50+ Werke 1,203 Mitglieder 44 Rezensionen


I knew I couldn’t go wrong with Lemire. Loved the paneling and flow of this story!
ThereWerePagesTurned | 12 weitere Rezensionen | Sep 18, 2024 |
What an incoherent mess of three overlapping incongruous storylines barely held together even by normally competent writers.
SESchend | 7 weitere Rezensionen | Feb 2, 2024 |
(reviewing the whole thing)
starts off pretty good with the intrigue, and lemire and sorrentino make for a good duo. the last third of the title falls off, and the ending is pretty insulting to read. feels like they ran out of time or got bored or something. would not read again - a bad ending really kills stuff for me
rottweilersmile | 12 weitere Rezensionen | Jan 12, 2024 |
Picked up in my local comic book store in a desire to expand out my Superhero reading range, and to recover some nerd credibility in that I havent seen the tv show.

This was recommended to me as a decent start to the series, and having read no others, I think it is. It starts with Oliver having his world destroyed by a mysterious figure called Komodo, who ruins his father's business and kills Oliver's closest friends. Oliver then has to go on the run, with few supporters and little money, having to go back to the basics.

Along the way, and with the "help" of a blind character called Magus, he finds out some long held family secrets, and that perhaps he's not as much on his own as he feared. He also has a new challenge - find out about the Three Dragons he keeps dreaming about.

The visuals are great (both Lemire and Sorrentino are new to me), with plenty of coloured and uncoloured pages. The dialogue is a little clunky, with some pages heavy with text, but it depends on whether you like that kind of thing or not.

On the whole, a pretty good introduction to a new character.
nordie | 4 weitere Rezensionen | Oct 14, 2023 |
Writer Jeff Lemire enjoys adding elements of the strange and uncanny in his stories, but this is his first move into outright scares. Gideon Falls is a delightfully bizarre combination of psychological thriller and cosmic horror. And as always from Lemire the writing is strong, from a fantastic opening hook to a narrative full of twists you will never see coming. Not only is the story gripping, but the art by Sorrentino plays with the medium in a way I’ve never seen before in comics, providing another layer of disorientation and immersion. It’s a perfect example of how art can compliment and even elevate a story.
Reading_Vicariously | 12 weitere Rezensionen | May 22, 2023 |
Riassunto ☆彡

# TRAMA: La leggenda del Granaio Nero narra di un edificio ultraterreno che appare e scompare a suo piacimento nel corso della storia, portando con sé morte e follia. Ora, il suo mistero intrappola e intreccia le vite di due uomini molto diversi tra loro. Uno: un giovane recluso, ossessionato dalla ricerca di indizi nascosti tra i rifiuti della città. L'altro: un prete cattolico, sulla via della redenzione dall'alcolismo e altre scelte azzardate, che cerca di trovare il suo posto in una piccola città che nasconde oscuri segreti. Inutile dire che nessuno dei due è preparato a ciò che si trova all'interno del Granaio Nero.

# INFO: Si tratta di una storia sviluppata in sei volumi, io per ora ho letto il primo (The Black Barn) e mi è piaciuto così tanto che ho ordinato subito il secondo! Lo consiglio a tutti gli amanti dell'horror e delle case (in questo caso un granaio) che compaiono e scompaiono disseminando morte e orrore. I disegni ricordano lo stile dei Dylan Dog❤, in particolare i disegni di Corrado Roi *-*

Da una parte la storia sembra andare avanti piano, ma allo stesso tempo anche super veloce: quanti morti già entro le prime pagine e i personaggi reagiscono piuttosto in fretta (per fortuna) a uno scenario in continuo cambiamento.
HelloB | 12 weitere Rezensionen | Apr 11, 2023 |
freixas | Mar 31, 2023 |
I wasn't too sure about this, and if it had been the single comics, I'd have quit. But the end of this book, it really was a big surprise so I just might have to read on...
cwebb | 12 weitere Rezensionen | Jan 30, 2023 |
2021 Summer (July);
Reread of Baby!Jean Arc

Most of these were read in a blur of summer bliss in a hammock in a backyard garden as I finally followed up on my original reads of the baby!Jean storyline that I'd gotten half into before falling out of again. I really do continue to love this storyline mostly for her.
wanderlustlover | 7 weitere Rezensionen | Dec 27, 2022 |
Read many of these issues in other collections. Hate that shit.
Brian-B | 7 weitere Rezensionen | Nov 30, 2022 |
Now to the question of whether the makers present us with a warmed-up copy. Style and flair are definitely copied by Gideon Falls, but why not if it fits the story. It doesn't bother me in the slightest, on the contrary: I'm happy to see this unusual style again. The re-chosen look fits the horror setting like the onomatopoeia fits the comic strip. Narratively, Lemire takes it slowly.

