first child. It takes Drew a while to see that the 'security and protection' Adam provides for her is based on perversity - but as soon as she finds she is pregnant that abuse intensifies and becomes unbearable. This psychological domestic thriller will leave you on the edge of your seat. I had a sense of I think I would rather date a poor man then a man with money. I also think that this book would be something that you could see on Lifetime as a made for TV movie. I will be reading more from J.M. Winchester. This was a very enjoyable book that I will be recommending to others.
b00kdarling87 | 5 weitere Rezensionen | Jan 7, 2024 |
I enjoyed this romance and I bought this at a local library sale. I voluntarily chose to review this story and I've given it a 4.5* rating. This had a bit of action in it and it was a touch suspenseful. It's not real long but made a good evening read since it getting cold outside. It has a lot to enjoy and kept the pages turning.½
NancyLuebke | 1 weitere Rezension | Dec 19, 2023 |
I received this book for free, this does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

When had his best friend started stirring these feelings of desire and yearning within him?

Third in the Wild Coast series, I think I was a little hampered by jumping in here; missing some previous relationship development between our leads Carly and Oliver. These two lead busy lives, Carly runs her own bookstore and museum and Oliver gives tours and maintains the town's historic lighthouse and with tourist season starting, their schedules get packed. The first half, these two barely spent any time together but they were constantly thinking about each other. Oliver lost his wife Alison and eldest daughter Catherine to the sea three years ago, the mystery of why they never came home after sailing has yet to be solved. Alison was Carly's friend, with the tragedy affecting them both, they grew closer to lean on another. That friendship has now had both developing romantic feelings towards each other but both Carly and Oliver are scared to admit it to one another with the fear that it could ruin their friendship.

If he wasn't careful, he was going to lose the only person besides his daughter who meant anything to him.

It's when the town hires a new head of tourism, Sebastian, that Oliver wakes up a bit and gets the nudge he needs towards stepping out of the past. Sebastian and Carly have a little flirt relationship bubbling and Oliver realizes that if he doesn't admit his feelings, he could lose his chance. Carly has pretty much just been in a holding pattern, trying to hide her feelings for Oliver but scared to rush him out of his mourning. Around midway through the book, these two realize they share the same feelings and kiss. Then they spend two days apart and then have an open (warehouse, naughty Oliver is wearing overalls with no underwear!) door scene. I can't say I really felt that sweet tension breaking emotions but if you've followed this couple through the previous two books, it might hit better for you.

It wasn't the kiss of a man afraid of losing his best friend; it was the kiss of a man prepared to fight for what he wanted.

The second half was a little more generous with time given to the leads together, it was mostly open door scenes. Even though I was new to the world and Oliver's pain of losing his wife and daughter, when answers get revealed, I found myself getting emotional during the scene. I really liked how this author wrote her characters' relationships, especially Oliver with his youngest daughter Tess. I thought they felt natural and enjoyed how they seemed to get through the tragedy of losing such important people in their lives together; I would have liked to see Carly and Tess interact more to see the bonding in their relationship.

Now he just needed to figure out a way to prove to Carly that he was all in---and hope that she was too.

Like I said, these two had a lot going on in their lives, Carly with her business, building a float for the Sealena Festival, and keeping under wraps her very lucrative side hustle and Oliver with the lighthouse, Tess, and deciding if staying in Port Serenity and remaining the guardian of the lighthouse was still for him, all while Sebastian's flirting and business dealings were pushing Oliver to open his eyes to how he really felt about Carly and decide once and for all about how he wants his future in Port Serenity to look. It was a good contemporary story but it honestly felt like Carly and Oliver spent a total of three chapters together (a chunk of that in bedroom scenes) and with that lack of time, I felt the romance genre part of this was the weakest. However, with me missing perhaps some previous relationship development, series readers might not have the same problem I did.
WhiskeyintheJar | Mar 26, 2023 |
I had stopped reading for almost 10 years because i had gotten into a reading slump and i was tired of being unsatisfied of every book i was reading. This book got me out of that slump. It has just the right amount of Spice. The story line doesn't get lost in it and you actually feel what the characters are supposed to be feeling. I absolutely love this book and think about it constantly! And it has been a good 2 years since the last time i have read it. :)
ashleymfetty | 8 weitere Rezensionen | Sep 14, 2022 |
Novels set in small towns hold great appeal to me as I grew up in a small city. Jennifer Snow's A Lot Like Forever is the third book in her Blue Moon Bay series, and after reading it, I want to go back and read the first two books, A Lot Like Love and A Lot Like Christmas.