Are you a big fan of the Sorrentino and Stewart style or Gideon Falls? If so, The Passageway is most likely your next Graphic Novel!
comichaot | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Aug 31, 2022 |
Sets a Lovecraftian tone for what is to come, but isn't much fulfilling on its own.

A geologist comes to a remote island lighthouse to investigate a mysterious deep hole that has appeared in the rocky soil. He repeatedly flashes back his mother's mysterious death as he deals with the mysterious lighthouse keeper. Birds mysteriously flock around the hole. Mysterious things happen, like eyeballs popping up everywhere. Or are they?

But what's it all mean? It's a mystery.

This reminds me too much of Jeff VanderMeer's Southern Reach Trilogy, which starts cool and mysterious -- and features a lighthouse to boot -- but never ends up going anywhere. I'm very pessimistic about this getting better.
villemezbrown | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Aug 12, 2022 |
THE BONE ORCHARD MYTHOS: THE PASSAGEWAY is the start of Jeff Lemire and Andrea Sorrentino's new shared horror universe being published via Image Comics. Technically, this is the second release following a FCBD 2022 issue, titled PRELUDE: SHADOW EATER, but this is the first major release in the series.

John Reed, a geologist, is called to a remote island to investigate a mysterious, seemingly endless hole that has developed there. Once there he meets Sal, the caretaker of the lighthouse on the island. It’s pretty clear early on that something is not quite right with Sal, who has lived alone on the island for twenty-five years. John’s first night on the island is haunted by nightmares of his past, and the next day takes a turn for the worst when Sal’s true nature comes to light.

Much like PRELUDE: SHADOW EATER, the reader is not given much to go on with the story, having to fill in pieces of the story ourselves, which works to a degree. Everything happens so fast here, we aren’t given time to develop a connection to any of the characters, so it’s hard to feel concern for John, or really question what’s going on with Sal. I think if this OGN had been a little longer and we were given time to connect with these characters, the story would have resonated better.

Sorrentino’s art carries most of the story here, and is appropriately creepy AF. You really get a sense of the isolation being on this island would give you, and the horror imagery is really well done.

Overall, a good start to this concept. THE BONE ORCHARD MYTHOS will be continued later this year with a 5-issue miniseries called TEN THOUSAND BLACK FEATHERS, followed by another OGN, TENEMENT, in early 2023.

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tapestry100 | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Jul 5, 2022 |
Although it is book 1 but it has a definite horror element. The only drawback was that the plot felt like a silent movie. I had only pictures to understand the whole matter. It would have been excellent if it had some dialogues. I would love to give the book 4 stars. Awaiting eagerly for the second book.
Sucharita1986 | 3 weitere Rezensionen | May 23, 2022 |
Fantastico, finalmente una graphic Novel in grado di tenermi incollato alle pagine da copertina copertina. I personaggi sono originali, la storia avvincente e, anche se un po’ prevedibile, decisamente originale. Unica nota negativa i disegni non mi hanno particolarmente impressionato: a volte hanno una espressività quasi fotografica e altre volte sono appena abbozzati ma l’uso dei colori ha un effetto particolarmente impattante.
louchobi | 12 weitere Rezensionen | May 12, 2022 |
Gorgeous art. So much slaughtering.

Jonesy_now | 5 weitere Rezensionen | Sep 24, 2021 |
The art is beautiful at times, but the story disappoints. It was all tension and buildup to... a confusing third act that led nowhere.

Don't get me wrong. The story has a lot of promise and there's a sense of underlying menace running throughout. However, it doesn't really go anywhere with it, not yet anyway. Perhaps in the second volume? I'll give it a shot but not holding my breath.
bdgamer | 12 weitere Rezensionen | Sep 10, 2021 |
A comic shop coworker turned me on to Jeff Lemire's work. I'll be honest, I'd been resisting him for two reasons.