Whitney is the hardworking head of tourism marketing for Blue Moon Bay. She has helped many small business owners, including Trent, who owns two bars in the town. Trent and Whitney have been together for seven years and are engaged to be married.

Trent is eager to make wedding plans, but Whitney keeps putting him off. Her mother has Alzheimer's and lives in an adult facility. She is not doing well. Whitney's job is an all-consuming one, and when the mayor's son is appointed as her assistant, she fears that he will take her job.

There's something else that is bothering Whitney, something she is hiding from Trent and her best friends. Trent doesn't understand why Whitney has been so distracted. He loves her, is kind and considerate to her mother, and his family adores Whitney.

Every time Trent brings up the fact that she works too hard, it pushes Whitney's buttons. All he wants is for them to get married and start a family, but every time he brings the future up, Whitney changes the subject. As a couple they seem to moving further apart.

Whitney is an independent, proud, strong woman, but as Trent says, sometimes those qualities work against her. He loves her and wants her to be able to lean on him.

Trent is kind to everyone, including Angel, the divorced mom of two teenage sons, who works in his bar. He takes her two sons under his wing, putting them on his football team and finding them work with his friend's construction company. Whitney fears he may turn to Angel for comfort.

I think many women may relate to Whitney's work situation. She needs her job and it consumes her, sometimes to the point that she neglects Trent and her friends. I also think people may relate to Whitney's reluctance to be honest with Trent. As someone who worked in marketing, I found Whitney's job interesting.

Jennifer Snow also does a wonderful job with Whitney's mom's Alzheimer's. The many families who have to deal with this horrible disease will appreciate the compassion with which the author writes about dealing with a loved one who has it.

Thanks to TLC Tours for putting me on Jennifer Snow's tour. The rest of her tour stops are here:
Instagram features:.
bookchickdi | Sep 1, 2022 |
Sarah and Wes were the couple that could be, if only they have each other a chance. Thanks to a meddling nine year old (who is brilliant!), and an inheritance that raised several eyebrows (but she sure knew what she was doing, even beyond the grave!), they may just get the chance neither is expecting.

It was my first time reading this author's work, so I didn't know what to expect, but I liked the cover and the synopsis, so I was ready for a new adventure. What I got... was that and more! It was a sweet story filled with the much adulting, heartache, and humor, and it kept my attention the whole way through. I loved Sarah's continued attempts at resisting, while focusing on all that needed doing... even when it meant trying to keep a promise to a little girl. I loved Wes in all his handy man glory, giving advice where his expertise allowed, and always looking out for the customer, sometimes to the detriment of his own pocket. His heart was broken but oh so large, and just needed the right adjustments to see all that was before him. The ending was just right, even if it looked like it was going all wrong, and it's certainly one that Contemporary Romance fans won't want to miss!

*ecopy received for review; opinions are my own
GRgenius | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Jul 31, 2022 |
Skylar is a bit conflicted. She has returned home to Port Serenity, Alaska. But, she is just unsure if this is where she wants to be. She has to deal with her family name and her father at work. Now, throw in her ex-boyfriend, Dex, and she is really confused.

Dex and Skylar have unfinished business. Dex is hiding a secret as to why he ended their romance years ago. Now, that they are back into close proximity, the sexual tension is in overload.

This novel is a bit too sweet and predictable for me. But, I loved the setting and Dex. Skylar ain’t too shabby either. She is tough as nails! It is a quick read with some great rescues and, of course, a great dog is thrown into the mix!

Need a sweet romance with a wonderful setting…THIS IS IT! Grab your copy today!

I received this novel from the publisher for a honest review.
fredreeca | May 30, 2022 |
This was a really dark thriller, and I enjoyed it quite a bit. There are some themes that might be difficult for some readers, including domestic abuse and controlling men. I have to admit I had to stop and put the book down a few times to ground myself because certain scenes were so hard to read, and so realistic. My heart went out to Drew, who just wants to protect her son, even if some doubt is thrown on her innocence. There are plenty of twists and lots of suspense in this book. It'd definitely captivating, but at times just a little too vivid for me.
LilyRoseShadowlyn | 5 weitere Rezensionen | Feb 26, 2022 |
I need to talk to someone about the ending. Haha. What a crazy story! It caught me when Kelsey goes to pick her daughter up from daycare and no one knew her or her daughter. What?! That just freaked me out. So begins a twisted tale. Even when I figured things out there were still things I didn’t know. The book obviously held my attention. What didn’t work for me was not knowing who was narrating. When an author uses multiple narrators, I don’t want to guess at who is talking. I almost gave up on the book because of that. I’m happy I kept pushing through. I read this on my Kindle but will probably listen to the audiobook, at least some of it, and edit in how the author handles the different narrators with audio.
Wulfwyn907 | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Jan 30, 2022 |
This light romance is a quick read. It’s not exactly boy meets girl—well, man meets woman because they are older—because he is the somewhat older brother of her friend, and knew her when they were kids. But now she is a successful bakery shop owner and he is a doctor working with Doctors Without Borders. He’s home for three weeks during the Christmas holidays, and they chance to meet. And the rest, as the cliche says, is history. The characters have their share of problems and then some. But it’s Christmas, so things will likely work out for the good. The chemistry between the two main protagonists is electrifying and the action moves fast. It had better—they only have three weeks to figure out if they should commit to an ongoing relationship. It’s a sweet romance, perfect for Christmastime.
Maydacat | Nov 27, 2021 |
Sarah’s grandmother has recently passed away and left her a run down B&B on the beach of Half Moon Bay. Sarah wants to sell it as is and get back to LA. But Wes, her childhood crush, talks her into fixing it up first. The more time these two spend together, the more sparks fly!

I love a book with great characters and this one is full of them. I love Sarah. She is introverted but adorable. Wes is heartbroken but strong. Then there is Marissa. She is Wes’ 9 year old daughter and she is super smart. She and Sarah connect over computers and code. Yes…you heard me correctly. She is a computer nerd and so is Sarah.

Sarah and Wes take a little while to realize they need each other…isn’t this true for most romances. The author did a fabulous job intertwining their shared love of the B&B and Marissa. When these two finally get together, you can’t help but grin!

Need an all around good romance with a great cheaters and a wonderful setting…THIS IS IT!

I received this novel from the publisher for a honest review.
fredreeca | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Sep 16, 2021 |
Housewife Chronicles has a little bit of everything - a murdered husband, mistress next door, meddling housewife neighbors, a sexy cop. Beth finds herself a suspect in her own husband's murder and is forced to enlist the help of the neighborhood ladies in clearing her name, meanwhile rebuilding her relationship with her children and finding herself in the process. Overall an entertaining read - my first by Jennifer Snow; I'll be looking for more from this author.
mel_t | Jul 21, 2021 |
A Lot Like Love by Jennifer Snow
Blue Moon Bay #1

Sweet simple story about two high school friends that meet again when Sarah returns home for her grandmother’s funeral. This time both are “free” but is it the right time for them to find a HEA together?