The first is (and I'll fully admit to the stupidity of this) I've seen the artwork for his Sweet Tooth series and hated it. I know absolutely nothing about that series, but the art just turned me off.

The second is the book he did with Gord Downie, late singer of The Tragically Hip. Here, I fully admit to being a shitty Canadian (I don't drink beer, I don't like snow, I despise anything to do with hockey, and three of my least favourite Canadian musicians/bands are Leonard Cohen, Neil Young, and The Tragically Hip. So, once again, that means I avoid Lemire.

But my coworker was quite insistent, so I picked up Lemire's Descender series and, while it didn't blow me away, it was entertaining.

Which is a tortuously long way of bringing me around to this series. Now, this is a series I'd actually had my eye on for a while, but we never seemed to have the first volume in stock. When I was finally able to get my hands on the first three volumes, I decided to wade in.

I'm so glad I did. I think I finally get what all the stink is about when it comes to Lemire. He takes his time with the story, quietly and unexpectedly dropping little bombs along the way, knowing exactly where the story may sag a bit, and blowing things up with interesting little clues or revelations.

And the art. Okay, can we just step back for a moment and admire Andrea Sorrentino's magnificent art for a moment? He's fucking incredible. Once again, his art comes on in a very understated way (but occasionally, he'll flip a panel 90 degrees, or 180 degrees, just to show the reader that things are not right here). But as the series carries on, his art becomes more abstract on occasion, deftly providing a visual equivalent to Lemire's words about this mad world. Hell, he almost gets Ditko on us in spots, and I love it.

So, while this first volume only sets up more and more questions, answering none, I am all in for this ride.
TobinElliott | 12 weitere Rezensionen | Sep 3, 2021 |
Series Info/Source: This is the first volume in the Gideon falls series. I believe there are six volumes in this series. I got this as a birthday gift.

Thoughts: I really enjoyed the first volume of this series. The illustration is done in a dark and sketchy style that fits the tone of the book perfectly. Some of the frames are laid out in a very creative way making this a truly artistic masterpiece of a graphic novel. You can tell a lot of thought went into how the illustrations and panels are presented and I really appreciated and enjoyed that aspect.

The story is dark and eerie and I love the strange psychological elements to it. Basically, you have two different men (and at the end other people too) who are drawn to this strange black barn in the town of Gideon Falls. The story explores madness, death, evil and is truly mind-bending and strangely compelling. I can’t help but get flashbacks to the Locke and Key series; they are very different stories but similar in tone.

Despite the different POVs and the jumping around, the story is cohesive and easy to follow. There is an eerie mystery here that really makes you think. The characters are all kind of disastrous people but still strangely engaging.

My Summary (5/5): Overall I thoroughly enjoyed this graphic novel and definitely plan on continuing the series. The artwork and story are so thoughtfully put together and the story is darkly compelling. I am dying to know what happens next and eager to see how far down this evil rabbit hole our characters end up falling. This is so creepy, but in a good mentally challenging way!
krau0098 | 12 weitere Rezensionen | Aug 24, 2021 |
Four stars for the Spiderman, sorry, Spider-man story. Great artwork, amusing story. I'll definitely be follow this one on.

Hate the artwork in the Secret Empire starter, if the rest of the series is like this I won't be reading any further. I think I can see what they were going for but I could barely recognise characters I've been following (however loosely) for decades. I'll pick up what happened in the wiki pages. 2 stars, and that's being generous.
Lillian_Francis | 1 weitere Rezension | Jul 26, 2021 |
CrimsonWurm | 5 weitere Rezensionen | Apr 11, 2021 |
Wolverine: Old Man Logan
Volume 1
Author: Jeff Lemire, Andrea Sorrentino
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Publishing Date: 2018
Pgs: 115
Disposition: Hoopla eBook via Irving Public Library - South Campus - Irving, TX

Beyond the Heroes’ Fall, Wolverine still lives. Old Man Logan has survived the slaughter of his family by the Hillbilly Hulks and the murder of his one remaining friend from the old days, Hawkeye. But something has changed. Logan awakens in the present world of the Marvel Universe, still an old man. The Fall hasn’t happened yet. The Wasteland exists only in his memory. He can change it. He makes a hit list that would change his future and keep it from coming to be. Only the Hulk that he encounters first isn’t the Hulk that he’s looking for. The Hawkeye who he goes to for help, isn’t the Hawkeye that he knows. And then, he encounters Old Man Rogers.
Marvel Comics

Why this book:
Because the original OML series within the Wolverine book was freaking awesome.
The Feel:
It’s a Western, like OML was, only with a Terminator dropped on top of it.