What I liked:
* The setting and small town vibe
* The meet-cute and reaction when Sarah and Wes realize they are face to face again fifteen years after Sarah left town.
* Marissa: 9 year old daughter of Wes although she seemed much older than the nine years she was supposed to be.
* Wes’s love of his deceased wife Kelly
* That Wes was able to move on after his football career was kaput
* Wes’s generous nature
* Sarah’s relationship with Marissa – they were two peas in a pod in many ways
* The B&B – it almost had a personality of its own
* The introduction of other characters that will play a part in the series
* That there was a happy ending

What I didn’t like:
* I didn’t feel as invested in Sarah and Wes as I would have liked to so it was hard to care about their relationship growing.
* The feeling that Sarah’s grandmother’s story was unnecessary to the contemporary romance…and it was a bit of a downer.
* Trying to figure out the purpose of Lia in the story – the frenemy.

Did I like this book? It was okay
Would I read more in this series? Maybe

Thank you to NetGalley and Entangled Publishing for the ARC – This is my honest review.

3 Stars
CathyGeha | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Jul 12, 2021 |
A Lot Going On - And Yet It All Works. This turned out to be one of two romance novels I was reading at the same time, that release about a week apart, that both featured single dads and their only children. So that was interesting as far as my own reading went, but not overly relevant to what you, the reader of my review, want to know about. :D

Here, Snow packs quite a bit into a fairly Hallmarkie romance. Which as I've noted before, there is a *massive* market for, so I totally get why she went this particular route. (Particularly when given her other creative outlets such as her satirical Housewife Chronicles books and her *dark* alter-ego JM Winchester.) We get a female coder - more common than some might have you believe, but still accurately portrayed both in real life and in this text as a male dominated field. We get an overbearing boss - which happens at all levels of coding, from the small companies our female lead works for here to the biggest companies on the planet. (I happen to currently work for a Forbes 50 company in the tech field, though to be honest my bosses are quite awesome here. :D) We get a tween girl whose dad doesn't fully understand her, who wants to do one thing - in this case, write code - and yet whose dad is pushing her to more "typical" activities. We get the small town businessman dad whose business is struggling and who has many issues of his own, both from being a former NFL star and from having his wife die several years prior to the events here. We even get a hint of a long-ago romance and long-lost love via another side story. And we get the classic Hallmarkie former high school frenemy who shows up again... and may not be all that is remembered or presented. So like I said, a LOT going on, particularly for a 300 ish page book.

And yet, in classic Hallmarkie/ Snow style, it really does all work. It is (mostly) pretty damn realistic, despite what a few other reviewers claim, including several messy moments. It hits all the notes that any romance reader will want to see, yes, including a few sex scenes - oral (both ways) and full penetration - and the requisite-for-the-genre happy ending.

A truly excellent tale and a fine way to pass some time sitting in the shade or on a lounger whiling the summer away. Very much recommended.
BookAnonJeff | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Jul 11, 2021 |
Oppressively Dark Beginning. This book is *so* dark in the first half that it almost doesn't have a choice but to lighten by at least a shade or two in the back half - and even then, that shade or two brighter is about all you ever really get. I don't want to give too much away in this review, but if you have issues such that you can't or won't read books that contain any level of domestic abuse or rape, you're going to want to skip this one. Beyond that, the front half of this book in particular screwed with my mind so much - easily one of the more powerful books on that level that I've read in quite some time. To the level that I didn't want to finish it, but knew I needed to for this review - and even then, I knew it was a 5* book *because* of what it was doing to me and its excellent editing. I honestly don't know if I'll ever read another book under this name from this author, but this one is very much recommended.
BookAnonJeff | 5 weitere Rezensionen | Jul 11, 2021 |
Solid Romance. This really has everything most people want to see in a MF romance novel. Lead characters with interesting jobs (bar owner/ search and rescue dog trainer, adventure tour operator), simple yet meaningful backstories (kid, daddy issues), hot sex, awesome scenery, several sub plots, even a hint or two of danger. All in a best friends to lovers trope series romance. If romance novels are your thing, you're going to like this one. If they're not, this is a fun one to take a chance on. Very much recommended.
BookAnonJeff | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Jul 11, 2021 |
Levi, Leslie and Dawson have been best friends since childhood. Levi has been in love with Leslie forever. Leslie fell in love with Dawson, but on the day the two were to be married, Dawson was killed in the line of duty. After that, Leslie left her hometown of Wild River, Alaska, for Los Angeles, to work security detail/bodyguard to celebrities. Leslie hopes to leave her past and painful memories behind her, including contact with best friend Levi. Levi remains in Alaska missing his best friend (and love of his life) like crazy. When Leslie’s current client, Selena (former Disney child-star and now queen of romantic comedies) picks up a dangerous stalker, Leslie heads back to her Alaskan hometown to hide the starlet away. When Levi learns Leslie is back, he wonders if he might finally get his chance with Leslie, despite the painful memories the two must overcome regarding Dawson.

This was such a thoroughly entertaining and enjoyable read. I really loved the characters in this one. Levi is one of Alaska’s elite group of wildland firefighters. I totally felt for him suffering from his unrequited love for Leslie—loving her forever, and her not returning his feelings. I liked Leslie’s occupation and thought bodyguard/security detail to the stars was an interesting profession. And Selena really made the book for me. Her character added so much to the story and provided a lot of fun. The ski-resort town of Wild River, Alaska, provided a great setting. The story was emotional, cute, fun and had some sexy love scenes. Overall, this was a wonderful read.
PaulaLT | Apr 15, 2021 |
Not bad for your typical romance book but truly small town drama. Victoria breaks up 2 weeks before her wedding because she wants the big city life. Never discusses this with Luke earlier? During the 12 years, she avoids seeing him when she visits her small hometown yet the town's gossips include their parents. Her job is to convince Luke to sell his sporting goods store. Luke buys the house they had dreams about and her mother never tells her. A couple of old ladies help put the two together for different situations. You know they will get back together but various gatherings create the tension. Usual repetition but not overly done.
kshydog | Dec 13, 2020 |
This book had a great story backing it. An overworked doctor goes back to her hometown to visit her best friend. The best friend has an all-grown-up brother. He's Search and Rescue and she's a doctor. Sounds like a nice little fluffy Christmas read. Right away, practically on the first page, there is talk of chemistry. Then we get lots of fantasizing and a day or so into her trip her friend has to leave. Then it's full-on descriptive sex and dirty talk. I hate when an author doesn't leave that for us to imagine in our own way. I skipped 6 pages hoping to get back to dealing with the characters and where their lives had taken them. No. More skipping of pages. A couple with conversation and then MORE SEX! I always try to honor an author and make it through a book to find something positive but I am wasting my time. The premise sounded great but I'm not into erotica.
whybehave2002 | 8 weitere Rezensionen | Dec 12, 2020 |
I just could not get into this book and I kept reading over and over the same paragraph.
HOTCHA | 5 weitere Rezensionen | Jul 10, 2020 |
Please note that I received this book via NetGalley. This did not affect my rating or review.

Where was my romance? Seriously. It took a good 3/4 to even get to any scenes between Tank and Cassie. This book was way too hyper focused on Cassie's business and Tank's ex. I think since Snow is setting up Tank's ex as the main heroine in the next book, she had to give her some weight here, but it ended up being about 50 percent Cassie's story I felt and 50 percent Tank's ex's story. It's a shame too since I loved the first book in the series. I thought Snow did a great job of setting up the residents of Wild River. I wish she had stayed mostly focused on Cassie and Tank. I also thought that Erica and Cassie's brother stuck out in this one (not in a good way).

"Under an Alaskan Sky" follows Cassie Reynolds and Tank Wheeler. They have been best friends for years, with a great deal of heat underneath. Cassie wants more than friendship, however, Tank is reluctant to get involved with another woman after having his heart broken by his daughter's mother, Montana Banks. Tank wants to make sure any woman he gets involved with understands his daughter is his priority. When Montana returns to Wild River to become a mother to her daughter, and to rekindle her relationship with Tank, Cassie has to decide to let things lay or fight for him.

I think I got tired of everyone telling Cassie to fight for Tank. The dude was back and forth about what he wanted. I think she should have kicked his nonsense to the curb eons ago. The whole friendship read as damaging. She had been his daughter's stand in mother for years at this point in the story and there are pictures of her all over his place. And then Tank even goes well Montana will have to get used to them. Get used to what? You two are not dating.