Favorite Character:
Always OML. He’s Clint Eastwood from the Sergio Leone classics with claws.

Least Favorite Character:
Banner. It’s obvious that the Gamma finally drove him crazy, but not enough is said about that. He went hillbilly into the caves and took his cousin as his bride. And Banner would see that as logic? It disrespects the Hulk. Though the Hulk as being currently presented, Devil Hulk, I could totally see that guy evolving into incestuous, gang leader Hulk. Most of Banner’s other personalities would be disgusted by him.

Favorite Scene:
Naked, time travelling, old man popping into the street, in public, very, very naked.

Cap leading Logan to Logan’s own tomb. Showing him in no uncertain terms that this isn’t his world. ...even though later on in comics, young Wolverine will be alive again. … ...younger Wolverine. :/

The Sentinel crying for Wolverine not to hurt it would be a mind f’er.

Favorite Concept:
Naked, shot Logan running from the cops in New York City. Old man, you need some clothes.

Logan named his son Scott. I’m not crying, you’re crying.

Hmm Moments:
Not his Hulk, not his Hawkeye...maybe it’s dawning on him that this isn’t his world. Maybe?
Last Page Sound:
The denouement flashback/reprint of OML’s last showdown with the Hulk gang. Woof.

Questions I’m Left With:
Have we ever gotten Wolverine and Hawkeye friendship beyond the OML alternate history/alternate world?

Author Assessment:
I’m in on more OML.

Editorial Assessment:
Didn’t necessarily need the flashback/reprint to the final showdown with Banner and his Hillbilly Hulk Gang. Would’ve been a strong finish with just him and with Storm, Iceman, and the Sentinel and Storm asking if it’s really him.
texascheeseman | 5 weitere Rezensionen | Mar 4, 2021 |
Four stars for the Spiderman, sorry, Spider-man story. Great artwork, amusing story. I'll definitely be follow this one on.

Hate the artwork in the Secret Empire starter, if the rest of the series is like this I won't be reading any further. I think I can see what they were going for but I could barely recognise characters I've been following (however loosely) for decades. I'll pick up what happened in the wiki pages. 2 stars, and that's being generous.
Lillian_Francis | 1 weitere Rezension | Feb 24, 2021 |
Hated issue 37. It's got a great cover but the inside has nothing to do with it. It's Jean Grey and Emma Frost training by fighting The Blob. *snore* And the artwork is awful. Wishy-washy, almost watercolour in style and angry looking.
Much of this GN is also covered in The Black Vortex.
But the last few issues are great, especially finally getting Bobby coming out to himself. And they were some great panels.
So of what I read in this, the beginning was awful and the end was great.
I'm considering going back to read the tie in run of Uncanny X-Men before moving on with the second part of this run.
Lillian_Francis | 7 weitere Rezensionen | Feb 24, 2021 |
2.5 but chose 3 because there was some good parts.

This volume was ok. It had some good and some stuff that I didn't like. We still don't know why the Original X-men can't go back to there own timeline and I wonder how it's gonna get resolves. Guess I need to continue reading on in the New Series. I almost wonder if I'm gonna be satisfied with the answer because I think the Original X-Men had to of done too much damage in the present.

I don't know if Beast will ever pay for the things he has done, but I hope so. It's crazy all the things he has done but he still whines that Cyclops is "evil"

The Bobby reveal came out of left field and I think they could of had chosen another character in the X-Men universe to change and I can think of a few characters who I think would fit how they changed Original Bobby. I also hate how it was Jean who revealed it and now something that was shown naturally.
payday1999 | 7 weitere Rezensionen | Dec 8, 2020 |