When these two eventually get together I was just over the whole thing. Snow focused way too much on Tank and Montana's shared past and then on Montana for my liking in this story. I felt like Cassie and Tank's romance got lost.

Also you can tell the third book will be about [redacted] and Montana. I felt annoyed since I think that Snow wanted to play it both ways. Montana was an absentee mother and does at times seem manipulative in this story, but then seems vulnerable and you want to root for her. Eh. The whole thing just felt off.

Also the rush to have Cassie's dad and mom back together was headache inducing. I think that Snow skipped over a lot in this story. We had some comments made about it in book #1, but it just felt like everything was glossed over what is a serious issue (addiction).

The writing was good, I just felt bored. The flow was off though. I think that in the last book going between Erica and Reed worked. I think it worked though because neither of them was caught up in another person from their past you know? You got why they were
attracted to each other and the sex scenes were good. This one just felt meh to me after a while.

The setting of Wild River didn't feel as special in this one either. We have the Search and Rescue people out and about, but things get drowned out a bit by Cassie having angst over a new adventure business opening up across the street from her. It reads as this very big thing that somehow was not a very big thing after a bit.

The ending was probably the least romantic thing ever. Snow included an excerpt of the next book, "A Sweet Alaskan Fall" which I am probably going to read. It's Montana's story. Montana read as more interesting to me than Cassie did in her own story so there you go.
ObsidianBlue | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Jul 1, 2020 |
Please note that I received this book via NetGalley. This did not affect my rating or review.

So the first book in the Wild River series is fantastic. I didn't know at first if I would like it, but Snow does a great job of setting up the hero and heroine. They have some obstacles to get past, but I loved them falling for each other and trying to make it work long distance. I also loved that we get a sneak peek at the couple in the next series I assume (the hero's sister and a coworker of his). I definitely plan on reading this series in the future!

"An Alaskan Christmas" follows surgeon, Erika Sheraton. Erika is driven and looking forward to starting a new drug trial that will help prevent people from rejecting organs after transplants. However, after losing another intern (she's too driven and not a people person) her father who is a head at the hospital in Anchorage tells her she is being forced to take two weeks off. Erika has no romantic relationships and really no friendships. However, she messages her childhood best friend Cassie Reynolds and asks about visiting her in their hometown of Wild River. Cassie's brother Reed though remembers Erika, and recalls her being a snobby girl who once ended up getting them lost in the woods at night Now he's older and hotter and does Search and Rescue for Wild River. The twosome ended up disliking each other again after years apart, but both feel attracted to each other.

So Erika at first is prickly, but once you find out her backstory (her mom's death and her father pulling away from her) you can see why she is the way she is. I also loved having the woman being the successful one in this relationship. Erika knows what she is doing and she's a great doctor. I liked we never questioned her competence. She starts realizing she wasn't a good friend to Cassie after moving away and tries to step in to heal that breech. And when she realizes how attracted she is to Reed, the sparks just fly. There is a secret she's keeping (no secret baby!) but I am glad it got resolved via another character.

Reed is very good at his job though he gave up going to school to become a EMT or nurse due to wanting to help his sister out with her business. He's a good guy and I liked how we get to see how attracted he is to Erika and how it quickly develops into something more. There is a scene where Reed goes and asks an older woman in Wild River about what to do if you want to show someone you care that had me laughing out loud.

The secondary characters were developed well enough to make you more interested in reading about them in future books. I can't wait to see how Cassie gets her man!

The writing was very good (Snow obviously knows Alaska, search and rescue, and about frostbite and other things). The flow worked too.

The setting of Wild River sounded great though it only has about 2,000 people.

The ending was great and we get a HEA.
ObsidianBlue | 8 weitere Rezensionen | Jul 1, 2020 |
Last One to Lie by J.M. Winchester is a recommended psychological thriller - for romance readers

After her yoga class, Kelsey Jennings goes to pick up her two-year-old daughter, Mikayla, at the child’s day-care center in Ellicott City, Md. Mikayla isn't there, there is no record of her ever being there, and no one knows a child by that name. Kelsey repeatedly calls her husband, Malcolm, but all the calls go to voicemail. Kelsey, obviously, has a complete meltdown at the day care and the police are called. Detective Paul Ryan is assigned her case and begins to investigate. He's certain that something’s up with Kelsey’s story. Along with Mikayla, Malcolm is also missing and Kelsey is suspected of being mentally ill.

All right, the very beginning of this novel will grab your attention and suck you right into the plot - before it gets ludicrous and goes off the rail. During the final scenes when we get the twisty scoop about what is really happening, I immediately recalled inconsistencies from certain parts of the story that were suddenly ridiculous and incompatible based on the new information. Also you could tell that Winchester is a romance writer under another name. The immediate attraction and sex scenes struck me as absurd and were a negative and a huge turn off for me. Why the recommendation? Because it seems that a whole lot of other readers liked it and were probably okay with all the incongruous details as long as they get the steamy, sexy attraction bits and the twisty ending (which has been done before and better.)

Disclosure: My review copy was courtesy of Thomas & Mercer.½
SheTreadsSoftly | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Jun 10, 2020 |
Cassie owns an adventure sports business in Wild River. She's been in love with Tank for years while helping him care for his 11 year old daughter, Kaia. Tank has been a single parent for nearly the entirety of Kaia's life after her mother (Montana) left both of them when she was practically a newborn. Cassie and Tank are desperately in love with one another. Cassie is ready to make their relationship official but Tank is afraid to make that leap. He hesitates because of the dangerous nature of both of their jobs. Tank owns the local bar and he's a big part of the Wild River Search and Rescue team. Both he and Cassie put their lives on the line nearly every day, and he doesn't want Kaia to grow up having lost both of her parents.

Things I liked: the Alaskan setting, the outdoor sports, the scenes involving the Search and Rescue, the secondary characters, Tank's daughter Kaia, and Diva the dog

So basically I liked the same things about this book that I liked about the previous book, An Alaskan Christmas. I think the author has done a great job in creating a setting and friend group that is interesting, and the little details (like Diva the dog!) are also great. Still, I find myself feeling fairly middle-of-the-road about the Wild River books so far.

I really like Cassie and Tank and this book has a great ending, but it is really frustrating to watch Tank's indecision about taking that leap with Cassie. For as big and tough as he is, he's straight-out afraid of having a real romantic relationship with her because he thinks the risks are just too high. There is so much back and forth in this story. I would have loved to see the romantic relationship begin early in the book so I could spend some time observing Cassie and Tank as a couple. As it stands, they spend the majority of the book in limbo.

Sidenote: Tank's ex Montana shows up early on in what I thought would be a love triangle situation. After finishing the book, though, I hesitate to call all of their drama a triangle. Montana has her reasons for being away from her daughter for 10 years, and she has reasons for showing up out of nowhere. It's a little bit strange that Montana befriends Cassie and they have a whole side-plot thing going on involving Cassie's business. I appreciate the author's ability to write Montana into the story without making her the big reason things are complicated with Cassie and Tank. I think Montana has way more page time than she really needs in this installment, but I think Montana is to be the focus of the next full-length book in this series. So I can see the reason for all of Montana's story set-up. Still, I feel like she took precious page-time away from Cassie and Tank.

Both Cassie and Tank have a close connection with Reid from the previous book in this series. Cassie is Reid's sister, Tank is Reid's best friend. Having read the first book, I was pretty familiar with both Cassie and Tank, but I think this one would also be fine as a standalone. I like the way things ended for Cassie, Tank, and Montana and I'm curious about Montana's place in Wild River. Tank's daughter Kaia and Cassie's dog Diva were my favorite things about this story.

Thank you to Harlequin publishing for sending me a free digital copy of this book via NetGalley in exchange for my thoughts in the form of a review!
Asheley | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Jun 5, 2020 |